Found this today at $1 each. Light sensor turns the light on when its dark, no on/off switch though.
Its only $1, do whatever you want with it.
$1 Stainless Steel Solar Light. Coles Edwardstown SA

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do whatever you want with it.
Where the sun don't shine?
$1 at kuralta park too. maybe 30 left, you can find them in aisle 3 gardening section and on the special end back on aisle 1&2.
Thanks for this, just went out and bought a bunch.
i strongly advise get $20-30 each (much bigger brighter taller type, at bunning), this is just like throwing 1 dollar coins into your garden…. after a month they will be gone….
We have about 15 black plastic solar lights that the previous owners of our house left behind that I assume are of the very cheap variety (because a] the previous owners are cheap & dodgy and b] if they were worth anything the previous owners would have taken them when they left because they are cheap & dodgy) and except for 1 that has a broken stake, they are still going strong a year and a half later, plus the time the previous owners had them as well. These stainless steel types look a lot nicer than ours, I would spend the $1 each :)
Good to mark the guy ropes on tents when camping.