5 Port Gigabit Switch

Hi there,

Wondering whether anyone can please recommend a 5 Port Gigabit Switch?

I currently plug and unplug my ethernet cables when using the various devices in my lounge room, and I'm looking for a switch so I can avoid this.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.




  • -1

    You could get a relatively cheap router with the ports inbuilt… however I've been using one of these for years and haven't had to reboot it once in that time. Many terabytes transferred at full NIC speed concurrently. Also has lifetime warranty.


    There are threads all over Whirlpool that carry the same recommendation.

    I have no idea how relevant it is in the price market nowadays, but I recommend you get something decent. There's no point in buying trash which locks up or doesn't perform well (basically all Belkin, D-Link, TP-Junk or Netgear stuff falls into this category)

  • +1

    Meh, my TP-Link SG108 8-port has been working perfectly since day 1. Not much in there except a chip which either works or not. And I have an active LAN, used to have lots of wired hosts but more WiFi hosts now.

  • One of these from your local pc shop $19 or so. https://www.ple.com.au/ViewItem.aspx?InventoryItemId=601187

    I have this and the 8 port version for over 2 years now, never a problem.

  • I have a Cisco catalyst 2960c 8+2 port that I got cheap second hand. Lifetime warranty.

  • +1

    I use a tplink 5 port switch. 5 years old and on 24/7 - never stopped, never any problems

    From memory, around $35

  • There's this D-Link 5 Port Gigabit Switch DGS-1005A for $29.97 from OW

    You could price match it with the cheapest from here:

  • Thanks for all of the suggestions.

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