Hi all,
Just wanted to get an opinion on what to do in this situation.
I live in 1 of 3 subdivided units.
We share a fence with a standalone House to our right that runs across from the 1st unit (at the front) to the 3rd at (the back).
How do we go about splitting the cost of the fence in this scenario?
One of the unit owner are asking to do a 50/50 split between the 3 Units + House next door
and then split the 50% into 3 portions (1/3 from each Unit owner)
I would've thought we'd just do a 4 way split amongst the owners?
Good luck getting 4 people to agree on it.. the fence with my sub-divided neighbour was damaged, and 1 is such a biyatch that me and the other neighbour said we'll just do 50/50. Luckily it was only $500 between us