• expired

Free Command Hanging Strips 3M


Free Sample
Enjoy the convenience of damage-free
hanging that’s easy to apply, holds strongly
and removes cleanly. Sign up with us and get your free sample of Command™ Medium
Picture Hanging Strips

copied from previous post: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/58140

appears to be a new deal posted on the facebook page today: http://www.facebook.com/CommandBrand?sk=app_262100443840702

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3M Australia
3M Australia

closed Comments

  • just what I need :)

  • are these actually good… mixed reviews….
    hope my stuff doesnt fall and break…

    • i have it. its good because its detachable. but its not super strong like a double sided adhesive.

  • +12

    These things are really good, provided the paint on the wall is stronger than the strip. In our case it wasn't…
    Ordered some, so I can test the paint strength in our other rooms.

    • Your wife/significant other/housemate must love you!

  • +2

    free is free

    • Indeed!

  • +3

    Hate to be that guy but how exactly do you enter? Clicking the link just takes me to the brand page. Clicking inside their post: https://www.facebook.com/CommandBrand/app_519524388097782 just opens up a new tab with the same brand page…

    • have you like the page?

      • You need to be logged in to facebook

      • No you don't. Just enter your details and hit submit.

        • Are you sure? When I go to the page before logging in I just get the generic Command page……….

        • you were already logged in, thats why it took you to the page immediately

        • Sweet3st is replying to the comment about liking the page, joelab. Not the one about being logged in.
          You can see that by looking at their distance from the side of the page. Unfortunately, that only goes so deep into the comment thread.

        • +1

          My bad. I actually saw it was not a direct reply but I thought it may have been an error.

  • Perfect just got a photo frame to hang up the other day :)

  • From the T&Cs…

    "By requesting a sample, you are agreeing to receive email communication from 3M"

    Other than that, nice find!

  • +1

    So guys, if you wanna take this off, does it leave any residues on the paint or will it strip the paint away? I was looking at hanging up one of those noticeboards in my room (the ones made out of cork)

    • it's not supposed to leave residue and as "make it so" commented earlier, it depends how strong your paint is…

    • well, my beautiful black wall now look like a chessboard because of the residue. :(

    • +3

      The FB "app" is just an iframe to the real site.

      Non-FB link.

  • +7

    I started using these a few months ago, they've been great. I follow all the instructions, including wiping the wall with rubbing alcohol first (Isopropyl alcohol - bought some at bunnings). They've held up my huge pictures really well, and lasted through the hot summer days when things start to droop.

    They're super expensive here. I bought a big pack on Amazon, as I was putting up a dozen or so pictures.

    PS - I had tried using cheaper ones first ($2 shop rip-offs of these) - picture fell off and smashed within an hour.

    I bought these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007RKFDXU/

    • I got a semi-cheap one off ebay.. it fell down after 3 months, destroying the picture frame. It was rated to 700 grams.. so potentially that may have done it not sure?


      The paint on the wall was fine. So i'm wondering if I should trust these things again? In hindsight 700 grams is almost what the frame weighed, so that probably wasn't too smart either.

  • Just be careful to prep the walls as instructed - otherwise they can fail dismally!

    We've had mixed results with these strips, mostly positive, but find they just don't want to stick to some walls despite the cleaning etc. If they do work, they seem to work well. We've had some up in the bathroom for a while over Summer - I figured the heat and steam would kill them soon enough (it's only light canvases they are holding so was willing to take the risk) but they've been up for a couple of months now with no probs.

  • +5

    We've just taken all 3M stuff of our walls in preparation for moving, and believe me it does not work. Yes it holds the items in place, yes they carry good weight, however when you peel them off, expect your paint to come off with it… Don't use it if you are not willing to patch and paint your walls after!!!

    • +1

      Totally Agree…

  • +3

    Has anyone actually received any 3M freebies? I have never gotten any of mine…

    • I have.. was a while back and I also received the reusable scotch strips.That was from 3M too wasn't it?

    • I received the clear sticky bit of plastic a few months back, I can't remember what it was for.

    • I've gotten a few of the offers. Picture velcro strips, poster strips, stick it notes for brick and timber …

  • +1

    This offer is no good if you don't facetwit. :(

  • I stuck a very light clock to the wall using two of these and it fell… Broke my clock.

  • +1

    Don't know what happened to my last comment….

    But for those interested I still haven't received any "freebies" from any related to 3M.

    Your choice if you want to give them your details and get nothing.

  • Don't always receive them but still worth signing up for in the event they decide to send me 1

  • +1

    i use these all the time for hanging paintings, a weather monitor screen which is pretty heavy, a keyrack full of keys, many other things. Never had any issues. I use the velcro ones for heavier stuff.

  • +15
    • -1

      Thanks - glad they don't just have a Facebook deal. Wish Facebook would die !

    • -2

      +1 Like Ozbargain and Savid

      -1 Like for Facebook

  • +3

    hmm… i never receive anything from 3M and their free stuff. not sure if i should give it a try.

  • +1

    I have had so many paintings come crashing down using this rubbish. Broke the glass. $200 framed prints. get a drill and do it right.

    • +2

      are you sure you're using it right?
      for a large frame i would use multiple ones.
      4 or more

    • How much do they weigh and did you clean the wall first?

  • haha, i just received mine in the mail. Tough packaging just for this

  • Received today, thanks for posting!

  • Received as well

  • mine arrived today also

  • Got mine today thanks OP

  • A whole packet too. Thanks heaps OP.

  • received mine today… wow

  • Got mine today.

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