This was posted 12 years 1 month 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Crazy Canon Lenses Deals at GraysOnline (Free Delivery)


Just picked up a Canon 35mm F/1.4L for $341.95!!! The lens is normally $1341.95.

They also have a 50mm F/1.2 for $369.95. Very cheap! Crazy Cheap!

There might be more unsure was rushing to pick up the Canon 35mm F1.4L. Haha

Check it out ASAP before they change prices back!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    damn that's cheap. I wonder if it's a mistake!

    • Must be a mistake because they are selling the 'Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro Lens' for $2059 normally $300-500… I am waiting for paypal to send me my receipt but everything seem to be going through ok.

      • Agreed. They are selling 7D body only for $1500+

        • 7D twin lens is listed as $451, so that's be ozbargained already

  • defiantly a pricing mistake

    • +11

      i hate it when pricing mistakes are defiant

    • +2

      bah double post, that's karma biting me in the ass

  • I just ordered an 85mm 1.2 for $402.95. Not keeping my hopes up though, I do expect them to cancel it!

  • EF 50mm f/1.4 for $123.95 is mental too!

  • 70-300mm f/4-5.6 L IS USM at $145

  • Amazing prices.. gotta be a major screwup

    • At this price I gotta buy first no matter what.

  • +1

    Just bought 50 1.2 and 85 1.2
    Hope they will honour this but I doubt it.

    update : just got a tax invoice from Greys

    • a tax invoice is fairly conclusive proof that it they are yours now - keep us informed if they try to reneg on the deal

  • Good prices..i think its grey import…correct?..

    • Yep, from Asia but sovered for 12 month by Grays. Check warranty tab.

  • -3

    Any good lens for Nikon D5100?

    • +2

      Really… You got to be trolling…

    • All 3 are out of stock now.. the 7D at $4xx is gone too.
      I ordered a 7D and 70-200, but the 70-200 must have gone out of stock while I was logging in to paypal. The full paypal payment went through, but when I got returned to Grays, I got a broken link with a message saying their tech people have been informed. I went back to the cart and there was a message saying there was an error, my order had not been placed, one of the items is out of stock.

      I suppose they're going to cancel everything anyway, so I'll just wait till that happens before I dispute it with paypal.

    • All out of stock.

  • Holy Crap! Thats Crazy cheap!

  • was able to order a few,

    if this goes through its insane!

  • Expired?

  • +1


  • +1

    There is no way they will honer any of this (if they do I will cry I didn't give it a go).

  • A noob question, are the above lens compatible with Canon 600D?

    • Pretty sure every L lens works on crop body.

    • Yes! Get some lenses hope they will honor it.

      I recommend the Canon EF 35mm 1.4L, Canon 85mm f1.2L, Canon EF 50mm F1.4 or Canon EF 50mm f1.2L. Very nice lenses :)

      • Thanks, if you we're to buy one, which one? :)
        I have the single Len kit already.

        • You're too late, they're all gone. :)

        • A good one that maybe still in stock is the Canon 50mm f1.4. Get that one if you can :)

        • Looks like that one is gone too :(
          Should have pay more attention to a friend when he was talking about lens!

          Anything left that is good?

        • Canon EF 28mm f/2.8 IS USM Lens that lens is normally $800! Might be good if you can get it?

        • Gone. No worries. Thanks for your help!

        • For future help:…

          This might help you in future purchases :)

  • Crap I flinched and missed out on the 85m. F1.2.

    Waiting for the apology emails from Greys and then the ubiquitous screams of Scam / Ponzi and Sheisters.

    • +2

      I'm actually waiting for "your order has been dispatched"

  • Just bought 100mm macro L + 70-200 2.8L for $890.9. Don't have much hope for them to honor it though lol..

  • All the lenses I want are sold out :(

  • I ordered a 50/1.2, 50/1.4 and 35/1.4 - got invoices but not expecting them to stick

  • cannon 600d + 18-135 for $603

  • Sold out very quickly for all the cheap ones.
    Ordered a 70-200 2.8 IS II though - they are around $800 cheaper than through the usual Grey Importers.

  • Got a 8-15mm fisheye and 35mm 1.4 but problem is i only got the paypal receipt, the checkout was all messed up and i have no confirmation :S We'll see what happens.

  • Bought 35L, 50L, and 100L. Funds already debited from my card. And confirmation emails received.

    Let's see what happens.

  • This is not going to end well.

    • +1

      I expect it so. The usual orders cancelled, lots of complaint posts and neg votes appearing. The usual.

  • so I don't know much about lenses but I have a 60D with the 18-200mm lens and I can't make close up pics. I need to be at leased 30cm from the item I want to take a pic of. Can anyone sugest a lens to do this ? Cheapest is fine.

    • Canon EF 100mm f2.8 Macro Lens. You want that :) Thats currently cheapest on grays for $116 normall $400ish. Good luck getting it!

      • Sold out :( can I get any that has "Macro" in the name like : Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro Lens A17 (Canon Mount) ?


        • Should be fine :) But that Canon EF 100mm f2.8 can focus a lot closer than this Tamron. If you can afford it I would still spring for the extra money and get the Canon. :)

        • ok thanks :)

  • curses, i think they're all gone

  • I got all the emails, confirmation etc. Hotmail shows this though "This message looks very suspicious to our SmartScreen filters, so we've blocked attachments, pictures, and links for your safety".

    Lol time for a refund

  • Awesome!! Managed to pick up one of the 8-15 fisheye, everything else got sold out while checking out. Hopefully they honor it :D

  • I wish I could just walk in, show my tax invoice and pick up my item =D

  • I think it's all gone, almost scored a Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM for $191 and a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM for $622.

  • +1

    Goddamit, wish I had been here half an hour ago :(

  • Got in Eos 650d with 18-135mm stm lens for $518 delivered.

    • yep bought the same..and the things is its Australian Stock as they are charging GST on it !!

  • for the nikon people, this is a "mistake" to right?
    sigma 70-200 f2.8 for $229….…

    • seems like it, i placed an order myself (praying this might be xmas)

      its 1299 at bhphoto…

      • sweet, I want the nikon 70-200 f4 BUT for this price i could get use to the weight or sell to buy the nikon :) (i never intend to make a profit off a bargain but it is just a back up)

    • I did the honorable thing and only brought two, there's another four left for you guys ^_^.

    • you can change to mount to Canon, right?

      • I think you can get adapters with aperture control but not autofocus. You might as well just ebay the thing and buy the Canon version.

    • BOOM all gone just 5 mins after i posted my question, thank god i got one :D

  • Wow that is cheap but I found the Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM Lens even cheaper $580 than the F2.8L at grays …. tough choice. Not affiliated in anyway……

    • +2

      f4, non-IS… sounds okay but most of the interesting animals only come out at night.

    • +2

      but its f4..

      i would go for f2.8

      seen the f4 in action once on a trip .. not that good for action/fast stuff

      • OK so worth the extra $$ for the 2.8L instead I wasn't sure which one to get? Too late for the grays by the look of it…

        • +1

          imo, always go for 2.8 or the best you can afford, no point wasting money/time on buying a f4 then regretting and then selling (at a slight lost) to buy the f2.8..

          thats how I see after getting burnt a few times myself

        • Most people would consider them expensive but Canon L lenses (the ones with the red ring) have a fantastic resale value, second only to exotic manual focus Zeiss and Leica lenses.

          Also, asian chicks totally dig them.

  • Did anyone recevie the Tax invoice yet? I have just recevied the automated order confirmation email..

    • I got mine :) From Grays.

    • Yup, I received an invoice for 3 of the lenses that I ordered. Still waiting on a 2nd invoice for another lens.

      • Yep just got mine for the 650D..i thought its a grey import but the invoice shows GST component…does that mean its not a Grey Import?

  • wonder if they will honour it…

  • still a good price ($518.95) for the 650D with 18-135 Lens…

    • +1

      Correct. I'd do it if I wanted this kit.

  • if i hadnt got one already already i would get this!…

    Scratch that, it is all gone..

    • +4

      Different people are entitled to their own hobbies and spend money in their own ways. Some spend hundred to thousands on fine foods and wines, others on their cars or clothes.. who are you to make a judgement?

      • -3

        same human being as you. but of course different way of life/midset. pimp your car imo also a waste of money. buy branded stuffs imo also a luxury thing. just as scoot pape 'barefoot investor' said 'if u have a car with price more than your age in K then either you're a drug dealer or you're lucky to have rich parent.

        • +1

          So how much is your car worth?

        • -4

          none. public transport is my daily routine since i prefer to save money for holiday. oh, how i am so waiting for it…..

        • +4

          Why? Walking is free.
          Holiday? What a luxury! tsk tsk.

        • -6

          i did walking a year back to work but it took almost an hour. and holiday is not luxury, it is necessity. that's why we have annual leave/break.

        • If you did it for a year, you can still do it now. Why are you wasting money?

          A holiday where you have to travel somewhere and spend money is NOT a necessity. It is a luxury. You could easily relax at home, or walk to a park and relax there. Why are you wasting your money like that?

        • -5

          haha, definitely we do have different mindset about necessity. different values about life. but it's a choice. just a reminder money can't buy everything.

        • +8

          That's the point. Different people have different perspectives and interests.

          Joining a camera thread telling everyone "you don't get" why people spend so much money if they're not a professional photographer isn't the smartest thing to do.

          Having a 'holier than thou' attitude by lecturing people isn't the best thing to do either. There'll always be someone who's even simpler than you - why do you even have an iphone? Your parents didn't and they were fine. Why don't you use a $40 Alcatel? etc etc.

        • -3

          yup, the same as religions or beliefs. each one will say that theirs is better than others.

        • +1

          Appreciate the difference, no need for this 'mine is better than yours'. Do what works for you, makes you happy without detrimentally affecting someone else.

        • +2

          i love watermelon on hot days

    • +2

      Decent photographic equipment is cheaper than it ever has been. A low end digital SLR lens kit doesn't cost any more than a bloody pair of Dr Dre Beats.

      • True that.

      • True, but I don't think comparing them to what are widely regarded as overpriced headphones makes for a good comparison. Someone will just argue the Beats are also overpriced.

        That said, it's good to see prices becoming more competitive slowly and surely.

  • Sigma 17-50mm f2.8…

    Good price at $385.95

    • bought one

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