I think this is a great great deal.
Iphone 5 lightning 30 pin adaptor for $19.95 as against $35 here in OZ.
Limit only 1 per customer and free shipping from US.
To top it, it is APPLE orginal product.
I think this is a great great deal.
Iphone 5 lightning 30 pin adaptor for $19.95 as against $35 here in OZ.
Limit only 1 per customer and free shipping from US.
To top it, it is APPLE orginal product.
Unit Price: $19.95
Postage: Priority Mail International $45.54
lol couldn't believe it when it said $45.54 postage
"Apple original product" in Bulk ?? It's something new to me LOL
LOL $45.54 shipping woop!
I just ordered one..!! and NO i did not choose Priority Mail 'option'.
i say NO DEAL
here's why:
aah.. damn… if its sold out.. sorry.
Will try to be real quick next time.
Did you forget to check the postage?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
doesn't appear to be sold out… just insane postage cost
"I think this is a great deal."
I do not think it is.
It isnt sold out but $45 shipping????
Free shipping? Err where? As others have said, $45.54 to here. No bargain at all.
I'm shocked with the shipping fee LOL …shocked …get it? … nvm :(
If this is not apple original product $19 is a ridiculous price for this let alone the $45 shipping fees
"I think this is a great great deal."
you are WRONG
lol. Is there a section for really bad deals?
In the words of Andrew O'Keefe "NO DEAL!"
We need an awards section… Including 'Least Popular"!!!
Seems not so legit
Why don't you just buy the cheaper genuine product from Apple for a cheaper price?
April 1st came early!
Um what ? is this a joke
Holy crap this deal is terrible!
worst deal i have ever seen posted on OzB.
Better luck next time…
funny thing is the OP is serious!
$60 for this… I better go to Sydney Apple store…
I wonder if this will get the most negs on OB?
while this is bad… it'll be hard pressed to beat the 361 negative votes dick smith got with the game 'sale'
the only reason it can get so many neg is because it got a lot of positive in the first place
Went to hit - ang got + by mistake (iPad). Can't seem to reverse. Oh well, just take it as sarcasm…
If you go to the votes tab (up the top) you can revoke your vote there.
Found it. Thanks.
Sold Out. What a waste of time. How many were there? 2?