• expired

Samsung Odyssey G55C 32" 165Hz QHD Gaming Curved Monitor $289, 34" $399 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Centre Com, Mwave, Scorptec, Umart


Stock availability in stores and Shipping Calculator .As every store has different shipping price. C/C is Free.

Centre Com Surcharges: 0% for bank deposit, Afterpay & Zip Money. 1.2% for VISA / MasterCard & PayPal. 2.2% for AmEx.
Mwave Surcharges: 0% bank transfer, BPAY, Afterpay, 1% for credit/debit card & Zip.
Scroptec Surcharges: 0% Afterpay & ZipMoney, 1% credit/debit card, AmEx & PayPal payments.
Umart Surcharges: 0% direct deposit, 0.9% card, 1% on all other payments.

Center com 32"
Mwave 32"
Scorptec 32"
Umart 32"

Center Com 34"
Mwave 34"
Scorptec 34"
Umart 34"

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Centre Com
Centre Com
Mwave Australia
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  • +6

    FYI, VA panels for both.

    • The problem isn't that it's VA panel, or that it's Samsung-based VA panel, it's the quality of the panel.

      This is a waste of money if you're looking for high refresh rate performance.

      • What sort of deals should we be looking for, then? Can you post some past deals that are similar price and size that aren't a waste of money?

        • The deal has several tags, you can see this very easily:


          As to the why, you can see in the motion performance section here.

          VA in the Samsung G5 series and below has been historically very poor and very much a margin grab by Samsung for years. I'd imagine now that they've sold their LCD business, they'll wind it down soon and eventually put slow OLEDs in the category.

          • @jasswolf: I know how to search for deals. Which of the ones in the link have a better panel than this one?

            • +1

              @wombat81: In Australia we don't have many good VA choices like AOC Q27G3XMN (great HDR w/Mini-LED). But IPS, we have Asus XG27ACS (good motion clarity, variable OD), or Dell G2724D (Rtings and Monitor Unboxed budget pick) under 400 AUD

              • @Kevin Bacon: Thanks, that's good info. So there's never been a deal on ozb for the Asus, but the Dell comes up from time to time for around $350. So compared to the 27" of this for $230, is there $120 of extra value there?

  • Great prices!

  • 27" is $229 also

  • @TopBargains - Please update title with "Curved". Would be helpful.

    • +2

      might be worth mentioning res too, or least that the 34" is Ultrawide

  • brightness only 250 = itshay

  • Looking for a 27" QHD curved screen around $250-300, is this the best value monitor at the moment?

    • Would be hard to go past, I'd suggest.

    • why do you need curved? 27" is a bit small for curved to be applicable.


      I bought this last week and it's quite good for the price

      • I have a dual setup and my secondary 27" monitor is also curved, just thought it would be better to match it

    • No, and even if it was the cheapest, steer well clear and wait for better deals.

  • -1

    Aw it’s only VA and 2K

    • QHD isn't 2K, but marketers do be marketing. Point taken about pixel density.

      • -1

        This monitor is literally 2k. You seem a bit too negative about this deal. If it's so bad please post some alternatives.

        Resolution 2560 x 1440

        • -1
          • +1

            @jasswolf: So it's actually higher resolution than 2k. Dude, you are really on your high horse here. Again, post some better deals for this price, even past ones, and we'll take you seriously. But you just seem to be yelling at clouds at the moment. I have no doubt there are better 2k (or greater than 2k, in this case) monitors out there, but I doubt they come up very commonly at this kind of price.

            It's a budget monitor, people aren't expecting it to be the best out there.

            • @wombat81:

              So it's actually higher resolution than 2k

              As in not 2K, correct. It's got about 70% more pixels, which is a lot more.

              It's a budget monitor, people aren't expecting it to be the best out there.

              This is what you expect from a budget monitor in 2017, not today, so try to avoid it.

              • @jasswolf: So what do u expect in a budget monitor in 2025 at the same price point?

                • @seijai: Better response times, so that's probably coming from an IPS panel in this price range.

              • @jasswolf:

                try to avoid it.

                So you keep saying. Still no mention of alternatives, though.

                • -1

                  @wombat81: I gave you the feed to look through, and a review site with more up to date measurement tech to try and confirm what's what. How much of my time do you want to take up, and how long do you want to wait for a response versus doing the basic research so you understand the 'why' of any option I give you?

                  Or are you just going to take what I give you and ask even more questions?

                  Here's two recent deals that are both better performing overall at the price for 27":

                  • @jasswolf: This post is for 32 and 34 "

                    So again, what can u recommend at 32 and 34" at similar prices but better 2025 specs?

                  • +1

                    @jasswolf: Sorry my dude, but when you just keep saying "the panel is bad, the panel is bad, it's a waste of money" without actually offering any alternatives, it's a bit hard to blindly believe you.

                    If you don't like people asking you for clarification maybe something like. "Hey guys, this monitor has a panel that doesn't perform well compared to alternatives like X and y that have been similarly prices recently" would be a better way to pass on your apparent knowledge.

                    Thanks for the links, they are helpful.

  • For anyone looking for something similar, after a lot of research I got the Gigabyte GS32Q IPS for ~$320 from MSY and I'm very happy with it for gaming.

    Be careful not to get the other GS32Q variants (eg GS32QA / GS32QCA).

  • Ive got the Odyssey G52A not sure what the difference is with G55C but I reckon the G55C is the newer model, purchased it for $299 and its worth every penny, im happy with the purchase

    • G52A is a different panel, notably being a better performing IPS from a response time perspective. Not a relevant comparison, sadly.

  • I will only provide my own experience with 1 out of 1 monitor purchased last year on sale through JB. Was so excited, got home & set it up and discovered over 8 dead pixels. I did the reset, did the samsung smart hub screen refresh feature and contacted samaung only to get response that 8 dead pixels is well within manufacturer quality guidelines… and samsung refused a warranty exchange even (I purchased last one where I lived at jb hence tried though samsung first ).

    Luckily I drove about 40 mins back to JB and the sales assistant felt sorry and just offered me a refund. I ended up just using a credit exchange and purchased a Lenovo monitor which has worked great.

    • -2

      It makes no sense to contact Samsung directly, so I'm not surprised they said no. You always go to place of purchase, regardless of whether they have stock or not.

  • How are these compared to the Cooler Master GM34-CWQ2 34" 3440x1440


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