Basement Books in Sydney has THE MAKING OF THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (UK edition) hardcover book for $24.99.
It is selling for $90+ in bookshops further up the road in the Sydney CBD.
Great book for the Star Wars, sci-fi or movie fan.
Check out Amazon UK for reviews:…
The book isn’t listed on their website. However, they do mail order for $5.95 flat rate shipping within Australia for orders under $30 so try contacting them direct if you’re interested. There were around 60 on display when I was there.
Basement Books contact details:
Shop 1, Henry Deane Plaza
2 Lee Street
Haymarket, NSW, 2000
Ph: (02) 9211 7726 Fax: (02) 9211 6973
Sounds like a good price if the RRP is $90, but remember they sell remaindered books. Probably doesn't matter to most people, but just be aware that there might be a pen mark on the base of the book.