Great spec'ed tablet for the price IMO.
You must apply the coupon code to get the 6% off which brings it down to around $93 shipped.
I really don't need another tablet but am considering an impulse purchase if I'm feeling generous enough on myself.
7" Ainol Novo 7 Crystal Quad Core Android 4.1 Tablet PC 8GB 1GB RAM WIFI Camera - $93~ BiC

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Just the type of flash memory it uses. NAND refers to the logic gates that are used in the chip.
thank you for the info. i wasn't familiar with nand at all.
i was thinking of buying a 16gb nexus 7 until i saw this lol
Yes, it is a great time to purchase a tablet. A powerful quad-core and gpu for under $100 is fantastic value.
Does anyone know of an Android app that can be used to move blocks of text around the screen?
Display the following info on the screen
Group 1: Aa Bb Cc Dd
Group 2: Ee Ff Gg HhI want to then easily move the elements around.
Group 1: Aa Ff Gg Dd
Group 2: Bb Cc Ee Hhetc etc
Shouldn't this be directed to the forums?
Somewhat related to the Ainol tablet because that will be my SOLE purpose for the tablet.
Shouldn't this be directed to Stephen Hawking?
You can get a notes program that creates floating sticky notes. Just create one for each letter group and move them around the screen.
How's that?
OK, I made an impulse purchase of one as a "gift" for "someone". Can't resist the price :)
Worked out to be $92.10 with a free gift, a bona fide gift in addition to the tablet "gift", a pair of Velcro straps. Can't complain all in all :)I hope you are that special someone in your life wolfy!
how did you get it for 92.10? im seeing 93.09 for me with the coupon code
Currency conversion back to $AUD was exactly $92.20.
Sorry, not into Ainol. Not my thing. Nexus 7 is the go.
It may be the go, but not everyone can afford it. This is still good value, albeit a horrible name.
Almost as bad as your name bob. Haha, had to say it!
bob is a fantastic name… wangkar, sounds like…. just kidding… got the ainol-nator.. great buy at this price.
I second this one. Never ainol again.
Were you ainoly violated?
yes I was.
Bad ainol experience?
7inch Ainol is not enough, need a bigger Ainol
Never tried ainol before. hows the real life battery life on these machines
Depends on what will you use it for. I get plenty of life browsing / watching videos. Had mine since release day.
3700mah is a pretty large capacity. just don't expect the rated 10 hrs and you'll cover your requirements, think 3-4 hrs of effective usage time.
my aurora lasted a full 10 hours during a recent flight os
Was the screen even on continually for 10 hours?
My Cube U30GT will not even last past 5.5 hrs, and it has a 7000mah battery.yeah 10 hours continually but I was watching low res avi movies
elf 2 around 7 to 8 hrs.
full online game around 6hrs.after using CM10, lost around 30 min, but better performance. I used the stock ROM for almost 6 months then decided to change
that's AMLogic, this ATM chip just a bit worrying for me.
but for 93… i guess it's ok
After reading far too many juvenile OzB comments on Ainol products over an extended period of time, I have got to question why the moderators allow this to continue.
It completely diverts attention from the product that is being featured, and adds nothing for those who are searching (and expecting) a bargain.
Perhaps a bit of growing up all round is required.
Fire away.
Why be so Ainolly retentive?
Getting real- good summary/review here……Appears to have Cm10.1 nightlies :)
Good reviews thanks.
Wrong product. Amlogic vs ATM
I got crystal its good. But this is crystal 2No source = no CM…. or proper CM
Is this actually the crystal 2 for sale?
anyway, it's quad core - crystal 2 (ATM chip).
Since i own a crystal 1 (AMLogic chip)I know it is confusing, the official ainol call it Crystal quad……. some reviewer call it crystal 2
Bingo +1
You've made your point - no need to be condescending about it.
Isn't an Ainol tablet a suppository?
Possibly - but only for those who can't spell/read.
Its a tradition now, as much as many despise it. I personally can't stand it sometimes, but I think i'd be sadder to see it go, given the history.
One should be grown up before trying ainol IMO
My entire existence is wholly dependent on a daily dose of healthy Ainol jokes. Please don't take away my will to live(or my jokes).
I m looking to get a 7" tablet too. How is this ainol vs the kindle fire for instance? Both are 8gb and both has IPS screen…
While the Kindle fire has superior build quality, it has it's own share of limitations.
I wouldn't get the Kindle Fire, it has no proper market access outside of the USA and would require some workarounds. It also lacks an SD card slot, meaning that the user accessible memory is probably around 4-5 gigs, which is all you get in terms of storageBesides, a kindle fire comes very close to the price point of a Google Nexus 7, which is many times better than a Fire.
Don't get a kindle fire, way too limited
I keep reading that the Ainols still have issues with wifi reception being a bit iffy. Is this still the case?
I think that issue was confined to the Aurora II and some other models with a aluminium backing that blocked radio reception.
This is a new batch of Crystal (previous version had a dual core AMlogic CPU) so I'm not certain if it would have wifi issues.
This is the problem my ainol has. The experience to get it fixed has not been a good one.
Mates whole family has Ainol hero tabs and no issues at all.
No mention of GPS or Google Play access in the specs.
no bt or gps
there are better than 7% discount codes round for BIC if you hunt a bit.
Ainol tablets are great, my aurora has taken a whole heap of abuse.
Have bought heaps from BIC and it always arrives quickly, but the one time something was broken i got no reply.…
currently $95 at merimobiles who will even pay half of return postage for warranty issues, tho i would probably go for the hyundai t7 with the MASSIVELY more powerful Exynos 4412 for $138…
prices include all quad cores being $10 off atm, didn't see the code, thx.
The reviews say that this has a plastic (not glass) screen. Is that the case with the Ainols as well?
Edit to add, sorry, it seems they have a glass screen, not gorilla glass though.
HTTP 403 Forbidden
Do these come with a proper warranty? How about build quality & app compatibility- Are these legitimate concerns?
This is an 8gb version with a res of 1024x600, and no bluetooth- so for a little over double you can get the Nexus 32GB with 1280x800, and a huge amount software support/compatibility…
For me the only benefit of this over the nexus is price, expandable memory and HDMI capabilities. Otherwise not worth the headache for me.
why not get the second version for $6 more…
but then again, why not get the venus for a further $26 and you get (16gb, 1280x800, bigger battery)
This is crystal 2 . I.e quad core
Love to give an Ainol to my wife, but she said its too small for her. Will give her a bigger Ainol now.
So original. Tell me some more jokes please. How about something involving a chicken crossing a road?
I bought a Venus back in Jan and its rubbish. The screen is terrible and so unresponsive, its so (even for a quad-core), and it struggles to play video files. So unless Ainol improves their parts (Which i doubt for this price) i would stay away.
It was so bad i ended up getting a Nexus 7 and it was easily worth the extra price.
Read some review the quad core vs dual core.
ATM chip quad core VS AMLogic dual core - same speed for most app
benchmark - Quad is a winner
Movie - Same speed or worse (due to driver)verdict - pay extra for unknown future proof and less battery life.
current app performance for Nexus 7 and AMLogic dual core - 15-20% better. Hence many people pay for ainol with a lot less cost and sacrifice the 15% performance.
The Cortex-A5 processor provides full instruction and feature compatibility with the higher performance Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9, and Cortex-A15 processors
Can't compare this is any iPads, how about this and nexus 7' which is better? Also is the response time for this thing any good? Don't really like slow screens….
Waring Anecdote Ahead I bought 4 tablets from buy in coins ($600) and they absolutely screwed me. They sen't me totally dead on arrival obviously repacked tablets then when i tried to return they lied to me and tried to block a return.
Be aware that you cannot return these via Australia post as they wont carry Li batteries, so you have to return via private carrier for $50-100 Buy in coins will refuse to pay for this and claim it costs "$10" to ship a box Australia to China, even though they knowingly sent you faulty, repackaged goods. end anecdote
My BIC experience wasn't that bad, I had a slight issue with one unit, they gave me a small refund, it wasn't a big issue.
however don't expect anything regarding warranty.
the other complaint I have is probably Australian customs. I have a feeling the open everything, screw up all the packaging, shove shit in backwards, upside down, don't pack the accessories back in and leave them floating in the mail bag. Pack of @$$holes if u ask me
So all 4 tablets they sent you were faulty?
How did you know they were repackaged?Don't know if they intentionally "screwed you", but the return shipping cost sounded like a deal killer!(although it is out of their hands).
Let's hope their QC is good enough to prevent any more DOAs because it shouldn't happen if they test everything before it leaves the factory in China.
Not at all, all the tablets worked, and all accessories were there. However as the local geek, when you tell people they can have a good experience with chinese items, and then you turn up with their tablets f'd up packaging, it doesn't fill them with confidence.
the packaging definitely wouldn't have left the factory like that, and it had stickers all over it saying it was Chinese customs.
while ainol has probably better reliability then most chinese tablets,it is draw of luck as you are really screwed if it is DOA. if you get a working one that it is very good value for money. i still have my Auroura I with IPS screen and work perfectly well considering it gets used 6-8 hours a day.
Went today to OW to check out Nexus 7 as i am very interested, luck of sd card slot is really a massive minus and the screen seems to be just ok. not as vibrant as my aurora screen…. soi didnt get it.My gf's bday is on the 15th and i ordered it yesterday! i hope i receive it in time! :(
your gf will love ainol
well done
Its only 7inch, she might be disappointed.
What about good/cheap cases??? Any recommendations??
Has anyone had theirs delivered yet? Says its by Hong Kong Post but the tracking number doesn't work - been a week since I've had the tracking number.
I haven't got mine yet. Hope it ain't lost in the mail :P
Got it today, runs nicely. Now just have to wait for a developer to make a custom rom.
what's a nandflash?