I was / am still hunting for more components as per my previous deal.. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/379737 another scorcher I think.. decent reviews and not a price error as I've just …
was looking around for some deals on x370 boards for multi gpu setups and some high performance RAM. Came across this deal @ PLE.. Bought it today. Its a great price for a high end X370 board, PCCG …
"Missed" the last deal, as it wasnt ozb enough for me. $248 for this console w/ the ebgames testing and policy, was deal enough for me to purchase. Its a deal in my book as its the …
Was looking at the seagate NAS deal recently and came across this. 5900rpm 5TB external. prices starting @ 200 http://www.staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=Seagate+Exp... Will do the job for …