This was posted 12 years 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Double Movie Pass @ Event for Spending $50 at Parramatta Westfield Restaurants


Enjoy A Date On Us!
Spend $50 or more in one transaction within the Westfield Parramatta Restaurant Precinct and receive a Double Movie Pass to Event Cinemas.

Present your receipt to the Concierge Desk on Level 2 or 4 to redeem movie tickets.

Offer valid 4 - 14 February 2013

Participating Retailers -

Max Brenner
Pho Pasteur
Parramatta Phoenix
Sushi Bay
The Coffee Emporium
Mr Ping's

View Full Terms and Conditions here:…
(document reads valid dates as 2012 but the promo is definitely on now)

As a side note, Pho Pasteur here has in my opinion the BEST pho tai in all of Sydney.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Pho Pasteur @ Parra is VERY average imo

    • Really? Man no where else compares for me… Flemington, Bankstown, Cabra…
      Each to their own I guess :)

      • Pho Tau Bay @ cabra

      • +1

        pho in general is average
        we asians invented it cause we were starving and didnt have anything else to eat

        cant believe they charge ten bucks a bowl for it

      • An Pho @ Cabra
        Still decently priced and best Pho I've had!

    • +1

      I agree with that. There is another one next to Chinese restaurants which is the best in Parramatta. It's called Pasteur. I always go eat there if I go to Parra!

  • Is it possible to shop at multiple restaurants in 1 transaction? Or you have to spend the $50 at 1 location?

    • +1

      "Spend $50 or more in any single transaction" from T & C

  • Great bargain - basically your meal is free as tickets are worth $18.50 each I think.

  • Hmm, would these Double movie passes work for shows that are flagged as 'no free tickets' ?

    • Yes. They are paid tickets that they are giving away.

      • How can you tell the difference between paid movie passes, vs 'free' movie passes?

        The closest i can think of are probably, those 10-50 movie pass books that you buy from the Cinemas. And tear them out and use them as passes. Don't recall ever seeing these so called 'free' tickets that cinemas won't accept on new release movies..

  • +2

    Just rock up to Phoenix and burning $50 is easy…

    • yep.. order 2 dishes and you are there..

    • I've been meaning to try… Price aside, is it actually nice? All I've heard about is the price

      • Average at best but at least there's valet parking so I don't have to worry parking…

        They don't charge you the tea money so that's a savings of ~$2.50 per person. I suppose they could built that into the dishes prices.

        I find it pretty weird for a Chinese restaurant to have an non-Asian floor manager. Maybe that's just me.

    • is yumcha included?

  • Great deal :D

  • Reading it, it sounds like the claim has to be made on the same day? But you dont have to watch the movies on the same day. Am I reading it right?

    Not sure how good it will look on a date if i said i had to go get some free movie tickets.

    • nothing wrong with free tickets on a date

      • Man, AFter dinner and dessert, i went to the concierge but they were all shut by then (after 10pm). do i have to get the free movie tickets that day itself or another day?

        • I'm sure you can go another day

        • My friend if you haven't picked up your tickets already you can forget about it. They are finished!

  • pho pasteur is the best value of the places, but its going to be pretty hard to spend $50 there between two people haha. too much value .

  • I got free double movie pass when spending $50. My wife and I went to Phoenix for Yum Cha. Just present the receipt at the concierge at Westfield. You can use the vouches anytime before June 2013 expiry except Saturday before 5pm.

  • +1

    spent $50 at sushi bay, ended up getting some takeaway and got our tix,

    My friend went later sunday afternoon to claim his tickets and they said they had sold out, he even checked at both concierge's too.

    has anyone tried since?

  • Westfield's Parramatta has run out of Movie Tickets and hence the promotion has come to a stand still. Mind you the restaurants in question are still promoting the deals with no intentions from Westfield's to provide the Movie Tickets. Read the fine print and see how sneeky these promotions from Westfield's can be! According to the staff at Westfield's they ran out of tickets a few days ago and the promotion is suppose to run until tomorrow Valentine's Day. Great for the restaurants but tough titties for the customers. You've been taken for a ride!

    • I went in today and was able to collect tickets. Though I had to ask the staff member to speak to one of their coworkers (who I enquired with earlier in the day). Sure enough, there was a small amount of tickets left. Even though the promotion ends on Valentine's, the tickets don't expire then (mine do in August).

      If it's to anyone's interest, Phoenix has a similar promotion going on where you spend $85 on dinner and receive two tickets to Event cinemas. I'm not too clear on the details as I only spotted a flyer on another table whilst having lunch today. It should say something along the lines of "Movie Date Night" though?

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