Sansa View 8GB Player - $139.80 + P&H ($9.95)
Good deal for flash based 8GB capacity video player, with of course Micro SD expandability.
Sansa View 8GB Player - $139.80 + P&H ($9.95)
Good deal for flash based 8GB capacity video player, with of course Micro SD expandability.
Welcome back (in 2009) QQQ :) hopes this year brings more happy customer to COTD :)
I hope theres more than you had wiis
Get over it you clown..
reliability is however an issue of sansa player. My previous sansa player shuts down like 1 a week, and I have to reset quite often. Furthermore, have to upgrade the firmware once, with the software provided by Sandisk written in some languages other than English. I also have an ipod suffle, never have a small problem with it. So I would recommend not to try this deal.
Our memory is not that short
See my comment above.
Totally Agree!
Me 4
bad company, no deal!
Same price on eBay (…). The player on eBay is $10 cheaper but their postage is $10 more expensive. I can't see anywhere that you can purchase an AC adaptor or third party accessories for this player.
I'm chasing a new player and this looks good but without a "special" price and no options for an AC adaptor it doesn't look all that appealing.
Looks like a good deal :)
For those who are negating this because they didn't get a Wii (I got mine in), grow up and stop plaguing the website with your "dislike". It only makes you look like a bunch of immature idiots!
Not a bargain…and COTD.
The sad thing is, I agree that it's not that great a bargain, but I've voted Positive just because people have "a bee in their bonnet" over the vendor, from something that happened over 3 months ago.
I agree, price isn't that great, and the site isn't very good.
I said it last week, and I think it's worth repeating…
Perhaps it’s time that we members of the OzBargain community all took a deep breath and let CoTD start with a clean slate … and judge them by their performance from this time forward.
As Scotty observed, "I still cannot understand why people are still judging all the deals from this merchant based on that one single mis-calculated promotional event."
If a noisy minority decide to vote down every CotD bargain posted out of spite, then we ALL miss out on the opportunity to judge for ourselves.
Or, as succinctly paraphrased by scubacoles, "Get over it you clown.."
Please Consider,
[ :- { )
I have ordered from COTD on a number of occasions and their service has been very good.
Postage is often quite expensive though.
Example: I had a broken Flying Alarm Clock. It was bought for $10. I went on to my order, selected that the product was faulty and described the fault. I then chose the option for a replacement (instead of a refund) and they gave me a reply paid address to send it back. When they got it, they said that it wasn't possible to do a replacement (they haven't had them on sale since so I guess there was no stock) and they gave me a full refund.
EDIT: And I did try and get a Wii on the promotion day, but I couldn't get on the site at all that day either. Oh well.
Hardly a bargain, and untrustworthy site.
Rubbish.. they're a perfectly trustworthy site.. I've purchased multiple items from them and all have been received in good time and in good order. One item arrived DOA (manufacturer's problem, not CotD's) and CotD supplied a reply paid address and shipped out a replacement item within the week.
On the other hand, people who vote down bargains purely based on their unsubstantiated bias against the seller are truly untrustworthy voters.
Luring in customers with a bargain that had questionable stock levels just to garner signups and maybe make sales on other items is hardly a trustworthy tactic. The event gained them massive amounts of publicity, we're just trying to even that back out. People have long memories.
Oh well, there you go.
Congratulations; the gainsayers have won and successfully voted this deal from view within 2 1/2 hours.
Too bad for anyone who might have decided to take up this deal, but now won't see it via OzBargain when they get home from work.
[ :- { )
sorry, don't think it is a bargain
No bargain here.
And here comes the temporary ban. shrugs
Sometimes you have good bargains, and I like the reply paid post (most stores make the customer foot the bill for shipping back faulty products). Unfortunately the price on this one isn't all that great. I'm not voting either way, but do believe people should vote on the merit of this deal. Yes last year's mistake (and I hope it has been acknowledged by COTD as a mistake) was very time consuming, and poorly thought out … but give them another chance and hopefully we can get some GOOD bargains posted here. I have ordered items before without any problem, so I wouldn't call them dodgy.
I agree 100%.. I only voted positive to keep the deal visible, to counter one of the negative votes that have been (in my eyes) improperly made..
Correct me if I am wrong, but did CoTD actually apologise? Could they do it again?
I didnt see any. The guy just hide away after that.
QQQ, do you know what "goodwill" is?
OK, here's the challenge for you QQQ… Post some unquestionably good bargains, and then let OzBargainers show themselves as either being truly canny shoppers, or merely petulant post-adolescents.
edit: You could try posting a deal or two with a special code for OzBargainers only. The bonus being free shipping perhaps??
It's been done before by other traders to good effect, and it would certainly take the wind out of the sails of those in this community who would make -ve comments (& votes!) without 1st weighing up the facts at hand.
Again, as Mr Mitsubishi was once fond of saying,
Please Consider.
[ :- { )
Always going to be very subjective. What about a few exclusives just for OzBargain?
We will have to wait out the ban period before I fire off the first one.
Another ban period??!!!
@TeaEarlGreyHot: Its nothing to do with Scotty, there's some kind of negative vote threshold that kicks it in automatically.
@TeaEarlGreyHot: Tea,
Lets call today's Catch round 1, not going to bother posting it, should be up in a minute :)
Great deal, I'm buying 2 myself (one for desktop one for TV media centre).
Incidentally, I only drink Earl Grey, bergamot for life.
@QQQ - CatchOfTheDay: Q,
The Logitech Kybd/Mouse does look tasty, but I picked up a MS Kybd/Mouse 6000 last year.
If you can come up with a great deal on a (full size) bluetooth mouse, I'll be a starter for one of them thanks!
BTW, from my past dealings with your fellow Q, I'd have believed that members of The Continuum would not trifle with such Earthbound mundanely pursuits as tea-drinking. It's heartening to see enlightenment spreading throughout the dimensions of space and time.
Make mine tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Live Long and Prosper.
I got your back mate :) +1 from me. People become too emotionally attached to brand names, look at all the Apple and Microsoft Fanboys and what-not out there. I'm looking at purchasing a new mp3 player (either this one or the one from Aldi on sale this week), with the expansion slot, sounds great.
Maybe sign up under a new name? :) Most who complain are blinded by their hate for a particular company (or username), and will more than likely give anything else another shot :)
I've got be to fair and state that I too have bought from COTD without any trouble. I missed the wii as well, and while I'm sure it could have been handled better I never expected alot of stock and I really can feel for the company and it's IT staff who didn't get the volume right (neither did microsoft for the windows 7 beta, should we ban them to?). The real question to me is was there malicious intent? Despite what some people might claim I do find that hard to believe.
So QQQ, yes I at least would be interested in an ozbargain special. I won't try and even the scales by upvoting since I'm actually neutral to this particular deal. Rightly or wrongly people have a right to vote something down because they are displeased with a service. Best way around it is to win them back with really good deals. Most people won't hold a grudge once you've built up more good will I suspect.
if this was indeed a good bargain one of the regular oz bargainers would have posted it. im sure a few people still check on them from time to time. I dont think we need to ban catch of the day. I think self promotion is the problem for sometimes less than genuine bargains.
I certainly see the logic of your arguement cameron_les.
I agree that it's very likely that a post by a fellow OzBargainer would carry more weight than a post by a trader.
It's also possible that another OzBargainer might have ended up posting this one if QQQ hadn't already?
Again, that's going to be a tough call for a trader to make. Do they post a "good deal" a.s.a.p. to get maximum exposure, or should they wait and see if a 3rd party picks it up as a deal and posts same?
[ :- { )
The "CotD trolls" here jump on any CotD deal whether posted by a user or the vendor they don't really care. Nor do they care if it's actually a good price!
I submitted a 320Gb Hard Drive deal a few weeks back which was voted down in 10 minutes. Despite the fact it was cheaper than Staticice prices by $20! There was a Bing Lee price that matched it but Bing Lee is useless to 5 of the 6 states and 1 of the 2 territories.
Good Deal , but Bad comments on Store . Netural Comment !
After digging up I found the audio/video supported details.
Hope it helps someone!
I just want to keep this thing on the front page! Good debating.
It's not a bargain purely because the price is not a bargain.
Agreed. It's only $10 dearer on ebay.
Their 'promo' was obviously a dodgy attempt to grab a bunch of signups by selling an extremely limited number of products. Whilst I think this is very unethical if you were to offer a genuine bargain (actually available this time) I would still do business with you, at the end of the end of the day I want a bargains, don't really care what I think of the seller, unfortunately this (like most) is NOT a bargain.
exactly, show us some real bargain, I do believe no one will give a -1 to you
just go through this blog written by one ex-employee of COTD.
Yeah, I think we all saw that back in November.
OK, the "promo" was an unqualified disaster in the eyes of OzBargainers, Whirlpoolers and many more, but let's move on!
CotD was bagged heavily enough then to get a "time-out" on OzBargain, but let's move on!!
Should we cut off our collective noses to spite our face?
No?,, then let's move on!!!
[ :- { )
not a real bargain
I'm sorry, but holding your breath and banging your fists won't get you a 1/2 price Wii, even if you do it for three months.
Maybe that's how COTD could win back all registered OzBargainers…offer them all Wiis for $200. :D
Not a bargain.
Meh. Player is good, deal is so-so but CotD is enough for me to give it a neg.
nice price! its got so many more features than my new nano! I want one!