My car was parked next to a high rise and an empty laundry basket came flying on my windscreen. It has made couple of small dots on the windscreen and a scratch on the bonnet. I immediately looked up but couldn't find anyone on the balconies. There was a CCTV in front which would have captured the hit to the car but it wasn't facing up, so can't find out which apartment it came from. Do you think it would be covered on strata insurance, even if the culprit can't be found?
I have Comprehensive insurance with Bingle with optional Windscreen and Window Glass cover added. I would like to know how the windscreen claim work? If I proceed with the claim, would there be an excess? Will it increase my insurance premium for next year?
Some have free windscreen replacement included in their policies that doesn't effect the premium, i think just read the policy info.
Else get it replaced without chasing insurance, from memory chip fixes are ~$90-100 and $250-$350 for a new windscreen if required.