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Extra 15% off at Macy's

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is this the code from email signup?
Lots of stuff shows up in Aus $ but can't be shipped to Australia?
Use a fowarding serive like hopshopgo
I personally use shipito, they're pretty good, still looking for cheaper though.
I like reship.com
dont forget ebates
This store is a joke !
e.g. item: Kenneth Cole Reaction Jacket, Leather Bomber Jacket Web ID: 738218
Price on US site in US dollars shipping to the US = $179.99
Price on shipping to AUST site in US dollars shipping to AUST = $215.99
Price on shipping to AUST site in AUD dollars shipping to AUST = $220.20 (= 230.81USD)All price + postage if any.
Not to mention the stuff is very expensive for a US store, when I when there 6 months ago the prices where around half this site !
Totally agree, looked at a knife set just before Christmas and I looked at US price then I changed it to Australian and it jumped another $50. No explanation why.
in this kind of situation, i always use shipping forwarder.
The Macys I went to in the US was very much cheaper than the online store. I don't know what they are thinking to charge such a premium for shipping it out.
There are always random 15% off sales during the year at Macy's but thanks for pointing this out. I plan to just ask my friend in the US to buy the exact same trousers I bought when I was in NYC last year and bring them back to me (the pair the suit came with have worn out pretty quick).
They must have realised that Australian market is great for selling goods at overinflated prices and are trying to milk it as most other retailers. Same as Ikea and other major international retailers that are selling goods here in Aus for 2-3x the price they charge customers in US.
I've bought a fair bit of stuff from Macys, mostly business attire, although not for a year or so. I was happy with the prices, the quality and the service. One of my orders was a pair of leather shoes for $60 - shipping was 30 cents! I have no idea how their shipping costs work, the seem almost random at times. The more you buy though the cheaper it generally seems to get, eg playing around on the site just now shipping on one shirt was $40 but shipping on 5 shirts was only $22 - hardly exorbitant (for reference shipping on 10 shirts was just $24). Ten business shirts delivered for about $300 doesn't seem too bad to me. Totally agree though that a lot of their stuff can't in any way be seen as a bargain.
I did have a problem with one of the orders once (a slightly marked shirt) and they offered for me to return it and pay the postage. I just washed it though and the mark came off it.
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