Dear Fellas We are glad to get some specials on our products, all our specials products are in stock and most of them are available for back-order if sell out. Normally back-orders will be 3-5 days …
Samsung 850 Pro 256GB for ~$176 delivered after applying code ($219.90 before code). Cheapest local stock I think. There is another seller as well where the price starts at $212.00, bringing it down …
For the absolute speed freaks out there that must have the fastest SSD from Samsung, this is slightly cheaper than previous deal posted from Amazon. Note to take away from the Shopping Express deal …
Hi, I've been keeping an eye on the prices for this to buy and it is now the lowest it has ever been on Amazon according to The …
Back down to the lowest for Samsung's Pro series SSD. AUD price is Amazon pricing you will get better rates if you let the credit card convert itself. Using a 28 degrees or BankWest CC will save …
Hi, Seeing that the previous SSD post was popular, I thought it would be a good idea to compile a couple of good SSD deals! All prices are in AUD and include delivery. Crucial BX100 1TB for …
I've been searching for SSD and until yesterday they were selling the same thing for $349.99 USD + shipping but today when I checked it's down to $289.99 USD + shipping. I think this is …
Samsung joins the SSD party today. New best price delivered on all models + a huge price difference against our local competitors on high capacity SATA & mSATA SSDs. USE coupon code: …