Unopened Full Cream, Soy & Oat Long Life Milk in & out & in The Fridge

We had long life packs of full cream milk, soy milk, and oat milk in the fridge at my business. Someone accidentally switched off the fridge while leaving for the weekend.

Since they are long life, they don't need refrigeration, however, we still keep them in the fridge. Now those unopened packs are refrigerated, then brought back to room temperature, then refrigerated again.

Can we still use these milk packs?


  • +2

    Sniff and taste test would be your best bet but in all probabilities it will be fine if they weren’t open

  • +7

    If UHT milk and unopened you're fine.

  • +4

    Long life is good if unopened, but any open milk then down the drain.

    I would also do a good clean of the inside of the fridge while it is relatively empty.

  • If it's unopened why would it be bad? What do you do at your job where you don't already know this..

    • Phlebotomists and medical lab. (other stuff went off. Doh!)

    • I manage the business, but don't handle kitchen side. The other staff are confident that the unopened ones should be fine. But I thought I will better ask people if anyone with more knowledge than me can confirm.

      • I would hope you could trust your kitchen staff to know what is okay for human consumption and food safety standards.

  • +1

    Best is to give it a nice sniff, if you still feel sus, get a stick and see if the liquid isn't curdled.

    If it's unopened, such as the long life milk, should be ok.

    If it's the cream, make sure the fat hasn't separated as it will look obviously curdled. Mix it up, if it's smooth, you're fine.

    But it's a business, keep in mind you have to throw the cream out even though it's unopened because there is a 4 hour rule when cold items are kept outside the fridge. Even eggs if kept in the fridge.

    Up to you as a business manager to give it to your employees or yourself to take home for personal consumption.

    How I know? I have a food supervisor certificate, last thing you want is your customers or clients getting sick.

    Your food supervisor and food handlers should know this, if not, send them back for a refresher training.

    • Thanks mate. Highly appreciate your detailed response.

  • +1

    Follow storage/after opening destructions, and or email the Manufacturer or supplier.

    Not a Milk/UHT expert, but we have had them in and out of the fridge, no worries…..yet.

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