Here's a list of where the Australian economy is performing quite well: (credit: Alan Austin)
- Record employment growth;
- Record employment to population ratio at 64.6%;
- Record job participation at 67.3%;
- Inflation in the lower half of the RBA’s optimum band;
- Wages growth above inflation for five straight quarters;
- median wealth per adult as the second highest in the world;
- ASX200 above 8,000 since last September;
poverty and homelessness reducing, according to the Productivity Commission;(ETA this is unsubstantiated)- Emergency calls to the National Debt Helpline declining,
- Record high new car sales in 2024;
- Record sales of new private aircraft;
overseas trips in 2024 at a new record high of 11.6 million; - Enrolments in fee-paying private schools at an all-time high;
- Record manufacturing gross profits last financial year (2023-24) at $47.4 billion;
- Record construction profits last year, at $31.1 billion;
- Record profits in several other sectors;
- Household spending at a record high.
Is there data to suggest the economy is performing poorly, as stated ad-nauseum by the ABC?
I am interested to see how OzBargain can explain the economy is performing poorly?
If you want house prices to improve, don't vote for the uniparty.