Sam J » user profile

Member Since 17/04/2014
Last Seen 26/06/2024
Location Sydney

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Thanks mate. Highly appreciate your detailed response.
28/12/2023 - 09:19
I manage the business, but don't handle kitchen side. The other staff are confident that the unopened ones should be fine. But I thought I…
27/12/2023 - 13:46
We had long life packs of full cream milk, soy milk, and oat milk in the fridge at my business. Someone accidentally switched off the…
27/12/2023 - 10:33
Well you haven't seen me play. The ball goes above the neck level even after bouncing 😁 That's a pretty good idea.
26/06/2023 - 08:40
Hahaha. I would like to think I am not poor.
26/06/2023 - 08:35
Nice. But the room ceiling is about 2.4m only. Won't get the effect.
26/06/2023 - 08:35
Our new house has an extra living room. We are thinking how best to use it? We thought about a pool table, but I am not much into it. And…
25/06/2023 - 23:33
It did. Not sure why it wasn’t working. One thing that I changed was I got the voucher code from service NSW app instead of logging in…
06/06/2021 - 15:21
I am getting error while submitting the voucher number. Did it work smoothly for everyone?
20/05/2021 - 17:16
Thanks mate. My one does have sensors.
07/09/2020 - 19:43
My car was parked next to a high rise and an empty laundry basket came flying on my windscreen. It has made couple of small dots on the…
07/09/2020 - 11:36
Yes. He can send USD or EUR whichever is better for me to my AUD account. Haven’t checked CurrencyFair/Transferwise yet.
30/06/2019 - 14:09
My mate is sending A$30k from Europe. He's got USD and EUR bank accounts. I am concerned if he sends funds to my bank account, CBA might…
30/06/2019 - 09:17
My plan has free calling all over Australia. Am I correct in assuming Woolworths mobile won’t charge me anything for calls which get…
22/11/2018 - 17:36
I am off to India next month. Woolworths mobile doesn't offer roaming services. I wish to keep my AU number active so I can receive work…
21/11/2018 - 23:17
I did it myself too. Send a pic of your remote. I might be able to do it for you for $50.
09/11/2018 - 22:35
I have 2 of these twin basket things:…
23/10/2018 - 23:01
Hi. This might sound like a silly question but I am a novice when it comes to electrical related matters. I have put up a market stall in…
23/10/2018 - 22:43
Thanks a ton guys. You all are saviours. As suggested, I’ll ask for 15Amp connection. If I don’t get it, search for a good deal on…
15/08/2018 - 18:19
Sam J posted a forum topic 15amp Plug and 10amp Socket
I have a deep fryer which has got 15Amp plug. I am putting up a stall which provides a 10Amp of power. How do I enable my deep fryer to…
15/08/2018 - 08:50
Awesome mate. Didn’t accept the code, removed rewards card number, re-entered code, $10 deducted from the purchase, paid by gift card =…
19/04/2018 - 08:52
Am I the only one to think that Blue is a bit far and Red can turn first. Depending on the speed of Blue, it could be Red > Blue > Green.
03/12/2017 - 07:53
Your Free Rides Week starts tomorrow! You will receive a free $20 ride every day from 21 - 27 August 2017. Ride credits are automatically…
21/08/2017 - 17:21
Nope. Haven't received anything. I was planning to catch uber to work this morning.
21/08/2017 - 06:35
That's a very smart idea. I am tempted to try it. Hold on. My name is Sam. Thanks mum-dad.
14/08/2017 - 08:47
[@jobs85](/comment/4600684/redir): public liability is a must. What if something goes wrong in the machine and the wire blows up or some…
13/04/2017 - 08:25
Did I hear pay rises??? Do contractors get one?
11/02/2017 - 08:19
Anybody has any experience with Insurance Box?
16/12/2016 - 09:08
If you wouldn't have given way you could have been fined for not giving way to an emergency vehicle.
15/12/2016 - 08:36