BCF has the Humminbird PiranhaMax 150x Fish Finder for $69 and shipping to NSW is $10 I don't know about other states. It's $70 off RRP and cheaper than ebay.
Humminbird PiranhaMax 150x Fish Finder, BCF $69 + $10 Shipping (NSW)

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Yeah fishing bargains ftw.
Do these things actually work?
I'm +1'ing this comment because I too want to know this.
I haven't used this model before, but I have used other fish finders and they work well. the main thing I look for using them are reefs as fish love sticking around them.
if your in your boat and you want to know if there are rocks on the bottom or a wreck, to know if its sandy, or just the distance to the bottom they are invaluable. will save a lot of guess work and at this price you have no excuse not to have one.
Once you have one you will never go without one ever again.my experience only comes from ones 20-30 years ago, but yea they work. they wont go out and find fish for you, but they will give you a much better idea of whats below the boat
Fishfinders work by creating a frequency and measuring the echo as it bounces back from the bottom, from fish, logs, or plastic bags. Essentially the same sort of thing as a dolphin's clicks. The echoes are processed and a map of the bottom is placed on a screen like so: http://www.clubmarine.com.au/internet/clubmarine.nsf/docs/MG27-4+Finding+fish/$file/findingfish2.jpg
In that photo, the arches might be fish.
On a unit such as this, the screen resolution isn't great so it can really only be used to check the depth and temperature of the water - so it is useful for finding reef or channels or other good fishing spots, but not so useful for finding the actual fish.
At this price point, you can't really go wrong - however I think it is worth spending $200 and buying one with better resolution and a colour screen
Does this work even when your fishing without a boat? i.e. off a jetty or pier?
nice price, would be good for my kayak
fishing stuff, dont see that on here very often. good stuff :)