This has been on a sliding discount over the last few weeks. I believe it might have been around the $20 mark initially; a bargain @ $5. I nice little inflatable boat with oars and pump to mess around in the pool/beach/lake. Possibly @ other Coles stores. At least 12 left @ Burwood VIC.
$5 Bestway Hydro Force Inflatable Boat - Coles Burwood VIC

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According to the product was advertised in a Coles Superstores catalogue in Jan. Credit to tonester who noted the Superstores as being in the following locations -
VIC - Brimbank, Burwood One, Eden Rise, Roxburgh Park, Taylors Hill
QLD - Aspley
ACT - GungahlinTahiti, here I come.
I bet the people who bought this for $10 a week ago now feel rather deflated
Thanks for the OP for leaking details of this bargainI have a 30hp Mercury outboard. However it is about 4 years old. Still runs perfectly and the pull start gets it going on the first go. I maintain it myself and it is a great, reliable motor. However since having upgraded to a 75hp Mercury, I have the 30hp sitting around doing nothing atm. How will that go if I was to put it on the back of this inflatable raft? Im thinking of getting a boat pen for it as well so I dont have to find the room to store it at home as my backyard is not all that big.
cool story bro!
tell it again
Come on now people, it wasnt that bad.
I love it!
neg me all you want guys,
Doesn't change the facts one little bit. I just feel that the country I love is going to dogs with open borders, whether you agree or not.
Dont worry mate. In a few months time Tony Abbott will be standing off Ashmore Reef in his dick bathers with a bazooka to ward all the brown people away. You can go home and sleep the quiet sleep of the saved. Im sure he's not the sort of bloke to talk out of his arse.
Tony Abbott will be standing off Ashmore Reef in his dick bathers with a bazooka…
Argh, thank you for that mental image…please don't tell us "bazooka" is a euphemism either! :/
I don't care about brown or any other color for that matter.
Illegal entry / economic refugees should be stopped.
Ps: here I am trying to save every last penny that I can find and here's the Bloody govt wasting all the money in taxes because they can't protect a border.
I am totally with you in this comment. So the +1. But I negged you in your first comment because I am totally against the way you worded that as it's generalising your point and offending most of the great people from the same place.
Don't you agree that there are some worst people in here as well. Given the opportunity they too will do much worst. Don't generalise and consider all same. What we have to make sure is that we fix the holes in our system so that those who look to misuse them can be stopped.
I too look brown and now I call this country my home. I love this country and that's why I left my job in US with better future and moved here with my family. Same as you I am paying huge Tax and don't want those opportunistic politicians to spread that money among financial refugees who look for free money.
Saying that, I won't stand with the racist comments either. You should understand that it's our own politicians who announced the world that we are against the countries who fight terrorism by following US agenda. That's when the criminals get the message conveyed to them. They think Australia welcomes them. No matter what we think in here, those human traffickers will reiterate those messages in the places where they earn their money and find enough people.
So at the end who's fault is that. As long as we have a big hole in our system there will be people who are willing to make use of them. Why not ask our politicians to bring their act together and stop this BS.
Don't care so much about the negs, it's just interesting to see what people think.
If it helps frame my comment , I am a person of colour who migrated here legally (Skilled Migration), after waiting years to go through the correct processes.
I work hard long hours, sacrifice family time and quality of life to get ahead and see all my taxes being wasted by the govt in supporting illegals who come here with the express intent of sucking up on the benefits without ever adding to the pot.
I won't stand with the racist comments either.
I still disagree that any part of my comment was in anyway racist. It's just an UNDENIABLE fact that most of the economic refugees to the country come from Indonesia / Srilanka. So the reference to the boat is in that context, nothing racist about it, unless you see the comment with coloured glasses.
So at the end who's fault is that. As long as we have a big hole in our system there will be people who are willing to make use of them. Why not ask our politicians to bring their act together and stop this BS.
And the Sad thing is the problem was fixed by John Howard last time, Its this labour government(Rudd / Gillard) that weakened the border controls and caused this mess.
I still disagree that any part of my comment was in anyway racist.
Agreed. At the risk of weighing in on a debate that is pretty well off topic already, I saw nothing whatsoever racist in your comment. I LOL'd at the first joke!
As one of my Chinese workmates said when he heard the news about the GeraldtonGate fiasco, "Thanks a lot Julia, that's another big f..k you to those of us that paid top dollar, worked hard & endured the IMMI bureaucracy to come in the front door!
…I can't disagree either. :/
Bugger, I meant to neg that but I povved it instead.
you can report to the mods and have the neg reinstated ;-)
Pretty sad really.
We are a wealthy nation yet we show no compassion for those who are forced to leave their countries/homes because of the actions/decisions of our government.E.g. Turkey, a developing country, has over 700,000 refugees (UNHCR figures) in its borders. Yet we complain when 20 people are given a chance to be given refugee status in our country.
Mate I understand what you try to say, still I know as a fact that those who come here in boats are not the once who really deserve it. These are the people who can pay big money to get on the boats. As a person who lived in those places I know that they can live a good life with that sort of money and the place is very safe now. However they all think that once they come here they get much more luxury and free money for their life. So they take the chance.
If we really want to help with our wealth we should go to those places and pick the people. Those who really struggle don't even know that there is such a way they can find refuge in here. Even if they know they can not afford for that. Mostly people who have money, connections with so called humanitarian NGO's, have contact with human rights lawyers are getting on boats to come here.
I personally experienced this when I went with lots of Aid items (funded by my own finances and from my friends and relatives) during Tsunami times. I was almost robbed. Luckily I had a very good friend who told me the story of those who pretended who are affected and forcing us to help them are not really affected at all. Those who really affected couldn't even been seen on roads or in big places where all the donations were happening. They were gone unseen and mourning for their lost ones. They really didn't bother asking or looking for any thing.
It's same in war. I personally went my self into war affected areas and picked 4 kids from both sides and offering monthly expenses for their education for past 4+ years now. I did the same through World famous NGO for more than 4 years being in US. But later I realised how biased that was and the students were not really deserving. That's when I changed my mind and went on my own to help people who really deserve for it. Those who can not bother much can help through 3rd parties and help making those NGO's rich. I can only laugh when some TV channels and certain politicians from greens cry publicly for those criminals.
Sorry for the long comment and in the wrong place. This is not the forum to discuss this. This is just a post on a deal which we are all after in OZB. :D
We are a wealthy nation yet we show no compassion for those who are forced to leave their countries/homes because of the actions/decisions of our government.
That is the most BS line I have ever heard, so now AUSTRALIA is responsible for problems in Srilanka , Pakistan , Iran and Afghanistan.
Grow up, don't just peddle getup's lines , do some research yourself.
How about: we're a wealthy nation with $5 boats, and leave it at that?
ha ha ha Good one ;-)
Leaving it now…
be warned, with past experience of these cheap inflatables they may end up going down on you.
I've had that too. You just have to be careful with how rough you are when you enter them
This is true but it's a whole lot of boat for $5.
The cheapest boat you'll ever have is the boat that you pay for.
That explains why it comes with a pump.
"steviee 31 min ago
be warned, with past experience of these cheap inflatables they may end up going down on you."Its a raft, not a blow up sex doll
everyone is entitled to their 'Hobbies'…hahaha
LOL , Quote of the day
It has a picture of a nice girl on the box. And on one side of the package it has words printed as "Inflate your Fun". :D
May be he is right. I think I should open the box and see what's inside before I take it home and show it to my wife tonight.
you ruined the joke
not much is funnier to me, than a raft of people going out on the water, and a raft of people rushing back to land because its sprung a leak somewhere haha
that said, id totally get this to do a lonely island cover video lol
Mother's Day is coming up, I've got an idea…
Mother's Day is coming up, I've got an idea…
hey it's mother's day not Mother in Law's day
FYI. Nothing left in Burwood Coles anymore. All gone. I picked the last one up. Not sure if they have anything in the back to refill the isle. Nothing left on the isle though.
they're $14 in ACT
never saw anyone selling in local coles. sad