• expired

Eaton 3S 700VA / 420W Standby Powerboard UPS | Mac Compatible | Special Price $89.98 + Shipping


The Eaton 3S UPS helps to protect your computer equipment in case of everyday events such as lightning strikes, storms, over-demand on the utility grid, accidents, and natural disasters knocking out power without warning. In the event of a total blackout, the unit provides sufficient battery backup time to last through most power outages.

HID-compliant USB port for automatic integration with most common operating systems. This UPS is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7, Linux, Mac OS X.

Product highlights:

• Attractive design and glossy finish make the 3S a perfect fit for the modern office environment.

• The 3S comes with 6 Australian outlets for easy connection of typical computer configurations with peripherals.

• The 3S features a HID-compliant USB port (cable supplied), for automatic integration with common operating systems (Windows/Mac OS/Linux).

• Compact unit fits on or under your desk or can be mounted on a wall.

• Easy-to-replace battery helps to extend UPS service life.

• The 700VA model saves up to 30% energy through its EcoControl function which automatically disables peripherals when the master device, such as a computer, is turned off.

Related Stores

UPS Place
UPS Place

closed Comments

  • Is this just a surge protector?

    • It's a UPS

      • UPS and Surge Protector

  • +4

    Shipping to WA Metro is $19.80, which is pretty reasonable for a heavy item like a UPS.

    However, this appears to be a fairly standard price for this unit, not even close to being the cheapest: http://staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=eaton+3s+700va&…

    • Neg removed because the price was originally "accidentally" $99.

      I wouldn't pos the deal though. It still seems like a pretty average price. Shipped to WA it is now a whopping $0.11 cheaper than their normal eBay price.

  • +10

    Hey Rep, how is this a bargain when YOU are selling this on eBay for $109.90 including postage?


    FAIL. We're not stupid ya know!

    • +6

      agreed — neg, not a bargain, just advertising — and considering ebay takes auction fees they're making even less than that — this one provides more profit for them.

    • You're absolutely right! This was a mistake on our Part and the price should be $89.99 on the website.
      Sorry, we started the ebay promotion recently and didn't line it up with this offer.

      • Ah OK, thanks. Glad you sorted that however it seems it was too little too late looking at all the comments below (eek).

  • +2

    Is this the same one DSE were doing for $39 a while back (when I bought mine, which has been doing a fine job by the way - seems like a good product!)

    • +1

      I got one @ DSE with a -recently- changed battery.

      (DSE staff told me the others had -old- batteries in 'em,
      hence the $39 price, discounted from $99.)

  • Hi All, sorry about the confusion. It was meant to be $89.99 all along. More savings for you!!!

  • Even at $89.99 it's not that good a price… Gocomp in Brisbane sell it for $93 with much cheaper shipping $7-$14

    • -1

      GoComp is not 'Authorised Eaton' Reseller. They do not specialise on UPSs and I would seriously doubt their stock levels. Not to mention, that is very likely the UPS you get from them will be past the 'Recharge Date'

      Ring them up and find out. I bet they don't even know what a UPS is!!!

      • +1

        I go to gocomp a lot.
        They seem to generally have great stock,prices,staff etc
        When I've been in there I've heard them on the phone nerding it up big time.
        I would think they consider themselves to specialise in ups.

        How can you verify this:
        "very likely the UPS you get from them will be past the 'Recharge Date'"
        Do you buy a lot of ups there?

        • -1

          I know this because I hear this from customers who purchase UPSs from stores like GoComp.

          Go ahead and ask them what the "Recharge Date" is on their UPS! Please do me a favour
          And let me know what they say, please

        • +9

          Mate you need to learn about dealing with competitors.

          What you should be doing is showing us why you are better without slagging off other vendors. If all you can do is slag off everyone else then it generally comes across as you aren't really any better at all.

          Surely this is basic sales/marketing?

          Also apologies to Stitchy, this was meant to be a reply to the rep.

        • +1

          it's irrelevant.
          if it is DOA, they'd swap. no probs.

          if yours is DOA or if it fails, i gotta package it and send it back.
          you're supposed to offer enough reward for this risk.
          i don't think your 'bargain' does this

        • -1

          This is a genuenly good deal, guys!

          I'm only telling the truth and not slagging off other vendors. Not only we beat them on price but we also beat them on service.

          Stichy, 'swap it no probs' is a little doubtful

  • +1

    Even at $90 it's still cheaper for me in WA to buy local once shipping costs are added.

  • -2

    Local where??? I'll be very surprised if ANYONE keeps them in stock. The UPSs have batteries that need to be recharged every 6 months, therefore, very seldom you'll find any retailers keeping stock.

    If you can find it locally for less than what we seel it for and prove it to me, I'll give you one for FREE!

    • +1

      Your price on special $89.99 + $19.80 to ship to WA total $109.78

      Local company vtech standard price inc shipping

      Their link.

      Granted not in stock but either way it's being shipped to me.

      • -2

        Like you just said and proving my point: "NOT IN STOCK"

        • Don't really care, either way it's being shipped to me and there will be a time delay in it getting to me.

          I'd rather deal with someone local because if there is an issue, shipping it back to someone in WA or even just dropping it off is going to be a lot cheaper than sending it back over east.

        • -1

          Good luck)

          How much time delay? Please ask them… my guess is they wouldn't be able to tell you

        • According to their page 4-8 days.

          Alternatively I can take a guess at their supplier in Perth and if I log in with my work account I can have it for $104.50 inc GST and they have stock in Melbourne. Pop it on the next work order and could have it by end of the week.

          Point still stands that your special isn't that special if we can find regular pricing that works out better. Regardless of in stock or not, you have not been able to show us why we should in any way order from you.

        • +1

          your attitude is a deal killer rep

        • Shopping around another supplier. About $106.70 to Perth and they have stock in Melbourne and Sydney.

          Granted this is cheating a bit as I am getting pricing from wholesalers, but this was more to illustrate the point that the 4-8 days buying at retail from vtech isn't unreasonable and from the look of things the suppliers they are more than likely using have plenty in stock ready to ship over.

          And still doesn't change the fact that we have regular pricing not "special" pricing which works out slightly cheaper to get it to WA.

        • I don't know what wholesalers you're reffering to but this is a special price. I think you cannot claim the cheaper prices without naming the store.

          Just check the eBAy and you'll see the prices there.

  • I must emphasize our UPSs are fresh from the Manufacturer. Therefore, you won't find any issues relating to:
    - UPS not working due to flat/dead battery
    - Stock Availability

    P.S. always check the battery "Recharge By" date when buying a new UPS

    • +2

      well any store that did sell doa device would instantly swap it.
      in fact, this seems to be a good reason for me to buy my ups at a local bricks 'n mortar.
      thank you for the suggestion.

  • No doubt, but who wants to go through the hassle of returning faulty units?

    • +3

      yeh especially if you have to send them to nsw.
      much easier for me to drive 5min to gocomp

      • -5

        You are a DREAM CUSTOMER! Honestly…

    • I agree… thery were selling well below the cost price! And again, the reason for that was that the UPSs were past the "Recharge By" date! Did you check yours?

      They had to get rid of stock.

      • +3

        Who gives a shit? They're still working, aren't they?

        Rep sounds like a massive douche.

        • just answer me a simple question, did you check the "Recharge By" date?

          They should not be selling the goods that are past the recharge date (just like you wouldn't buy Milk past the "Best Before" date). Even though the milk may still be GOOD!!!

          You're are being unreasonable by calling names!

        • +2

          You're are being unreasonable by calling names!


          You are a DREAM CUSTOMER! Honestly…

        • +4

          I do agree with you though, just reading the replies from the rep, he does sound like a douche.

          Reminds me of the guys from Harvey Normans, who try VERY hard to sell something to you. Saying things like "Other competitors sell UPS which are past their recharge by date", sounds like the excuse that HN would give you.

          If you read all the comments left by the Rep, it appears 'they' maybe trying to get rid of stock by employing an extremely aggressive sales techniques.

          It would be funny if one of the other competitors said this about your stock "Oh they are saying their units are before recharge date, but have you asked them how much before, it is most likely 4-5days before the date!"

          Just my 2 cents.

        • I got one during the DSE deal that was 8 months past its "recharge by" date. It worked fine and the battery had a capacity that matched the runtime chart when tested.

          Nevertheless, I think the rep makes a valid point, although the milk analogy probably overstates it.

        • Not trying to get rid of stock. Our eBay store has 100% feedback so we are very reputation conscious.

          We're not trying very hard, just trying to warn consumers (even if they don't buy from us). Did you ever hear anyone mention the "Recharge By" date for a UPS?

          What excuse? We're not giving any excuses, just answering your questions.

        • -2

          I thought 'Dream Customer' was a GOOD thing. If anyone called me that, I'd be happy)))

          Douche, on the other hand, is not so pleasant

        • Thank you. You were the lucky one (your UPS was still working)

          I'm just warning you guys.

        • +2

          He could be making a valid point, but it is how he makes the point which just "pisses" people off, sorta like how a troll usually makes their point.

          He should be confirming his claims instead of asking the consumer to confirm the claims.
          Your claims mean nothing if you don't have any proof to back it up.

          Our proof = another store cheaper than you.
          Ozbargain site = a bargain site, if somebody is cheaper than you, then you are no bargain.

          Your proof = accusations with no basis. Same as saying, the meteors will hit the earth tomorrow and it will be doomsday.

        • +3

          Pretty much.

          I hate it when we have vendors come to us at work and do nothing but slag off the competition. They will spend more time attacking everyone else rather than showing us what is great about them.

          It's frustrating because they might have a good product, but at the end of the day they fail to show us that. All we come away with is a list of other vendor names who have competing products that "might" have issues. And nothing to show what was good about the original vendors product.

        • Our claim is: we offer the cheapest price for the unit.

          Unfortunately, we cannot compete with cheaper (local) freight costs for everyone. Which I think is only fair.

  • Do you have the units or do they get shipped from manufacturer? Cos if you have them, what happens if no-one buys one off you or your stock is less then demand over a period of time ?

    • We sell a lot of them - high turnover. If we don't - stock rotation with the manufacturer is performed in order to ensure quality.

      We've been given a special deal this month by our supplier and would like to pass the savings onto our customers.

      • +2

        A special deal from your supplier isn't really a bargain though.
        I used to work in a computer store and their cost price was sometimes the normal price of other places.

        The price you get given is usually to do with your agreement or sales quantities per month. More you sell the cheaper you get stock for.

        Your deal isn't a ozbargain deal if we manage to find another price cheaper than you. There would be a flood of deals like this if the rep decides "oh your supplier gave us a good deal, we will pass it on to you"

        Price is always the key to it all. Nobody really cares about the use by date…… everybody knows that batteries can last a lot longer than they do on papers.

        • To be fair battery expiry date is an issue, but if you buy one that's marked as expired you would return it as it is not fit for sale as a brand new unit. If it were a discounted quit stock model maybe that'd be ok.. Would need to look at the warranty laws again as they changed recently.

          But still if you come to ozbargain, expect to bring a great price or people will pick you apart.

        • Guys,

          The sell price is the most competitive on Australian Internet. The fact that some other (local) suppliers can offer cheaper shipping is not up to us.

          Please be fair. Unfortunately, shipping costs are beyond our control.

        • I think you miss the point there though.

          This is a local shop in Perth. If they did pickup then shipping wouldn't even be an issue. At the end of the day even with shipping from them to me it still comes out cheaper.

          I know shipping to WA is crap but the guys have also pointed out plenty of places able to do it cheaper even with shipping (or just pick it up).

          So it still comes back to the same issue that regardless of state everyone has been able to find a better deal.

          And one last note, shipping is an issue everywhere. And it's what everyone on OzBargain looks at to gauge whether a deal is any good or not. It's no point ordering say a HDD from Amazon USA because its $30 cheaper only to find that shipped to Aus it comes out $5 more than the local price.

  • +7

    This guy reminds me of a door-to-door UPS company rep that dropped into my retail shop about 8 years ago.

    He came completely unsolicited and asked to give me his spiel on his companies UPSes. I said sure, go ahead. I listened and his pitch sounded pretty good. So he gets to the end and I started asking questions - doing my basic due diligence to see if this guy was all talk and no substance, but doing it in a perfectly conversational and positive tone of voice.

    "Where do you source your components?". This is relevant because different brands and different countries tend to produce better quality components less likely to overheat or fail. He said it didn't matter, it was designed and assembled locally. He seemed mildly offended that I'd even asked. Hmm. OK. Moving on.

    "Do you have any independent benchmarks or reviews of your products?". The sales rep nearly lost it at me. Two questions and he'd gone from friendly sales guy to arrogant prick. He said they didn't mean anything, they don't matter, they can be fixed, it's locally designed by professional electronic engineers and the quality was good and that stuff didn't matter and I was just some kid who couldn't possibly understand it. I was 23/24 at the time, had studied tertiary EEE, and have had a fairly strong personal interest in AC/DC PSU units which share commonalities with UPSes, so I disagree with that assessment, but I didn't tell him that. He was being mostly arrogant with some aggression at this point.

    So I asked why I should trust his product. Now he loses it. Almost full aggression. He tells me he used to buy off reviewers for other companies so independent reviews/benchmarks mean nothing. Yes, he angrily confessed that he's the kind of fluffy space monkey that's payed for fake results and that's why I should trust him. He insults me personally and the size/location of my business. He complains that he wasted his time coming down there… he showed up completely unannounced to deliver this compelling sales pitch.

    So yeah. Upsplace dude - you screwed up on the original price. Either by setting it wrong accidentally or simply without realising you couldn't get away with a regular price on OzBargain. Instead of taking your mistake and learning from it, you're lashing out at people that have a reason to think you're wasting their time. You're creating ill will… FOR NO REASON. You simply cannot turn this around. Drop the aggressive feedback. You aren't going to talk your way into this being a good deal. Next time post the deal properly and make sure it's a bargain.

    • +2

      Can you send me a PM with what company that was. I'd love to know if it's the brand I have seen all over the place and have had to rip out due to crap software or failed UPS's.

      • I wish I could remember, man. It was literally some walk-in dude for a company I hadn't heard of at the time and don't think I've heard of since (but since I can't remember the name… I might have). He said the UPS company was assembling stuff locally in Osbourne Park, WA based on designs of WA based electrical and electronic engineers. That was the focus of the sales pitch. The company was probably started some time between 1999-2004, I think he said it was fairly new. I think.

        • Ah k, probably not who I am thinking of then. Would have been funny though.

        • It's worth noting: entirely possible this dude was full of crap and it was some random import and/or rebadge operation. Considering he confessed to paying off reviewers, it wouldn't surprise me that he simply lied about it being local to Osbourne Park or assembled locally.

    • Tantry, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story.

      We did make a mistake in the beginning and I apologise for it (we're only human).

      The only thing I'm being aggressive is trying to warn you guys about the problems that may arise when you purchase UPSs without getting the full picture (i.e. "Recharge By" date, technical specs, real Warranty Conditions).

      I'm not selling the product (it's got WorldWide credentials and agencies approvals). I'm selling the service and I think it's above everyone elses.

      • Unfortunately we only have your word on that. Do you understand that?

        If I posted on here that I fix computers real good, better than most, and this is my price with a special 20% discount for OzBargain… I'd get slaughtered because the only way people know if I'm any good is if I can prove it. Me saying "well, I'm really good, and the reason is I'm pretty much the only person who's stuck with the same low level IT job for a long time, everyone else doing it is teenagers and people looking to get higher paying jobs further up the chain" doesn't change that.

        It's still a more expensive (or equally priced) product that is indistinguishably different because they would have no way of knowing how much better I am.

        We have no way of gauging your service level.

        • Well, you can compare our description for this product (on our website) to any other website out there.

          Please let me know if you find another wesite that goes through so much trouble to describe the product in as many details as we do?!?! Can you find one that offers detailed Warranty Statement or the instructions video?

          Please let me know if you do. As you can see, we can backup our claims…

          I only ask for you guys to be fair!

        • +1

          And this is where it looks like your service level will actually be atrocious.

          Look at how detailed my website is? Seriously? Look how well we've copy-pasted the manufacturers website? That should earn us credit?

          One thing you've made abundantly clear is that you'll whine about things being fair when they don't go your way. RMA taking too long? Sounds like your response will be "not our problem, waiting for the manufacturer, it was lost in delivery, be fair!".

        • disagree, the above comment is unfair.

          We've done a lot more than just copy paste manufacturer's website.

        • +1

          They don't really have much more than most shops.

          As an example:

          The only thing above and beyond is the extended warranty listing which isn't clear whether this also extends the battery given that the manufacturer warranty listed says 3yr for UPS 2yr for battery.. But that info seems to be hard to find regardless. And at the end of the day extended warranties are the norm for most places, although it is nice to see it being the Eaton extended warranty rather than a 3rd party one like HN etc try and push.

          The rest is all a copy of manufacturers details with less info. E.g. the nice interactive graph has been cut out which would be handy to work out run time. (http://powerware.eaton.com/3S700AU.aspx?CX=22)

          And the rest of the details all came from the features page here http://powerware.eaton.com/Products-services/Backup-Power-UP…

          And the video was taken from the product page anyway http://powerquality.eaton.com/Videos/3S-startup-video.asp

          Not seeing how this is any more than a sales information package or just copy from the product manufacturers website. It's not a bad thing, it's what most places do but I don't see how that shows your level of service being above anyone else in listing the details of a product.

        • Firstly, it is A LOT more than other stores offer you (so you know exactly what you're getting)

          Additionally, we sell replacement batteries. Which again, is more than the other stores can offer.

        • Come on, man. Still arguing that your copy-pasted website is a good indicator that your service is good? It indicates nothing. It proves nothing. It shows you or someone in the business or someone you know is OK at website design and you want to put detail on the site. Nothing more.

          And now starting up an argument about replacement batteries? What, you won't sell replacement batteries to people who don't buy the UPS from you? How is this good service?

        • -1

          Tantryl, yes it is copy and past mostly.

          But please show me another online store that went through this much trouble to provide all the relevant and ACCURATE information to their customers.

          Of course we sell replacement batteries to everyone. It's listed on the website and is available for purchase by anyone.

          I think it's pretty good service, especially compared to all the other online stores out there

        • Of course you do. You're trying to sell the place to us. Every single person who comes on here trying to sell us things says the same thing. Their company is better. Why? Because they think it is. Because the website is good. Because they've been in the business for x years. Because of testimonials.

          Is none of this sinking in? None of that matters. It indicates nothing. It could be conman tactics for all we know. It could be self confidence. It could be self delusion. It could be that you know what you're on about. It could be that you're over compensating because you're worried you don't know what you're on about.

          We. Can't. Tell.

          You telling us that it's totally confidence because of your marvellous service doesn't help.

          This site is about presenting a product at the best price. Your business model means you have to charge for shipping, and thus it must be taken into account. With shipping, your price is mediocre. We can't measure or value your service level.

        • Pretty sure I posted examples, even links to the pages on the Eaton site you copied.

          But once again an example of a page showing pretty much the same detail.

          The same features spiel and the same technical details which actually include the graph you left out.


          The only thing not included is extended warranty and a video. Really that constitutes your website being more accurate? That's asking a lot. The technical information is the same and if it wasn't it wouldn't be the same product.

          Adding one more note, what really sets some shops apart is when they list if something is in stock, and where it is in stock. In stock at supplier, in stock at the <insert suburb> branch etc. Tells us a lot about the seller.. I just had a quick look at your website and it says in stock. And you didn't really answer the other post about this whether it's in stock with you or your supplier.. From your reply of it being a special from your supplier it would say you don't carry the stock directly.

        • +1

          That said: a reputation for good service is something you CAN build here. Provide many good deals and get many OzB customers and provide them with good service and that will filter down.

          You can not, however, jump out of the gate and say "my service is great!" and expect people to give you that respect without you proving it.

    • tantryl:
      this guy also reminded me of my recent pool-pump buying adventure.. all the bs that was thrown at me. These people try and use fear mostly.. as the rep has clearly done.

  • Guys,

    The sell price is the most competitive on Australian Internet. The fact that some other (local) suppliers can offer cheaper shipping is not up to us.

    Please be fair. Unfortunately, shipping costs are beyond our control.

    • +1

      That. Doesn't. Matter.

      The business model you've chosen necessitates shipping. It's a part of the price. You can't pretend it isn't.

      • Yes, you're right! and it will be more or less competitive based on where you live, which we cannot control unfortunately.

        • +1

          And it's fine that you can't control it.

          But it's a reality. It affects the price. You can't just pretend it isn't there.

        • I'm not pretending that it's not there.

          Just stating that our price (without shipping) is the cheapest in Australia.

        • +1

          But your price (without shipping) is not a price anyone can get it for. So it's irrelevant.

  • Is this supported by Qnap NAS's, such as the TS-419P II?

    • Hi Lukian, no, it's not supported by Qnap Network Attached Storage, as far as I know

  • +2

    I want to make it clear again. I'm trying to be helpful.

    Defending your position here is making you look bad. It is not bringing people round to your point of view. It is making you look argumentative and hard to deal with.

    • Thank you for your feedback!

      Really appreciate all your comments as it helps us understand your (customer's) point of view. We'll try and improve on all the points that you mentioned above.

      • Good to see you keeping up the communication. Any idea whether this supports windows home server 2011?

        There was a research paper floating around recently that found that power failures can easily corrupt or kill a ssd. Might find an increased demand in ups just to allow an orderly shutdown.

        I get about one power-out a week.

        • Not 100% sure but I think it is. But you can download free software: Intelligent Power Manager by Eaton

          Supported operating systems:
          Windows 2000/XP (Home or Pro)/2003/Vista/2008/7
          Server grade OS recommended

          Supported virtualization management systems:
          VMware vCenter 4, 5
          Microsoft SCVMM

          Supported browsers for viewing:
          Google Chrome 4, 5
          Mozilla Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6
          Microsoft Internet

          Please follow this link for more info: http://powerquality.eaton.com/Products-Services/Power-Manage…

  • Eaton UPS Companion

    Eaton UPS Companion provides safe system shutdown for SOHO, small business & Residential users looking for an easy way to enhance the protection capabilities of their Eaton UPS. Eaton UPS Companion allows an easy configuration procedure for shutdown parameters, and user friendly access to UPS settings. Eaton UPS Companion also provides data on energy usage and energy cost for a better understanding of the power expense required for the protected equipment.

    Eaton UPS Companion main features :

    Safe system shutdown
    Energy use and energy cost reporting
    Easy access to UPS status and events
    Configuration of UPS parameters
    Multiple language support
    Automatic software updates

    Eaton UPS Companion is compatible with the following Eaton UPS:

    Eaton 3S

    Eaton UPS Companion is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

  • +2

    Quote "upsplace": disagree, the above comment is unfair.

    We've done a lot more than just copy paste manufacturer's website.

    Second quote: Tantryl, yes it is copy and past mostly.


  • If nothing else it's good that the first half of this thread referenced the battery recharge issue. If the rep is genuinely vigilant about selling the freshest possible stock, that should be considered a real selling point.
    Lead-acid batteries (gel or otherwise) should be recharged ever 3 months at the outside. The 6 month timeframe encompassed by stickers on UPS boxes are there for 'practical' purposes.
    I have two Eaton units (same 700VA rating) that are about five years old, bought and plugged in well before the recharge sticker expiry. Once lead-acid batteries are even a little bit compromised by fine-grained (difficult to reverse) sulphation, they're on a slippery slope to an early death. The batteries in mine were. Didn't last anywhere near as long as they should have.

  • +1

    Thanks for your efforts tantryl and others. Your research has been much appreciated.

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