I've used this before- Good Deal with no questions asked when hiring gear
Kenards Hire $25 Voucher Valid till April 30 - Need to Be eTools Subscriber

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e Mailed to me this am. I'd previously signed up for eTools (last time this deal was listed on OzBargain) and used a $25 Voucher then.
hmm, every time i ring up Kenards in regards to a hire, i can buy a second hand product for about the same price on small items for other items bunnings was MORE than $25 cheaper (EG soil compactor) Kenards seems to pricy even WITH the discount!
might suit people who don't want to maintain and store the item
Kenards is definitely more pricy when hiring floor sanders. both drum sander + edge sander at kenards cost $150 per day, Bunnings cost only $100.
I have been using kennards frequently lately. the major benefit over bunnings is that you pay for a day and it is only a day at bunnings. i pay for a day at kennards, i pick up friday and drop off monday. all good for my weekend projects.
How do you subscribe to etools?
Never mind, I found it :) Subscribe to the newsletter on their home page.
Here is a link to the $10 off voucher
where did you get the $25 voucher from?, only $10 voucher is available when subscribing to the e letter