David 1969 » posts

Worksafe - Is Unpaid Work Still Covered?

If a workplace has regular 'safety/training activities' along with the enticement of free food for all that attend; are ALL attendees covered by Workcover, or only those employees who are …

Bose Australia

Bose Discount Code for A30 Aviation Headset?

Hey bargain hunters! I'm looking at getting a new ANC headset, as I'm learning to fly and Bose have the best ones on the market, comfortable and very effective; but sadly they don't …

Initial Interview on Zoom/MS Team Meeting

Hi, So I've gotten through to the second round and having an 'initial' interview on zoom/MSteam meeting. Been told to expect 2/3 questions…… A) I've never done this …

Help: Dual Boot Laptop Now Only Shows Windows

So my Lenovo gaming laptop was originally set-up with 2 petitions, one with Linux, the other Windows 10. I mainly use Linux, however a couple of things I needed to do within a windows environment. …

Help with Alexa Alarm Turning off

So, I'm a lazy sh#t and decided that putting a $19 Alexa dot in the far corner of my bedroom with alarms was a smart move to for me to get out of bed and turn her annoying sound off; my phone …

Advice with Adding Tyre Ballast to Tractor

Hi, I'm relatively new to farming and owning a tractor. Does anyone have experience/recommendations in adding water ballast in the rear tyres to help with lifting & better …

Vivo Y12 Battery Fault

Hi, has anyone had poor battery performance with a Vivo Y12 mobile? I purchased 2 of them late last year for my parents, and considering they ONLY use them for phone calls, they now barely get a …

nbn Fixed Wireless Connection Relocation

I've got 2 buildings on our farm, an older one (with the NBN antenna and hardware), and a newer one where most of the internet is used. We currently have a wireless system sending the internet, …


Ubuntu dual monitor issue *Help*

Hi; Any Linux gurus able to help? I recently upgraded my ubuntu (Linux) from 12.04 LTS to the new 14.04LTS. Everything was fine with the old version, but the new version doesnt like my dual …

DC-AC Inverter

Hiya; I have a 24VDC battery setup with solar panels in my shed (was cheaper & easier than getting 240v run from the house). The inverter I have doesnt have an 'earth' as such, only a …