Looking for a trumpet for casual use (used to play around 20 years ago to low intermediate level) but can't justify paying a lot. Trying to avoid the cheap and nasty Chinese options. Most …
Hi there I'm looking for a compact and lightweight drill/driver for general tasks around the home. Probably looking at 12V given generally lighter than 18V models. Appreciate any suggestions …
Hi there Looking for a new iPod Nano to replace my 10 year old Nano which has just bitten the dust. Mostly advertised for ~$218, but wondering whether anyone has any cheaper …
Hi there, Wondering whether anyone can please recommend a 5 Port Gigabit Switch? I currently plug and unplug my ethernet cables when using the various devices in my lounge room, and I'm …
Hi there, I'm after another internal HDD to use with my HDD dock for backups. Considering either WD Green, or perhaps one of the Seagate NAS drives, which I could end up using in a NAS at a …
Hi there, Looking for a good deal on an Alienware Alpha i3 (currently $799 at Dell). Pretty much limited to buying from Dell (?), but price doesn’t seem to be moving at the moment, unless there …