Half price kettlebells at Big W starting Thursday
One Active brand
2.5kg = $9.46
5.0kg = $14.00
Half price kettlebells at Big W starting Thursday
One Active brand
2.5kg = $9.46
5.0kg = $14.00
Anyone use Kettlebells ?
They are usually crazy expensive. Is 5kg enough for a workout?
Depends on your build really. Its good to start off with, but if your pretty fit, you'd want something heavier
I'd recommend 12kg or 16kg as a starting weight for most men. 5kg would only really be useful for women using it as part of a cardio circuit.
I use 24kg personally.
RXD all the way
Pretty light kettlebells, beginner men would probably start with 8 or 12kg.
nothing heavier?
I made my own following an instructables guide.
made your own kettlebell? sounds cool lol
Yep. Looks and works great. All you need is a old ball (basketball in my case), quick dry cement, and some conduit.
Come on cuz - give us the link bro (coz I'm too lazy to Google 'instructables make your own kettlebell', ay).
Here's the link, kidz - this will result in a huge surge in the black-market price of busted basketballs.
Even cheaper than buying them second-hand from some dummy who buys them, uses them once, then puts them on gumtree (that's how I got mine - $35 for a 24kg plastic-coated jobbie that I stub my foot on when I go to the dunny in the night).
Seriously, that is exactly how mine looks. (except I have a blue ball)
If you got blue balls,
that sounds serious
Better get some release soon
Yep, that's where the OzSale jocks bargain came in handy….
The one in the instructable looks pretty presentable (maybe if he painted it matt black it would be better… if he painted the Apple logo on it and called it an iKettlebell he could sell them for a grand a pop).
I reckon I might give the Instructable a crack - given my lack of workmanship skills it will be the most mongoloid/Thalidomide-looking kettlebell that the world has ever seen. Training with it would then be the most 'meta' hardcore thing that has ever been - or perhaps only second-best… the hardest-core thing since Richie McCaw.
Hi filled my Handle with sand prior to bending. helps.
I just bench press my car when im bored personally.
You need a motorbike to swing around for a full body workout rather than just working the pecs.
You have to use a bench?
Kettlebells are great. But these really are too light. Men could start at 12-16, women at 8-12. Great cardio workout with some leg and core development along the way.
$3 per kilo is not a bargain for a kettlebell, especially considering the construction of these would not be as good as high quality ones
What would you consider to be a high quality kettlebell and at what price/kg would you consider it good value? I've always been half interested in them but due to my many noodly appendages, I haven't really done much research.
I have started with 10kg. I have found these guys sell kettlebells quite cheap compared to in store.
Picked mine up the other week and love it.
^^^^ What he said.
Great for beginners. If you get serious then obviously you're going to want to spend more money and get better quality. http://www.ironedge.com.au sell top quality gear, but it comes with a price.
Manly Kettlebells.