Hi guys,
Got this in a Big W email. Thought it was a great price. OzGameShop has it for $61 online but this can be picked up on release day.
Release date is 12/10/12. Deal ends October 7.
Received a newsletter from Dungeon Crawl regarding the very much anticipated basketball game 2K13 which costs $53.95 with free shipping.
Worth a mention, this is a
As per title, looks like Catch of the Day are clearing more GAME excess stock. They have listed various games both new and pre-owned, as well as XBOX 360 consoles.
Some notable examples:
Some Bomb Deals.. Hope these are worth a look!
Diablo 3 - $48.48 + $4.95 post
PS3 Saints Row The Third - $24.79 + $2.50 post
360 Saints Row The Third - $24.79 + $2.50 post
The game is Asia Region 3 / NTSC-J, support full English language, work on worldwide PS3/X360.
http://mariio128.com/borderlands-2-ps3-as.html PS3 US$51.99
Game is still $80 in stores so this seemed like a bargain imo.
Xbox Edition:
Mega Monday Deal for those waiting to get L.A Noire: Complete Edition
360: http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/xbox-360/l.a.-noire-the-complete-edition/10569012.html
Gamestation.co.uk is selling brand new copies of Spec Ops: The Line for £17.99 for Xbox and PS3 versions. Add shipping for another £2.95 and checkout price is £20.94 which is about $30.65 AUD.
Just saw on Catch of the Day a vast array of video-games for $10 each.
Most notable:
Fear 3:
Kane & Lynch 2: