Along with all the specials at DSE right now, this one stands out.
Seems to be cheaper than the older K400 Model for some reason, and cheaper than Logitechshop. This model appears to support multi touch.
Along with all the specials at DSE right now, this one stands out.
Seems to be cheaper than the older K400 Model for some reason, and cheaper than Logitechshop. This model appears to support multi touch.
isn't that dual touch?
I guess multi-touch => dual-touch, as misleading as it may be.
Great price! I find the touch pad isn't very responsive tho :/
I actually bought this yesterday (price match with Officeworks, since I have a gift card) and I am very happy with it.
Recently got a TV in my bedroom, so it will be VERY handy when watching videos and the like :)
forgive my ignorance, but why do you need a keyboard to watch videos on your TV?
He's probably got a media center setup… or just a pc hooked to his TV.
I've got the old one of these for my media center, they work well but the range isn't outstanding. seems like about 3m range at the most for me :/
Have you tried using the range extender? Or perhaps the old model doesn't come with one?
Mine works fine without the extender, at around 2.5m
it is great for smart tv
Does this work with Samsung Smart TV's
Goes hand in hand with Steam Big Picture for us gamers.
Was physically in store but didn't see it. Ordered to collect. I have the K400 and think it's great.
there has been reports on differences between the k400 and k400r, worth a good read…
Seems like a good deal. However, having to hold down the Fn key every time you want to press F1-F12 seems like a (big) pain.
hmm, yeah they should have put an fn lock key to reverse between F and multimedia keys, so you can choose which are dedicated and which require the fn key.
that user also stated that K400R doesn't have pause key, but K400 does…where is the pause key on the K400? from what i can see, K400 doesn't have multimedia keys (except volume up/down).
thanks, i'm never buying any keyboard with the Function Lock button
So it looks like the original K400 is the better model of the two?
How could one be mentally in store?
Astral travel is still free pickup, right? ;)
Been wanting one of these for my XBMC setup
These work well with the Raspberry Pi as well…
Wow nice straight out of the box?
so roughly 1 garfield width
Thank you for posting this just hope this works with my Samsung smart TV
Does this actually work with Samsung Smart TV's?
So today is the last day of the sale. If you click and collect wont you be paying full price tomorrow when you pick it up as you are not actually paying for it today?
If you order it today you should receive a confirmation with the discounted price.
good find, thanks for the tip.
I'm going to Officeworks!! Ooo close at 7PM…
officeworks sells K400, not K400R. (but whether they notice the difference…)
Didn't notice the difference, unfortunately the staff member doing the price match added shipping to their price, waste of time on my part… Sigh…
couldn't find this at office works, otherwise i would have went there too. they have the older K400 model though
Ah, saw this deal when looking for something to go with the Sony camera ( for free delivery. Didn't realise it was as noteworthy as it appears to be.
As far as usefulness goes, a keyboard+mouse combo such as this is only really useful for a media center setup?
Yes you cannot use the mouse on the sofa.
depends on the mouse (and the sofa)…my mouse works fine on my sofa.
True that. I had a ye olde HoneyWell serial mouse. Had 2 wheels on the bottom and would work on everything. I think I still have it….
Would this works with Playstation 3?
Kogan wiless keyboard $34 says it does..? this one —>
The Logitech should work. AFAIK the PS3 supports all USB (or Bluetooth) keyboards. I use a Microsoft wireless 6000 (I think) which uses one receiver for both keyboard and mouse.
That Kogan one is very VERY small. If your looking at the Kogan one, why not the official PS3 one? Has a very cool touchpad system.…
Works with ps3 I've tried it previously.. This one that is, dunno about the kogan one
Yes it works with PS3 just plugged it in and tested it for you. I have the 400r from dick smith. Even the touchpad works, scrolls left and right, up and down around the xmb menus. Inputting text also works.
If you are planning on using this for a HTPC you're better off with this.…
The trackball works far better than the trackpad on the Logitech and the keyboard is bigger making it easier to type. Just another option out there for some folks to consider.
Fail, the officeworks i went to had none left - probably taken by ozbargainers. Ordered click and collect from DSE for tomorrow.
This keyboard is great, highly recommend it, used it for my pc hooked up to my TV from the couch.
It's light, solidly built and works great.
i got one for $40 from LTS maybe a year ago.
that would probably be the older model.
i think it's crap. low response levels from the touchpad. poor range. erratic click buttons (although the idea of having a second left click on the top left of the keyboard is great).
in general - not the quality i expected from logitech.
function i really missed: backlit keys.
ordered the handheld lenovo keyboard (n5902)on special for around $40 a week before xmas - eventually arrived 2d ago. got it mostly for the backlight function. build quality is also not stellar. the BB style pointer button thing is not very well implemented. it's too sensitive, and lacks an acceleration function for moving across a 60" screen (3 or 4 swipes). it does have a vertical scroll area which is superb.
picking between the two, i'd definitely recommend the lenovo.
i use it for media file playback. my 7yr old uses it for math games and other java stuff which doesn't work on the ipad.
The K400 came with an additional longer plug for the USB receiver, did you use it for your HTPC?
If not that may be why.
Thanks for the suggestion on the Lenovo (n5902a) Unit, ended up buying that instead, seems like a much nicer product.
Currently $40AUD Incl Shipping for anyone interested, direct from Lenovo.…
the lenovo is a thumb board…completely different product.
yeah, if you're just using it to select movies on an htpc, then size benefit of thumb board might be preferable (plus backlit keys).
but if your htpc is doing double duty as regular computer, you'd want a proper keyboard…a laptop size keyboard like k400/r is a good compromise.
Thanks great find. Got my k400 a few months ago for $45. Love it. Use it for my laptop hooked up to the tv. Just ordered my second one as a backup. Like most about the way I can control mouse with the right thumb and click with left thumb.
I did a price match at the Good Guys for the K400R and they didn't notice the difference between K400 and K400R. They have the 400R at $49.95.
I bought this from Dick Smith 2 days ago, great little unit. Didn't post it as a bargain because a few shops around are similar in price, eg. ShoppingExpress, CentreCom, both around $38……
Let the neg fest begin?
$45 on mwave ATM. $35 seems very reasonable to give it ago
Do you guys think this will work on an imito mx1 mini android pc? I know it says windows is required but anyone out there with this setup?
Bought this a few days ago - Goes sweet with my HTPC!
thanks for that. ordered one for click n collect- fingers crossed it doesn't get sold out before they get my order in the morning.
Thanks for this, needed a wireless keyboard for my htpc for when the remote doesn't cut the mustard. click and collect from dse for tomorrow.
Bought this direct from Logitech shop when they had it for 50% off.
Good keyboard, gets a little annoying when you want to do more then just load up a movie. (ie. browse the web)
The K400 was selling for $39 at the logitech shop before, Not too sure about price differences between the two though.
Yeah I took that to OW and price matched a few months ago.
I wanted to do Click and Collect but no stores around here have any stock :(
Reserved one and will pick up from the 3rd nearest store to me. Hope it works well with recent bought N40L as an HTPC. Will pay with the 10% off dicksmith giftcard.
I grabbed one of these for the kids playroom television (smart tv) from Officeworks about a month ago - was $40 from memory.
Not a bad little keyboard. I did note thought that there's left and right mouse buttons but no way of doing a "centre" mouse button click.
lol what the hell went wrong here…
Item Subtotal $34.99
Collection Fee $0.00
Total $44.94 <—- WTF!
Total Includes $3.18 GST
Its because you're attempting to get it delivered which costs $9.95
same here when I did 'click and collect' this afternoon. There is no delivery cost show just some poor arithmetic. Curious what response I will get when I go to DSE tomorrow.
Same happened to me, because I chose Shipped first, then changed to Click and Collect.
Bought one a couple of weeks ago for $43 (or something), a great 'board.
nope that is from the click and collect conformation page, must of added the delivery price though.
Yeah bought this on Friday. Also works with osx lion( straight out of the box) except for FN keys. Haven't tested it on Linux yet. Should not be a problem on Ubuntu.
Useful info about k400 & k400r…
Would be good for my Steam Box but that weird laser beam pattern on the touchpad is off-putting.
Crap 3G Internet Signal here in Rural Tasmania. Been trying all night but literally just got one with seconds to spare. Cheers OP!
Either this thing got ozbargained or there is virtually no click collect stock around Melb or Syd CBD?
Still showing sale price. Still plenty of places around Melbourne with stock, and other places with low stock.
Can still get in Queensland
hey guys, will it work with android mini pc.
I still havnt recieved an SMS for me to come pick it up….. is this normal? or would i just go into the store and pick it up?
I'd suggest calling the store to check, sometimes those sms/email notifications never arrive.
Just got my SMS. They would have just opened their store at 9am
Oh, I didn't know the store wasn't open when you posted, guess you're in a different time-zone! GMT +11 for me. GL =)
I've used a number of different input devices for my htpc, including the k400, the rii type keyboard/mouse and the Lenovo n5902a. If you do not have a dedicated desk (or large lap heh) to put the keyboard on (eg for k400), go for the n5902a.
It is a really comfy keyboard with very natural feeling controls. The others just felt really cumbersome, especially when watching movies, pausing etc. Glad my search for a near perfect htpc mini sized keyboard has come to an end!
Lenovo does take some time for shipping though, direct from shanghai.
I've never understood the appeal of wireless keyboards. For most folk they just stay in the one spot. No worrying about batteries, keyboard lag in games etc.
A solution to a problem that never existed!
-htpc/couch/bed usage
-aesthetically inclined people who don't like the mess of cords on their desk
just because neither of those apply to you, doesn't mean it isn't a "problem" that exists for other people…
Not enough to account for approx 50% of the market.
i dunno where you pulled your 50% figure from. i would bet a substantial amount of money that wired keyboards outsell wireless by a significant margin…most business and personal pc's would come with wired keyboards.
if there are more wireless products on stores shelves, i would say it's because there are more distinguishing features for general home users with wireless keyboards. different sized keys, with or without numpads, with or without trackpads/balls, with or without multimedia keys, different wireless technology, etc - all things your normal home user may be interested in.
with wired keyboards, a lot of the product differentiation will be in gaming keyboards - these aren't stocked in your standard bricks and mortar stores. go to a gaming store, and you'd think wired keyboards would outnumber wireless.
so no:
YOU have no use for wireless keyboards - GOOD FOR YOU CHAMP. 50%* of the market DOES. END OF STORY.
what is it with people who can't understand that other people might have a use for something that they personally don't?
not everyone plays games. not everyone values the same things as you.
seriously…why the hell even click on a wireless keyboard deal???
Yes my claim was unsourcy and not credible, but the logitech keyboards that sell at my local retails are evenly distributed wired & wireless models from what I experienced so I guesstimated the market was 50%/50%
Anyway I did not know someone could be so passionate to proving wireless keyboards DID have a use in everyday lifes. I did pick up up something out of this thanks they do indeed have a use.
YOU have no use for wireless keyboards - GOOD FOR YOU CHAMP. 50%* of the market DOES. END OF STORY.
^ That passion
seriously…why the hell even click on a wireless keyboard deal???
^ Such passion
actually, i'm not passionate about wireless keyboards at all (this is the first one i've ever bought…and my main keyboard and mouse are wired), and don't get it mixed up: i really don't care about them enough to need to try and justify their existence…
what i'm passionate about is rationality and logic. when people make stupid comments, i call them on it…and wait for the negs! (you'll see my penchant for this if you look through my past comments! aha)
the fact is, yada made a stupid comment, so i responded with truth and rationality. same with my response to you.
i mean no offence and i'm glad you did find out there is a use for wireless keyboards, as my passion is only for truth and rationality.
i just got one of these bad boy. pretty good for the price.
Just picked up mine, excellent htpc keyboard. My old wireless one died 2 days ago, so perfect timing.
Collected; works on desktop and tablet (flashed 7.7 using OTG)
Doesn't seem to work with raspbian, will investigate that further at a later date
Just picked up mine as well. Works pretty sweet on my XBMC htpc setup.
Wifes happy too because now I got rid of the bulky keyboard I used to keep on the coffee table.
forgot to post up and say thanks- works really great for computers hooked up to a tv!
I have one of these, by 'multi-touch' they really mean two-finger scrolling from the touchpad. ;)