Ni No Kuni for PS3 - Approx $37 delivered. On sale for 24 hours or until it sells out.
WOWHD has 20% off all games until the 30th of April
Highlights include
God of War Ascension (Ps3)- $29.56
Tomb Raider (360) - $29.56
Darksiders 2 - $14/$15/$20 (360/ps3/wiiu)
Soul Calibur V Collector's Edition on PS3 is going for just $10 in our Daily Deals! That's a massive 92% off! Sign up to our newsletters for more insane deals from Mighty Ape.
Zavvi have Dirt 3 for a good price , approx $16 Delivered to Australia
[PS3 $16](
Zavvi's weekend price drops includes Devil May Cry for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 for around $34 delivered. I've been waiting for this to drop for a while now.
Cheapest I have seen the Collectors Edition at $110 delivered, was $130 a couple of hours ago. I've been eyeing this up for a while and waiting on a cheaper price before it sells out.
Part of the 'Egg Hunt' Easter sale on the [PS Store](!/en-au/egg-hunt/cid=STORE-MSF75508-EGGHUNTAU) which has new items every 48hours (thanks [beakeroo](htt
Part of the 'Egg Hunt' Easter sale on the [PS Store](!/en-au/egg-hunt/cid=STORE-MSF75508-EGGHUNTAU) which has new items every 48hours (thanks [beakeroo](htt