• expired

$14 for 10x Adult Incontinence Pads/Aids, Adult Nappies/Diapers, Delivered Within Australia


Adult Diapers, Adult Incontinence Aids, Adult Incontinence Pads, Adult Nappies

Great Discounts on Postage

We offer: the competitive price, same day delivery, fixed postage rate in Australia with parcel tracking no. and discreet plain packaging.

Special Offer:
10xAdult Incontinence Pads: $14.00 + $10.95 (postage), total $24.95;
20xAdult Incontinence Pads: $34.00 + $10.95 (postage), total $44.95;
40xAdult Incontinence Pads: $74.00 + $10.95 (postage), total $84.95; Postage to: WA & NT $16.95,total $90.95;
60xAdult Incontinence Pads: $108.00+$12.95 (postage),total $120.95;Postage to: WA & NT $24.95,total $132.95;
120xAudlt Incontinence Pads:$204.00+$14.95 (postage),total $218.95;Postage to: WA & NT $49.95,total $253.95.

$18.00 per packet for local pickups

- Super absorbent area, preventing from flowing back
- Smell absorber
- Leakage proof, 3-D leakage proof channel keeps more comfortable
- Refastenable taping panel with unique adhesive tape
- Magic wet indicator

Unisex, very absorbent, and skin-friendly
- M: 30”-45”(76cm-114cm), 1400g (absorbency)
- L: 40”-55”(101cm-139cm), 1600g (absorbency)

Our Major Clients: Nursing homes, disabled people, adult babies, people after surgery, and bus drivers

Payment methods: EFT and Paypal
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 93153820350

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Our Major Clients: bus drivers..


    • +4

      …"adult babies" didn't raise an eyebrow?

    • +5

      Are you taking the piss out of us?

    • +2

      I'm just imagining getting on the bus, about to buy a ticket from the driver when his face cramps up, he releases a heavy sigh, and then I'm hit by the smell. Think I'll wait for the next bus…

    • Only time I need these is when megabuy shows up on ozbargain..

      • -3

        1) I've seen this deal posted fart too many times on ozbargain.

        2) I'll be relieved after I strain to move a motion to pass on this deal.

        Which pun do you prefer, number one, or number twos?

  • +5

    Same deal as this, maybe they were smart enough to give a link in the previous deal should anyone be interested.

    Until 23/03/2013 6:46pm (Expired)

    I see you expired that last "deal" only to post it again immediately, that means this is more than likely the standard price, also makes this a dupe and your two posts so far nothing more than SPAM.

  • +8

    Perfect for that moment when you are trawling ozbargain and are caught by surprise by a top bargain.

  • +1

    I've got tickets to see Ross Noble next month. I find him very funny so maybe I should get some of these.

  • +4

    I'm missing something here. The bigger the quantity, the higher the unit price? What sort of pricing scheme is that? You could order 2 x 10 packs for $28 instead of 1 x 20 pack for $34. The postage should still be $10.95 as it is "fixed price postage".

    • -5

      If you plus the postage, you will find more you buy and less you pay.

      • Hang on, you claim to have a "..fixed postage rate in Australia with parcel tracking no. … ".

        You can send a 10 pack or a 20 pack or a 40 pack for $10.95 (and a 60 pack and 120 pack for $2 and $4 more).

        Are you saying that if someone orders 2 x 10 packs you would charge $10.95 shipping for each? Assuming that you are, that explains the higher "per unit" price in the larger packs. The additional shipping cost is padded into the item price so the flat $10.95 isn't really that at all.

        At least, I can't think of any other way to explain it.

        • -2

          Each postage is for the certain amount listed.

        • Sorry, you haven't addressed the point. But I'll leave it there.

      • and now that I've seen the similar deal from February, I notice that the price for 14 was the same as this time and the price per multiples of 14 was consistent. That the price for 14 is still the same but the price escalates per additional 14, indicates to me that additional postage costs are being built into the price. The "fixed rate postage" is not really accurate at all.

  • Bus drivers?

    They are issued breaks every 2 hours for minimum 15 minute blocks, so not sure why they need pads….

    • Different people have different needs.

    • Magic wet indicator <- I can understand this for children but adults don't know when they are wetting themselves especially bus drivers?
  • +4

    for those late online gaming sessions.

    • then make sure that you don't forget to wear one each night.

  • +1

    whats the capacity of these? How does it compare to Molicare Mobile Super?

    Why don't you have a website or a telephone number? How do you normally do business?

    • +1

      - M: 30”-45”(76cm-114cm), 1400g (absorbency)
      - L: 40”-55”(101cm-139cm), 1600g (absorbency)
      With wetness indicators, you can check from the appearance without opening the pad.
      Email: [email protected]
      Mobile: 0411 954 908

  • Are these reusable?? How many time can u pee before u need to change??

    • Are these reusable??

      Which ones did you want to reuse? The ones from the Bus drivers ???

      • +6

        to reuse these you have 2 options, make fun of it to "take the piss out of it" or literally take it out the back with a stick and "beat the shit out of it" either way problem solved.

      • They are disposable ones.

    • The products are for people with special needs.

  • +3

    Cool can wear it to the casino

  • Bus drivers wear Ipads? Careful not to pee on that

  • +1

    10 for 14 bux.
    Bargain compared to what I will be paying in 40 years time, when I might need them :/

  • +1

    I just pissed myself laughing at all the comments. Maybe it's time I bought myself some!

  • I always wondered what the i in iPad stands for. Now, I know!

  • Soon is the winter of our in·con·ti·nence

    • pretty shitty pun there mate…

  • Fantastic, can grab these and do marathon sessions at the casino!!

  • +3

    Any truth to the fact that I heard that EB games had reconditioned versions of these for cheap prices?

    EDIT - wrong thread sorry

  • +1

    So, $1.40 each to spend a penny - crap deal

    • so does that mean I have to spend $2.80 to "drop a dime" ?

  • what are these like for adult babies, are they sexy? absorbent? please share proper photo

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