Looking for a Luxury Mid Size SUV (~ $200K) – Advice Needed

Hey everyone, Missus is in the market for a luxury mid-size SUV with a budget of around $200K and would love some recommendations. We’re not very car-savvy, so any advice would be really helpful!

Here’s what she's looking for:

  • Daily driver (mostly city/highway use, no off-roading)
  • No kids, so I don’t need a ton of cargo space
  • Looking for a balance of sportiness and comfort – something fun to drive but also refined
  • Open to any brand – not tied to BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, etc.
  • Petrol, diesel, hybrid, or electric – open to all options
  • Brand new.

I’d appreciate any insights on what models to consider and any must-have features or options. What would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!


  • +76

    Sure you are

    • +1

      Ok Porsche GTS seems to be the consensus. OP please buy and post receipt. Next.

      • Haha. Would be funny if OP indeed going to do it after being trolled to death.

        Well, a 200k "luxury" SUV.

  • +2

    You can have luxury, or a mini SUV, but not both.

  • +11


    SQ5 /RSQ3 or Macan GTS if you must and pocket the change.

    • -8

      Thanks I'll look into it. Not a sham btw.

      • +5

        You won't be able to soothe your ego here , personally I don't care but it does seem strange you want advice from this platform when a good percentage would be driving up to $30-70, 000 vehicles .

        • +32

          $5k you rich bastards.

          • +2

            @iDroid: pfft $5k

            I still my big W huffy bike im that broke

        • $3500 here… but it is an actual AMG.

    • Did you just recommend a Tiguan R? ;)

      • -2

        Tell me you know nothing about the Macan GTS without telling me you know nothing about the Macan GTS. FFS.

        • -1

          Not much, to be honest, being close to 10 years now. I know even less about the Tiguan aside from that it's a jacked up version of the Golf. Which also happens to be an A3.

          Only had a Macan S when they have launched it in 2015 (around there, don't recall which year) with the 3.0T for a couple of years as a daily. Was rather unique back then as the only alternative was the bigger Cayenne (which I am rather familiar with having owned a Q7 that shared the same platform). The only thing that I remembered was paying for a set of staggered tyres (make sense for a rear biased AWD setup) for a SUV and the rears were much wider than the MX5 ND (kept it to-date).

          Was being a clown with the usual audi/VW/Porsche rant (Toyota/Lexus too).

    • My vote would be the Macan GTS or the Mercedes GLC63 Coupe (sticker is ~$215k but you can get it close to $200k with a bit of shopping) or the GLC43 Coupe with lots of options…

  • +2

    Just be like the rest of us and build dream cars using the brands configuration tools

    • +3


  • +48

    "We’re not very car-savvy, but we're interested in losing a heap of coin to depreciation, so any advice would be really helpful!"


    • -4

      "losing a heap of coin to depreciation"

      That is fine. It's a choice on what to do with their money and our thresholds are all very different based on net/disposable asset.

      To be frank, blowing $200k on a car is not that uncommon in Australian capital cities.

      Though, not sure if it is "luxury" per se.

    • Yeah… the boss of the company I work for, who is literally worth a multi-nine figure sum, because he's money savvy, didn't even spend this sort of coin on his misses' car. He got her the Macan S for somewhere around the $100K mark. In years past, others included a Land Rover Evoque and Lexus RX, all of which are similar money… and with his business and investment interests, there's no way he's bothering spending his time on OzBargain…

      I'm guessing this is (a) a flex post (like the intended car will be); and/or (b) a classic case of 'keeping up with the Joneses' - trying to fit in at the exy private school etc, misses putting pressure on him… and OP needs OzB for other aspects of his life to keep up with his wife's status aspirations elsewhere. In which case OP's probably punching and knows it… !? lol

      If you have real serious money, you don't need the ostentatious show car because everyone knows you are loaded anyway. Then you realise the low $100Ks price point really offers everything you need already, then above that it's a show off.

      Of course I have no idea, OP could just be loaded and like cars.

      • Friend's kid is now studying in Australia. Off the plane, G Wagon arranged and paid for before arriving in Sydney and he got picked up in his new car and driven back to his place. Also happens to own a boutique winery in Australia as family investment/holiday house. Just a different world that we don't normally see and hear about. We still go out for double quarter pounder when he's in Sydney.

        Don't think OPs question is completely off tangent, but OP is just one of us stuck in the middle/lower class.

    • Not all cars depreciate - certainly in the $200k range if you get a Cayman GTS 4.0 or a slightly used 911 you will see very little depreciation - but it's true that luxury SUVs tend to depreciate badly.

      In response to OP, get a Macan Turbo or Macan GTS and that'll do you. Avoid anything with a Maserati badge as the only half decent cars they make are the new Gran Turismo and the supercar, neither of which fits the criteria.

  • +74

    What kind of person has both enough $ to drop 200k on a car (with clearly zero interest in cars), yet watches a $300 soniq tv screen at home ?
    Such an enigma wrapped in a riddle :)

    • +13

      Lol, what a cheapskate. Prolly just trolling, coz nothing to watch on TV.

      • Prolly just trolling, coz nothing to watch on TV.

        Lies - he's watching all the ads for luxury cars on TV lol

      • +1

        His $300 tv carked it so he's coming up with his own entertainment

      • +2

        Should have just binned the TV instead of wasting more money on the soundbar to try and salvage the purchase.

      • +5

        A well off person gifting a soniq tv? That’s one way to lose respect if it’s not already lost. Or maybe it was a gift to an enemy, who knows.

      • +1

        At least you have a sense of humour ⁉️

    • +2

      It was a gift.

      Needs a $200k SUV to drop the gift.

      Recipient mistakenly thought surely it will be a OLED.

  • +2

    R A V 4

    • Not even 200k. Maybe buy 3 of em at least?

      • +2

        Still within the $200k budget with the luxurious RAV4 Edge

        • +4

          I rather go BYD. Chinese style luxury.

          • +1

            @Yummy: BYD is Chinese style Toyota. Denza = lexus. Luxury is more like Yangwang

            • @May4th: Buy BYD. Chuck in a gold bar inside = luxury.

          • @Yummy: 100 China Points.

  • +3

    Ionic 5N.

    Buy really, youtr in the wring place for the advice you seek. Gp and drive a few and buy one from the salesman that sucks up to you the most.

    • -7

      Thanks! Seems like the way to go. Everybody thinks I'm trolling.

      • +4

        Cmon dude, this is ozb, you know what to expect here. You might be honest about getting this car, but it's still trolling.

  • +6

    Not car people but want to spend more on car? Who you trying to prove yourself to?

  • I was following behind a white Maybach GLS 600 SUV yesterday didn't look to bad. 200K USD still in the budget.
    Seen a couple Rolls Royce SUV's getting around too but they're a bit out of your league.

    • -4

      Thanks! looks like Maybach GLS 600 SUVs is over double by budget (200k AUD).

      • +14

        Yeah, must suck to be poor doesn't it?

        • +3

          Yeah wasting money on Learjet's does that to you, as everyone already knows

  • Love the bargain request for a ~$20K~ SUV….

    • -7

      Not looking for a bargain. Just general advice.

      • +3

        Well you're on the wrong site champ.

  • +10

    If you really want to spend that much money on a car (and hey, I'm not judging), at least get a car worth having instead of a junk SUV that's designed to go to landfill by the end of the decade (as most "luxury" SUVs are).

    Spending money on a "luxury" SUV is idiocy - SUVs are appliances, they are designed to be mass-produced, to have broad appeal, and to be manufactured for the least possible cost for highest margins. All of the traditional "luxury" car manufacturers make SUVs to trick stupid people into buying them because of brand appeal so they can have a cash cow that prints money for them to design, build, and sell actual premium cars that are a risk to design, manufacture and bring to market.

    Don't make yourself a cash cow by chasing brands - there's nothing luxurious about appliances. Either get yourself an SUV from a manufacturer who actually produces good, reliable appliances, or get yourself a real car from the "luxury" manufacturers that they actually want to be producing.

    No off-roading, no kids, no need for cargo space, you might as well get a (used, but still pretty new) Porsche 911 - probably won't get a GT3 for that sort of money, but you could definitely get a several year-old Carrera that would still be really great fun to drive and own.

    • -5

      Thank you for the genuinely helpful advice. We're in a comfortable financial position and can afford something nice. One of my wife's requirements is that it be a brand-new vehicle.

      • +3

        She must enjoy your TV & soundbar wedding/bday gifts. At least she didn't ask for luxury BMW branded TV. It's the thought that counts, right?

        So your thick pocketed wifey, asking you to ask your OzB friends for non bargain SUV?

        • -2

          Again, got the tv for a friend's kid as a gift. why are you so bitter?

          • +3

            @fakeshan: I am a detective. Needs to interrogate moar on Sunday evening.

      • +2

        We're in a comfortable financial position and can afford something nice.

        What do you mean by "something nice"?

        Do you want something that is a good and reliable car, or something with a fancy brand name? In the car world, higher cost does not necessarily mean that it is a better product. You really need to look into the actual user experiences of some of these "luxury" SUVs before you buy them, before you become another one of those suckers who ends up paying for a paperweight that spends over half of its first year at the workshop.

        That's why I'm saying that you need to decide whether you want a nice, fun car or whether you want an appliance.

        If you want an appliance that is reliable, will always get you to work in the morning, and won't randomly need a $30,000+ repair bill, then get something like a Toyota RAV4 (or however many other reliable SUVs there are).

        If you want a nice, fun car, then don't get an SUV, because at least you are giving up the reliability and "daily driveability" (so to speak) for a unique experience that is worthy of the (rather significant) amount of money that you are putting down.

        • -3

          I really appreciate your advice. Honestly missus is leaning for looks and comfort. Someone mentioned Macan GTS and we're looking into it.

      • +3

        Trust me bro, the mail order brides demands will never stop, even when you buy her an expensive SUV to drive to coffee with

      • Have you showed your wife this post? I'd be curious to see if it changes her mind about whether a $200K SUV makes her look cool or not.

  • +4

    Yangwang U8

  • +1

    Macan GTS fits the description perfectly

    • Thanks! This is indeed a fantastic choice for us.

      • +1

        Thanks! This is indeed a fantastic choice for us. her

    • +1
      • +5

        sorry, didn't see that you trademarked it

        • +2

          2 votes means OP has to buy one now. I would go carmine red. Looks awesome.


          • +4

            @MS Paint: Thanks. Will share photos in a couple of months.

            • +1

              @fakeshan: If you reckon you're getting a new GTS in a few months then you're in for a surprise.

            • @fakeshan: You absolutely will not.

  • +4

    As you say you are not into cars, the main reason must be to display your wealth and/or status, so be sure to include an allowance for a custom paint job, personalised number plate and body kit.

    • Buy 100k car. Send it to body decal for 10k. Give em a tip 90k. Win?

  • +1

    Given no kids, I wouldnt be looking to buy a SUV. But I guess you just want one to blend in with the crowd, so Macan GTS would be my pick. I believe you can continually renew warranty up to 15 years.

  • -3

    Hi OP don't pay attention to the haters - tall poppy syndrome is an unfortunate part of aussie culture. I would agree with the commenter above in saying get separate cars for daily driver/practicality and sportiness.

    Personally I don't need something really fast or sporty as a daily driver as long as it has enough grunt for overtakes etc. and would prioritise reliability as you don't want to be stuck with it in the shop for repairs for days to weeks being a daily driver. Off the top of my head I'd recommend a Lexus NX (take your pick of petrol or hybrid) which will set you back between 70-90k I think.

    For something to take out on the weekends, I'd recommend a second hand 981 Cayman/Boxster - a balanced 2 seater with more power than an MX-5 as you don't have kids.

    If you do want to combine these into one car, you can't go wrong with a BMW X3M or Macan GTS. I'd recommend staying away from Mercedes SUVs as they focus more on the luxury and less on driving dynamics.

    • OP missed this deal. Otherwise he could rub it on all of us here. The joy for free tasting tall poppy syndrome's salty tears…

    • They have no interest in cars, buying a Cayman or.boxter would be a complete and utter waste of time.

  • +2

    Maserati Grecale

  • Excellent idea to ask for advice on this forum, as the majority of users here are experts on cars in the $200k price bracket.

    If you're actually spending that much money, read some comprehensive reviews and watch some unsponsored YouTube review videos. Then go and test drive the cars you are interested in.

  • Just bought a BMW ix1 EV great deals at the moment if was spending that sort of coin would look at the Porsche Macan EV..

  • +1

    Bentayga? Very soft touch bespoke leather. Had the leisure as a passenger to Hunter valley a few weekends back. Made the trip more bearable.

    I would think they are in the semi luxury bracket. Not quite as luxurious as the Cullinan or the Century, but it does give spare change for a few bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal for weekend picnics.

    $200k will probably buy some wnk factor SUVs from audi, Merc, BMW and Porsche. Far from what's considered luxury. If every second car in Sydney is a "luxury" car, it is nothing more than common car.

  • Toyota Kluger V6 or Lexus equivalent.

    • Won't cut the mustard. Range topping NX is sub $100k.

      Lovely vehicles (yes, I do own a GS350), but it is far from what's considered a luxury vehicle that allows every piece of car to be customised. Porsche is getting close with paint options running into the 5 digits mark, but it is still too common on Sydney road.

      • +1

        Spend the extra money getting it twin turbocharged and doing up the rest of the car to match. Then you'd have something unique.

        • +1

          The trusted 3.5L 2GRs are replaced with a new 2.4T.

          The 3.5L 2GRs are notoriously difficult to tune as remapping the ECU is a known challenge. Will be followed strut bars, extra welding, suspension and brakes once supercharged. Had that idea at one stage, but went into the too hard basket for a daily, as well a nightmare to get an engineer cert for insurance. Then, might as well go with the RCF/GSF or import an IS500 to save the headache (likely cheaper too) and a much better car be design.

          This kind of money buys a LC500, that Yamaha V8 is music to the ear. A colleague picked one up the same year he retired and took me out for a leisure cruise. Not the exotic track day kind of car. BUT that Yamaha V8 is heavenly. Last of its kind.

  • +2

    If you know nothing about cars, why so you wish to drop $200k on an SUV? Most of the mummys I see these days in the same neck of the woods as you have the new defender which seems to be the flavour of the month. Other popular choices are cayenne or macan if you're poor, or that hideous Bentley suv, though you'd have to get a used one to fit in the budget, which is a bit embarrassing.

  • +6

    Not going to shit on your purchase. I’ve had my fair share of 100-200k cars, including an X3M Comp and M4 Comp.

    What I will definitely recommend is.. DO NOT BUY NEW. FFS please tell your wife to be reasonable. You’re paying 33c in the dollar for LCT of which is NOT recoverable on the second hand market. So for $200K car you are literally pouring $36K down the drain. You may as well try to limit your losses on what is (unless you’re buying a 911, or hyped up Ferrari etc) a heavily depreciating asset.

    It barely has to be used. Find a Macan or X5 M50 that’s less than a year old and you’ll get way more bang for buck.

    If you aren’t willing to compromise on that just to have a ‘brand new’ car that will make zero difference after 6 months worth of stone chips and k’s on the dash, hand in your OzB membership.

    • Sensible post.

      I'd add that you'll be able to find the best combination will be <1 year old and someone who has PPF'd the car to prevent stone chips as much as possible.

      Look at the exterior quality (swirl marks etc) and curb rash to see if they've taken care of the vehicle.

      • Agreed. I PPF’d the X3M (because black) and it set me back close to $6k back in 2019. Can’t imagine what it would cost now.

        That being said, if you know how easily a black car shows swirling and dirt, it paid for itself in time, money and my sanity when it came to cleaning.

        OP is literally throwing money down the drain paying that much LCT. There’s an example of an X5 xDrive 30 M Sport for 162k new, or 137k with more options, but 2,000km on the clock. I wish I had that money to throw away over 2,000km and a new car smell (that will disappear almost as fast as OP’s LCT donation to the tax office).

        • I often wonder what peoples circumstances are that mean they need to wear that amount of depreciation.

          Moving overseas for family emergency?
          Lost their job and need the money?

  • confused about the "dont care about space " but.. look at the audi sq8

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