Free Univeral Mobile Connector & 5,000km of Supercharger Credits for Select Models Y & 3 Inventory Purchase @ Tesla


Seems they are trying hard to sell their inventory.

Model Y Long Range AWD
Free UMC + 5,000km Supercharger Credits

Model 3 : Models in Inventory
Free UMC + 5,000km Supercharger Credits + the usual $3,500 Novated Lease Incentive

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Referee gets $350 off Model Y & 3 purchase.

Referrer gets $150 credit toward Supercharging, software upgrades, merchandise, service payments or a new vehicle. Limit of 10 referral benefits per calendar year.

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  • +7

    Only Musk could make an EV brand this toxic.

  • +4

    Did anyone watch Elon's recent appearance with Joe Rogan? I feel for the guy. Not sure if he is right about enormous frauds happening in government. But he was challenging people to go to their website and see the receipts. I wish we had someone similar who can go and check our government's books. Why shouldn't we see how our money is being spent.

    So I might actually buy a Tesla after all.

    • +7

      I feel for the guy. Not sure if he is right about enormous frauds happening in government. But he was challenging people to go to their website and see the receipts

      Which "receipts". Was it the first ones they posted, or the ones when they then changed some of the reported values because they were incorrect by a large factor, or the receipts after they deleted or modified 1000s of contracts they'd previously reported on?

      For the richest, and therefore smartest and best guy in the world, you'd think detailed audits and accuracy would be a higher priority than rushed innacurate judgements and later unnaounced deletions. But it's ok, can't always bat 1000

      • That's the thing. He was challenging people to be specific and mention what exactly they have trouble with. You are not being specific either. Which contract did they change? In media, also, i haven't seen anything specific. At the same time, he might make mistakes. But just putting the effort and doing the audit is a great idea. No?

        • +5

          You are not being specific either. Which contract did they change? In media, also, i haven't seen anything specific.

          Then you're actively not looking
          Eg any google search for doge delete will get you hits. You'll find many, and not just single events

          At the same time, he might make mistakes. But just putting the effort and doing the audit is a great idea

          I'm the same, last time I did a household budget analysis I first rented a bulldozer and demolished my house, and then worked out what bits I shouldn't have gotten rid of.

          You think he's putting in the current "chainsaw" like "effort" out of some inherent generosity (I'd say the goodness of his heart, but last time he tried to give people his heart it didn't really go so well)? Perhaps Joe Rogan podcasts shouldn't be your primary source of impartial thought.

          Literally no one can argue that governments everywhere should be more efficient, delivery better services, improve technology etc etc. Detailed independent forensic audits to find clear areas of waste, efficiency improvements, mismanagement etc etc . but thats clearly not what's being done

        • +1

          He is not only making errors but actively lying and making up stories. That whole thing about no one in the government being able to retire if a lift broke down was an outright fairy tale.

          • @Brick Tamland: The link you shared is behind a pay wall. Also, US government is still operating and massively spending. So the house is still standing. Their goal is to eventually cut 15%. Currently they are at less than 2%. So the bulldozer destroyed 2% of the house?

            Why are you so against 2% cut in government spending if you think governments can be and should be more efficient. Surely an efficient government can do a lot better than 2% saving.

    • +1

      No one here will listen to you or watch the whole interview. Im sure theyve already been brainwashed to believe joe rogan is also a nazi, communist anti vaccer woman hater etc etc. No one wants to use their brain and do their own research of independent media. Just like robots are programmed so are the sheep you see here commenting

      • +3

        Why would anyone listen to someone who says one thing and does the other while also lying about it? I absolutely commend the idea of being more efficient and cutting out unnecessary spending and putting the money for good use that helps the community but his execution has been atrocious by instantly firing people who are really important for the government like the people who take care of the nuclear arsenal or even the medical workers who were trying to eradicate bird flu (Only to realise what was done and bring them back). On top of all that, he was lying about the amount of money that was saved with no proper data to back it and the ones which he DID mention which was publicly available like some government contract, where he claimed he saved $8billion was actually just $8million. Geez man, it's crazy how people are so far up each others bums that they don't realise how an unelected ultra rich dude who's money us normal people could never accumulate for generations is literally playing with actual people's livelihood like Catan.

        • So many contradictions in your response. So he has cut only $8 million instead of $8 billion? Why are you unhappy then? When did he said he is not going to fire people and then he did?

    • +3

      Do you realise how much this man lies about everything in his life? Maybe there is fraud but it all could just be more lies. He has no credibility anymore and is an intentionally dishonest hypocrite of extreme proportions

      • Examples please.

        The liers are oftrn the professional politicians, don't you agree?

        • Examples? You have to be kidding. There are countless examples just do some basic research. If you are too lazy even for that just look at his twitter page

    • The thing about fraud is it is a crime. If you aren't seeing people being charged for fraud, then they aren't actually discovering fraud.

      It seems to me like they are just cutting stuff and saying they are discovering fraud to trick the not so smart people.

      • "Combination of asset sales, contract/lease cancellations and renegotiations, fraud and improper payment deletion, grant cancellations, interest savings, programmatic changes, regulatory savings, and workforce reductions."

        Not all "savings" are fraud.

        • Did I say that all of the "savings" are fraud?

          • @Aureus:

            It seems to me like they are just cutting stuff and saying they are discovering fraud to trick the not so smart people.

            • @askbargain: No I am saying that they are cutting stuff (the purpose of DOGE) but they are also claiming they are discovering fraud to trick idiots. If they are discovering enormous fraud as claimed, there should be criminal charges.

              I am replying to alx88 where they said:

              Not sure if he is right about enormous frauds happening in government.

              • @Aureus: DOGE is uncovering inefficiency in government spending. Whether that is accidental oversight or fraud is up for debate.

                • @askbargain: Inefficient spending isn't fraud. If they discover kickbacks etc related to the inefficient spending then they can claim they are discovering fraud. No doubt they will eventually stumble over some fraud considering the size of the US government.

                  If they want to claim fraud then the onus of proof is on them

      • Not true. Watch the interview. He gives an example. Imagine you forget to cancel your membership and the gym keeps charging you for ever and you gyk membership is in billions. Is that fraud? Yes and no.

        • Your example is not fraud at all. Words have meaning.

          • @Aureus: it's not my example. Watch the interview…

    • it's all going to NDIS

  • +11

    Thanks but not thanks, I'll pass.
    Australians we need to stand up to bullies, right wing fascists, liars, Swasticars.

    I'll be happy for Tesla to just leave Australia completely.

    • Sounds like you are bullying them to leave.

      • +2

        Sounds like you are bullying them to leave.

        It's comedy isn't it. We'll stand up to perceived bullies by being actual bullies!
        The clown show rolls on…

        • +5

          I assume Mr "1st-Amendment" is all for supporting free expression and free choice, like for example choosing to voice criticism of a brand and making a choice to boycott it?

          • -1


            like for example choosing to voice criticism

            No-one said you couldn't do it.

            You are free to criticise, and I can do it too. See how easy that is? This is the beauty of free speech, we all get to voice our opinions on things.

            • @1st-Amendment: That's fake freedom. Better to do what people say to not be (westren;) hipocrites.

            • +1


              You are free to criticise, and I can do it too.

              Not in our country you don't. you should move to the USA even then there is a special group of people that will cancel you if criticise that group.

    • Says the paid CCP bot who has an obsession with Chinese websites and products. Funny how you don't have an issue with your own dictatorship government who commit widespread human rights abuse. Good little bot, President Xi will be so proud of you.

  • +4

    God you all so easily gulp up every media narrative. So many others did the same salute even that night but you all swallow it up. Sheep absolute sheep

    • +5

      So many others did the same salute even that night

      For such a widely streamed event im sure you could easily provide a link or two to any number of these 'so many others' doing the same """"""salute""""" right?

  • +2

    Glad we are not discussing how Australian gas is being sold for half the price of what we pay across the globe and are focussing over Nazi salutes

  • +4

    Yeah, nah.

    I’d be embarrassed to be seen driving around in a Tesla these days. Resale values are tanking and new sales are being cancelled left, right and centre. The extra billions that Felon and his cronies are rolling around in each night has come at the cost of all of humanity.

    Even the media is full right now of news of Tesla owners who are actively trying to disguise their car’s pedigree

    This timeline. I weep.

    • +4

      Even the media is

      You believe the media. That explains everything.

      • +6

        And you…teleport yourself to every part of the world, ever, to see and observe your news first hand?

        I get my news from a variety of sources- press footage and interviews, first hand accounts, my own observations, footage captured live etc. I don’t wait for it to be analysed by parties such as FOX and spat out for dissection by the lowest common denominator, trying to push an agenda.

        Here’s a fact. As per my post and many others that you can find online if you have a shred of media literacy, owners ARE actively covering up Tesla logos right now, which has been documented numerous times, by multiple sources.

        So take your ‘fake news’ and away you go.

        • -3

          teleport yourself to every part of the world, ever, to see and observe your news first hand?

          Nah, I just don't worry about stories that 99.9% of the time don't concern me. I go outside and the sun is shining and people are generally happy.

          Here's a test you can do at home. Switch off the media for a month, then come back and tell me how much difference not knowing about Elon Musk made to your life? How about the Israel/Gaza conflict or Ukraine/Russia? If you had never heard a single story about any of it, how much different would your life be? You'd be happier I guarantee it.

          See it's a giant scam. We live in an attention economy and media are taking advantage of you and you think you are winning when you are losing

          owners ARE actively covering up Tesla logos right now

          And how did that affect your day? Winning or losing?

          • +1


            Nah, I just don't worry about stories that 99.9% of the time don't concern me. I go outside and the sun is shining and people are generally happy.

            That's a plain lie. We all know you spend your days pushing far-right propaganda on Ozbargain 😂.

    • It facts its the reverse, people love their Tesla.

  • +4

    Should I get the BYD Dolphin or wait for the Tesla Adolfin?

    • +2

      💯 🤣 please have an upvote.

    • Sounds like you prefer ccp cold slave labour

      • +1

        As far as I am aware Tesla models sold in Australia are made in china just like the Chinese brands, yet cost significantly more

        • They actually don't cost significantly more.. you can't compare a 3 or y to the sh1tboxes from mg … they cost a few thousand more than byd and xpeng equivalents. They are still much better cars than the Chinese competition. You'd be an idiot for prefering the Chinese over the tesla.

  • +3

    For every moron here who thinks it's ok to make Nazi jokes for a laugh, you really need to think deeply about that and look in the mirror.

    Making Nazi jokes can be deeply offensive to Jewish people and others affected by those events.

  • +5

    I'm negging as I think there will be even further price cuts due to demand falling off a cliff. I'm not even touching the politics.

    • -2

      Even Apple sheep’s are more original

  • +2

    Does everyone who calls Elon a Nazi actually think he believes in Nazi ideology? Was there any actual discourse around this, or did everyone just see the hand gesture and jump on the bandwagon of bad puns?

    Or is it a bit more nuanced than that and perhaps has something more to do with his recent affiliation with Trump, and the hand gesture is just a convenient way of tearing him down?

    For the record, I also quite dislike Elon, but primarily because he's an egomaniac with a messiah complex - something I feel applies to most of these tech billionaire "humanoids" - not because I think he's a Nazi.

    • +1

      or did everyone just see the hand gesture and jump on the bandwagon

      Not 'everyone'. It's just a minority of emotionally fragile lefties who like to be offended about everything.

    • Does everyone who calls Elon a Nazi actually think he believes in Nazi ideology? Was there any actual discourse around this, or did everyone just see the hand gesture and jump on the bandwagon of bad puns?

      He would had got away with the hand gesture, if he didn't address a far-right German party right after the hand gesture. Musk was actively campaigning for AfD in German elections.

  • +7

    Swasticar….? No, thank you.

    Tesla was touted as something going to save the environment. And look now, he is great supporter and right hand of Mr.Dump who says there is nothing like Climate change and drill baby drill. Such a d***khead and opportunistic person.

  • +1

    Waiting for the Model X but feels like could be a long wait. Some of the new Chinese EVs look great.

  • I'm negging as I think there will be even further price cuts due to demand falling off a cliff. Xpeng and other cars launching soon too.

    • Source?

      • Trust

      • He said he thinks, you need a source for his thoughts?

  • +3

    f**k tesla

  • +1

    Don't like someone checking everyones's pay check and himself keep say Zero salary, but use expensive Air Force one to transport his own family members which involves 6 figures per hour cost of tax payer money, on the same time Ukrainian houses been destroyed everyday and citizen been killed everyday and their group cut off assistant one by one. Hardly put down hard earn money to support such mad cow ways.

  • Came here for the comments, boy was it worth it

  • -3

    No thanks! Nearly gave my money to Elon. But nah!

    FreePalestine #DownWithNazis #DownWithZionism #FreeTheWorld

    • -1

      Are you pro or anti Jew?

    • -1

      DownWithNazis DownWithZionism

      Pick a lane

  • +1

    i'm confused, what's worse, so-called modern era Nazis or the Israelis/Jews for their treatment of the Palestinians? Because Elon is apparently a supporter of both…

    • Elon should not be supporting full stop!

      • Huh why not if you can support the "one true narrative"

  • -2

    Swasticar. No deal.

  • +11

    I own a 24’ Tesla Model 3 Long Range. I wanted a sedan, I drove the BYD seal, it handles like a tank. The Hyundai Ionics and KIA simply weren’t as nice to drive and the software was clunky , MG was not even close. There was not alot of options to choose from in the price bracket and Tesla was the pick.

    The iPhone analogy works well, it all just works and the user experience and drive is ahead of the competition. They are not worth the prices they used to be sold for but they represent good value for what you get now.

    For me the Tesla was simply the better vehicle for the sticker price.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I think Elon is an absolute fu**wit and a deplorable human being. I didn’t like him before I bought the car, he had sweet FA to do with product development or the end product. Just likes to talk a lot of shit and try to take credit for the hard work of others. I like him even less now with all his latest crap.

    However I wasn’t shopping for a political ideology, i wasn’t doing it for the environment.

    I was shopping for a car that I would enjoy driving on a daily basis.

    • +4

      Downvoted for being logical.

      • Lots of logical downvotes here, from all sides.

        It's what you get with a Tesla, and its lucky its online as all you get is a -. In real life its worse.

        • Same goes for Chinese cars. They are now being targeted because of the warship situation. If you drive a Tesla or a Chinese car you better hope you don’t get downvoted in real life.

    • +3

      I'm also quite logical with my purchases and agree that buying the best product for the price is the best course of action. Unfortunately a certain person decided to loose his bloody mind and go all Dr Evil on the world. Would not surprise me if sharks with lasers come next.

      I have wanted to buy a Tesla for a long time but now I have to worry about the car getting vandalised, getting flipped off while driving, and the eventual resale value of the vehicle plummeting to a ridiculous low all because someone has world domination issues.

      I and I'm sure many others did not want to make vehicle ownership a political issue. I too just want to own and drive a nice car. I don't want to know what the CEO of Mazda or Toyota tweet everyday. It's one person who decided to make it all about himself.

    • -1

      Let's disagree to agree ;) Multinational Swiss UBS engineers: BYD Seal has top engineering & 15% better value than Tesla, 30% better than the EU brands. Their BYD Seagull cost au$13-21k incl. sodium batt for top model (Lenght of Yaris & inside of Corolla)

      IPhone is best in iMarketing. Xiaomi (even their top EV that the Ford CEO enjoys), Huawei, Samsung have much better products/value. I use smartphones since 2001.

      • Not sure anyone has better phone products than apple when you consider the reliability, longevity and attention to detail. Some are close but no one is at the same level. Now whether that is worth the premium price determines the value proposition. For me the price/quality ratio is better for Samsung flagship phones as they can be bought substantially cheaper than the iPhone equivalent. My last 3 flagship phones were basically half the price of the equivalent iPhone even at launch due to promotions

    • I still love my Tesla and I think it's a bloody brilliant car.

      But I will also never buy another Tesla again as long as any business is in any way benefiting Elon Musk's wealth and power.

      It is not a reaction but a forward-looking decision: This guy right here is actively engaging in steering the world into the next chapter of hate-ideology. When / if the world turns into a fascist world in twenty years time, I do NOT want to live knowing that I have helped financed it.

      Many people talk about the shame or repulsion; however for me it's more about "I don't want to contribute to this man's future power".

      It is a shame. The car is still amazing. The car, the charging network, and surely all the engineers and designers who are behind the great product. My intention to rebuke Elon Musk is however stronger than my empathy for these innocent collateral damage.

  • +3

    Tesla = Nazi is the association people have at this point

    It’s like driving a Volkswagen during ww2

    Not buying the CCP mobiles either

    • He really is slowly eroding his brand and his wealth at the same time. In 4 years time when the political landscape changes again over there i wonder what will happen.

  • +2

    Chinese EVs are great, they have improved massively over the past few years.
    But the best selling EV in China is still Tesla Model Y.

    EVs are great, but Tesla is in a different level.

  • +4

    I bet most people in here never even sat in one, this is a really nice car both Model Y and Model 3

  • +1

    No point buying an expensive car when most people will think worse of you for doing so.
    Would rather buy a Polestar if I had to go EV.

    • Polestar is 2 is nice to drive, but Polestar 4 is actually an even better experience to drive.

      Except on the Polestar 4, they removed the rear-window and blocked it with a cover.
      Then, they replaced the rear-view mirror with an OLED (?) screen displaying a live camera's projection of the rear, and this really is not pleasant on the eyes.

  • Elon is a mug, brain partially dissolved by his Ketamine drug habit. He is a neo-fascist. So as a Tesla owner am I happy with my car as of my purchase in early January when Polestar stuffed up the purchase order and I cancelled? Yes I am fortunate to be driving a Tesla Y for many reasons. The Polestar equivalent is $20k more and lacks a reliable, on the ground company / service centre and frankly might fold quicker than Tesla. You would hope you would never need r placement parts. Tesla on the other hand is expanding, despite itself. Is it a gamble to purchase a Tesla given Ozbargain members are furious (rightly) with Elon and may pose a threat to the car by dinging it or scratching or whatever, meh, no. Not yet. Where I am it seems like the roads are covered in Teslas and they look in good nick. The suggestion that if you want an EV and you like how they drive, then Tesla is the better option. The other unpronounceable vehicles coming in from China might be a better bargain however they are not that great.

  • This or the BYD seal premium? Haven't looked into it much but they seem to be similar in price.

    • I like the 3 - mainly due to access to the supercharging network.

    • Take them both for a test drive.

  • I clicked for the deal but stayed too long voting on the political debate…the world is $#@!ed.

  • Take my moneyyyy X.Jinping, because I’m told Elon is where my problems at

  • -2

    Hi * starts shaking violently * , I like long walks on the beach and yelling n__ j___ f____ at the sky.

    I call people out for misgendering Caitlin Jenner, even though I do it all the time. 🤭

    I'm looking for the one * voice shakes * , or soulmate however you want to call it * wipes sweat off face * , heehee okay! * looks around quickly questioning where I went wrong *

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