[VIC] Free Access to Digital Newspapers Online (The Age, Herald Sun, AFR, The Australian etc.) @ State Library Victoria


Hi OZB Family,

Hope you all have had a wonderful start to your Sunday :)

This will suit to those like me who miss reading newspapers, for whom online articles just doesn't cut it, and those of us who want to access articles hiding behind paid $$ subscriptions.

I did some research and wanted to share this amazing FREE facility offered by our State Library Victoria (and likely other state libraries too), giving you access to FULL newspapers in digital form. And did I say FREE? For zero, zip, zilch, nada.

You can browse most recent issues and depending on the time available on your hands and interests of course, comb through decades of digital editions archives.

All you need is a device with internet access, and be a registered member of State Library Victoria which is FREE to become one. Use the FREE Access membership option if signing up.

List of 17 full newspapers 'as is' in digital edition form I was able to access and verify were as below. I have mentioned the potential annual digital subscription savings as of today's online search via their respective websites.

1) The Age, The/Sunday Age ($330 savings)
2) The Australian ($468 savings)
3) Australian Financial Review (AFR) - delayed by / lag of 3 days ($699 savings)
4) Herald Sun/Sunday Herald Sun ($312 savings)

5) The Ararat Advertiser ($109 savings) - Weekly Edition
6) Bendigo Advertiser ($186 savings)
7) The Border Mail (Albury-Wodonga) ($186 savings)
8) The Courier (Ballarat) ($186 savings)
9) Geelong Advertiser ($312 savings)
10) Mansfield Courier - Weekly Edition ($60 savings)
11) Shepparton News ($312 savings) - Weekdays only
12) The Standard (Warrnambool) ($186 savings)
13) The Stawell Times-News - Weekly Edition($109 savings)
14) Stock and Land (Tullamarine) ($220.95 savings) - Weekly Edition
15) Wangaratta Chronicle ($155 savings) - published alternate day
16) The Warragul & Drouin Gazette ($98 savings) - Weekly Edition
17) The Wimmera Mail-Times (Wimmera, Horsham) ($189.90 savings) published alternate day

For my tech savvy self-initiated friends: Go to State Library Victoria website -> Become a Member (if not a member already) -> Search Newspapers in Search field -> Use the top suggested Access Australia Database -> Login using State Library Victoria credentials -> Use Quick Links on the page (also embedded above) to access the available newspapers -> Choose Year, Month, Date, enjoy reading.

For my tech challenged friends, almost step-by-step instructions below:
1) If NOT a State Library Victoria member already, use the FREE Access membership to become one: You will receive an email upon signing up with a link to verify your email address, do so. You will then receive your member number via email too.
2) Go to State Library's Access Australia Database Page and click on Access Database.
3) You will be prompted to sign-in using your VIC State Library Login credentials.
4) Like I was, you may be prompted to enter account email verification code for the first time when you try logging in. Multi-factor authentication is a good indication reflecting State Library embracing safer technology.
5) And voila, you would arrive on the NEWSBANK landing page post the above steps. This page has an excellent outlay of individual Quick Links for the list of newspapers above.
6) Click on individual newspapers links you would like to read.
7) "View Recent Issues" is listed upfront in the middle of the screen with recent dates publications. Just click on the date you want to read. Alternatively, choose the year from drop down, calendar month and date of choice if you want accessing previous archives.
8) Use Arrow keys next to newspaper Page Number on the top, or use the page number drop down to to go next page of your choice.
9) Enjoy Reading.

* You would notice similar approx. savings for some of the above newspapers as parent company is likely the same for some, just the local news content may vary.
* These embedded direct links can break over time, so please revert to links on the actual pages as required.
* Access Australia Database abd Age and Sydney Morning Herald Digital Editions (2006— ) Database were the ones I used and were more than sufficient for my needs. If you want to access ALL available online Australian & New Zealand newspaper databases (15 of them listed), feel free to explore as best fit.
* State Library Victoria website has enabled hundreds more such hidden gems. If you are game, browse away. This is just tip of the iceberg.

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    • +29

      Ah, sigh. Deep thoughts my friend, I appreciate your thought process. I remain thankful however to be able to access these newsies for free.

      • +12

        Is anything free?

        Air? from centuries of gaseous activity, aided by photosynthesis etc. Not free!
        Sunlight? from our sun. Not free!
        Life? from your parents. Not free!
        tenpercent wants to sound more important, just ignore him / her / them / whatever

        • +1

          Is anything free?

          If there’s a payment, then not free. In Australia, we don’t pay for air, etc. hence, free. I pity kids who have to repay parents, but for most kids, life is free.

          • @AlexF: Climate change is the vehicle to charge for "free air"

            • @Clickbait: Vast majority are dodging or deferring that fee.

            • +2

              @Clickbait: Nahh that's about taxing pollutants so we can ideed still breate and have food to eat.

        • +2

          I've channeled my inner 'tenpercent'.

          You inhale air, use the oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide. You never actually own the air you breathe, you're just borrowing it for a moment. That sounds more like a lease than a free good.

          Aaaaaand that's enough for today. It's exhausting being tenpercent and arguing illogically about everything.

              • -3

                @PukeyLuke: Any comment on my argument though?

                You pay someone to do/get stuff for you, they do/get some stuff for you, you get that stuff. Is that stuff:
                (a) free, or
                (b) already paid for and not free?

                Are you saying it is free or already paid for and not free?

            • +1

              @tenpercent: I didn't pay anyone for the free access to digital papers. I didn't pay taxes that went towards that library or those services. So it's free for me.

              You might have paid those taxes, not me. So free for me

              • -2

                @dangerdanger: How are you avoiding GST and fuel excise and council rates (which are paid directly or are built into rents)? Asking for a friend. ;)

                This you?

                And if they are getting it for free (not quite free since they're paying GST at least; maybe its free for a child although not for their parents) then they're just freeloaders whose access to those goods and services is being subsidised by the rest of us.

    • +7

      For someone that doesn't even understand the preferential voting system, you really shouldn't comment on the state of Australian politics.

      • -8

        For someone that doesn't even understand the preferential voting system

        Oh it's "The" preferential voting system, is it?

        Hmm… If you think there is only one preferential voting system, and/or you think the one that is used in most lower houses in Australia is anywhere near the most representative and/or you don't realise some Australian jurisdictions have more representative preferential voting systems than others, then you really shouldn't comment about anything at all.

        the state of Australian politics

        That libraries are funded by taxpayer money is not controversial, nor is it 'Australian politics'.

      • It's much easier if we assume it's corrupt British system that infested the US, etc., so - just Oligarchs' preferences & fake Democracy of ignorant ;)
        The Australian is the 1st newspaper I bought >37y ago, but now they have to pay me to read it :( all Murdoch infested

    • +8

      How much oxygen did you consume typing that out and who paid for it?

      • -5

        Oh I just went to my local Oxygen Library and accessed for free a year's supply of oxygen to spend specifically on wasting your time and living rent-free in your easily irked mind.

        • +3

          I thought we were living rent free in your head! But wait, is that rent really FREE? 😂

      • +3

        People get Amazon Prime and get "free" delivery, "free" games each month, free Twitch sub etc etc. People know that the items aren't actually "free", these items are part of the subscription that you can take advantage of or not. Or do you really think you just came across some miraculous new discovery that no one knew before?


        I don't see you there crying how its NOT FREE!!!!!!

      • You're right, but most people here are probably net tax consumers, and think that getting someone else to fund something = free.

      • You seem to be unhappy. But i'll bite and ask you a follow up question to your rambling

        What's the alternative? Who's going to pay for the libraries, roads, medicare, etc if you're not happy with "daddy government" taking your money to do so?

        I can assure you, you would be the first person if your right were infringed if you couldn't get to work if the roads weren't maintained. Or that your public transport was too high and unaffordable.

    • +1

      It is free.

      Your tax pays for a lot of things.

      Divide your tax between all those things and it easily averages out to less than 1 cent for each thing.

      There is no lower denomination than 1 cent in your bank account.

      Therefore, it is free.

    • +5

      Yes it is free. The taxpayer sponsored funding is a sunk cost.

      Your deep insights into the cost of government funded services is completely irrelevant to the decision at hand.

      • -4

        It is indeed a sunk cost and that cost shouldn't factor into your decision to access this service or not.
        But that doesn't make it free (the only point I made).

        Is everything on netflix/prime/stan free for subscribers, or have they simply pre-paid for it?

        • +2

          It’s free to use. You cannot even choose to pay. It’s just quibbling at this point.

    • Interesting commment, the State Library Victoria could be funding this project through tax funds which can be argued that its not free but as drfuzzy has pointed out, through that arguement nothing can be "free".

      but its also possible that this project could be done without "payment" from the State Library to the news outlet, instead it could be done as free publicity or even better the publishers paying the State Library as a platform to distribute. (Unless you are counting the wages in man hours that State Library employees worked as "funding things like this with taxpayers' money") So this is not funded by taxpayers' money therefore free.

      Then again people could be paying for the subs, now they can get it without the subs making it at least 50% off. So half of the paper for free.

      Or to steelman your point you could be simply pointing out that praising taxpayers funded operations to perform its duties is not necessary. By the same logic as before nothing is praise worthy.

      • -1

        Drfuzzy failed to argue that "nothing can be free". I'll assume you are referring to this comment. All the oxygen on the planet pre-existed humankind. It is a common good. It is genuinely free to use for all. None of us pay directly or indirectly to use it or to supply it to others for their use (excepting medical oxygen or oxygen tanks for divers and astronauts, but that's obviously not what is being discussed).

        You raise a good point. It could be that some news outlets or distributers are freely giving the State Library access to distribute it. Let me know if you find out that is the case?

        • +1

          To breath in the air you body needs to metabolise food and water.

    • +15

      Nah, you need The Australian to the right, Herald Sun to the left as well to ensure you are nicely wrapped in Murdoch's grasp.

    • +2

      I’m taking this as sarcasm.

      • i am glad and sad that i got so many down votes

        • +1

          You need the /s. The trouble is people take things as face value nowadays.

  • +7

    The same access (NewsBank) is available through State Library NSW and many Australian universities as well

    • Thanks mate. NewsBank is only one of the database on the library website.

      There are other newspapers & magazines databases too such as PressReader which gives access to 3000+ digital media. Some example below:
      International Newspapers such as Wall Street Journal (WSJ), New York Times, The Guardian, The Indian Express etc. and
      Magazines such as Top Gear, Good Food, Men's Health, Women's Weekly, Woman's Day, Country Living, GQ, and what not…

      • +1

        PressReader is available through State Library NSW as well for anybody that already has a NSW library card.

    • Hi there, may i ask if SMH is avaliable and its like daily?

      I would love a subscription to SMH but being stingy LOL

      AFR news is just not the same XD

      Thanks :)

  • +1

    It seems quite a few council libraries have Newsbank access too, so folks might already have the account they need

  • +2

    IHMO, it's just junky 'news', I havent read those papers for years. I prefer to read research papers on https://sci-hub.se/. Maybe Im just weird…

  • +1

    Niiiice! Thanks for sharing.

  • +1

    Legend - Thanks

  • Very useful for those who read the paper,

    But unfortunately, I needed a copy of the Sun for a particular article about 3 months ago, and found this, I was wrapped (or is it wrapt in this context? Whatever, anyway), but it was always a day behind, so I had to wait an extra day. Which was fine in the end for my particular use, but unless they've caught up, maybe it's due to timezones I don't know, but you'll always be reading yesterday's news, and not just in a metaphorical cheap shot at printed media in general kind of way.

    • The Age and Herald Sun are updated daily and I have been able to access same date newspapers in the mornings. The Australian as I see doesn't have today's issue yet.

    • +2

      it's actual rapt…

  • Do they also have libby catalogue?

  • hi just checking does it have access to todays paper and in what format? or only old stuff

    • It's recent mate. I have been reading on the go. It is a full fledged 'as is' scanned version of the published newspapers including advertisements. One can even download pages as PDF or to your Google Drive.

      • Recent meaning today's paper is there?

        • Yes

  • +8

    Nice, a free washing service…for your brain

  • +1

    Amazing - thank you!

  • -1

    I just use Bypass Paywalls extension on browser instead. the only drawback is that it defaults to mobile version of the sites rather than web version, so you can't always read the comments against the articles.

    • If you read the comments on news sites you are doing it wrong

      • Precisely the opposite at ozbargain.

  • +1


    • +3

      lol while you get algorithm served information generated by AI bots half the time.

    • +2

      Interesting times we live in where people prefer to get the current affairs from social media sites rather than recognised news sites.

      • All filtered by algorithms to ensure you only see "like minded" articles 🤔

  • Is this only for Vic Residence or Other States residents also can get membership?

  • +1

    The New Daily is my go to.

    Everything else feels incredibly biased.

  • -1

    Is InfoWars available?

  • +1

    Legend, thank you

  • Anyone else getting error: Maximum sessions reached, please try again later

    • Unsure about others mate, just logged in after your comment, working fine for me. Was able to open today's newspaper of The Age without any issues.

  • +1

    Can also sign in via Libraries Tasmanian for access for those interested. Theres a "Newspaper and Magazine" portal and a serch bar.

  • Keep in mind this isn't as good as a digital subscription to those papers. If you want to read any articles on the HS/Age websites for example, this won't work.

  • +1

    Awesome! I currently access The Age through the National Library, but this offers more.

  • Is there a way to access the news apps of these dailies? After doing the UTAS course from OzB, I can now access The Australian app.

  • +2

    Good stuff op

  • +1

    anyone know if this gives full access to Herald Sun online articles (e.g. Supercoach)? I've followed the instruction, but seems to just let you read the actual newspaper, not bypass the online paywalls?

  • -1

    Or you can just use this trick


  • It don't let me access anything. I have to live in Victoria to access it. But I live in Sydney.
    Any other ways?

    • +1

      Hi @seniordoc, I just went on to the NSW State Library website and searched the key word "newspapers". I think it is pretty much the same deal and way of working. The recommended eresource cleary states printed versions of Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Daily Telegraph Sydney are all accessible. You just need login as a library member. Join up, it seems to be free too. Enjoy, happy reading :)

    • +2

      All State Libraries do this. I'm in QLD and it works the same.

  • Fantastic, paying nothing for it brings it far closer to the actual worth of Australian journalism

  • The question if people spend an hour on reading the newspapers when they can watch a TikTok video or YouTube short in 5 mins.

    • I guess you can watch some dancing on Thick Tok. I suspect more value from reading a newspaper however…🤔

  • +5

    “If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”

    Mark Twain.

    Thanks OP et al.

    • +1

      Him and Schrödinger would have made good friends 👌

  • News Corp's propaganda has caused permanent damage to my brain. As the disseminator of information, Victorian Government should compensate me for the damage to my brain.

  • If you don't like it then you can hold a rally on the steps of the library to protest it

  • A few hoops to jump through, but worth it just to read in the Herald-Sun about how awesome the Collingwood win was and how great the Dan Houston trade pickup is in the paper tomorrow ;)

  • Been using for a while and my local council library also have access to digital news and magazines. Though i don’t read any of these crap on a daily basis I keep it around as I absolutely hate paying for these garbage in times of need

  • Free? Nah way too expensive for this crap ;)

  • +1

    Moving on from the political tirades (social media might be a better place for that folk) and getting back to "bargains" however you wish to define them… I wanted to thank the OP for a well laid out and useful contribution. All working perfectly for me. You don’t get the glitzy presentation of the custom digital apps but it’s all perfectly usable and I probably wouldn’t have stumbled across it without this pointer.

  • Anything for QLD? Or are we no longer the "Smart State" LOL

  • thanks aaruu - great deal!!

  • Thanks OP.

  • Isn’t there a delay of 1-2 days on accessing the content though?

    If so, this should prominently feature in the description. Most people have no desire to read historical news articles.

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