Is Scouts South Australia Safe for Kids?

I was curious to know how safe Scouts is for my 5 year old son?

What safeguards are there against child abuse? Can I be 100 percent sure nothing bad will happen to him if I send him there?

When I was a teenager my brother and I joined a model aeroplane club in 1996. It turned out the guy running it was a child abuser. He ended up getting 4 years in jail for multiple rape and sexual assault on underage boys. Lucky for my brother and I we ran away, and my dad reported him. The abuse was occurring mainly during overnight stays.


  • +43

    You can't guarantee nothing will happen, however all staff working there would have a working with children check or the SA equivalent. By this same logic something could happen at school as well, there chances are very slim, but never 0.

    • +9

      there chances are very slim, but never 0.

      this is why I buy lottery tickets

      • +5

        I can safely say the chances of a lottery ticket abusing your child are zero.

        • +3

          Unless they become a compulsive gambler.

    • +3


    • -4

      and they are the biggest bunch of pedos out there…

      What a ridiculous statement…

      You sound like Donald Trump…

      • +27

        Donald Trump would have said

        …and they are the yuugest bunch of pedos out there, folks, the very best. They're doing a tremendous job.

        And he would have been talking about his Epstein Island friends.

        • Yet Trump wants to release the Epstein files. I reckon there will be a lot of famous people and politicians from both sides who are nervous.

          Seems like you have TDS.

          • @heal: If he wanted to do it he would already have done it. And even if he is just delaying it so he can throw some distraction bones to his cult of personality supporters at some opportune time in the near future, I'm sure it will be completely unredacted… not.

            • @tenpercent: Looks like the files will be released soon.

              I don't care what political affiliation the gyilty people have. It seems that your TDS clouds your judgement.

            • @tenpercent: Also there's 250 alleged victims who's identity needs to be protected. So don't give me some conspiracy theories about distraction bones and cult personality supporters.

              • @heal:

                Looks like the files will be released soon

                Does it?

                Also there's 250 alleged victims

                Sounds like some, to quote you,

                conspiracy theories

                Oh, there's no

                cult personality supporters

                They don't exist do they?

      • Don't be sad, go praise jeebus

          • +12


            most pedophiles are atheists

            Yeah, going to Doubt this one. What would atheists be doing working as priests in the Catholic Church?

            • -4

              @Crow K:

              What would atheists be doing working as priests in the Catholic Church?

              Most pedophiles are not priests…

              There are more in public schools than in the priesthood…

              Even more are close friends/family members to the family impacted…

              • +8

                @jv: Whataboutism at its finest. You wouldn't happen to be religious, would you jv?

                Let's return to your atheists more than Catholics claim.

                There was a Royal Commission that ran for three years in Australia covering Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

                Are you willing to give me $100 for each time the word "Catholic" appears in its transcript if I agree to give you $100 for each time the word "atheist" appears?

                • @Crow K:

                  covering Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

                  Did you read it?

                  How many of the pedophiles were priests and how many were not??

                  The report covered all institution, not just religious ones.

                  Out of home care, schools, Sport, recreation, arts, culture, community and hobby groups, detention environments….

                  give me $100 for each time the word "Catholic" appears in its transcript if I agree to give you $100 for each time the word "atheist" appears?

                  Fairer would be ="Catholic" vs <> "Catholic"




                  • +10


                    Fairer would be Catholic vs nonCatholic

                    Perhaps. Maybe fairest of all would be if the religious didn't make up things about atheists in the first place and actually took some responsibility for their crimes instead of deflections like "what-about-someone-else"

                    • -8

                      @Crow K:

                      didn't make up things about atheists

                      It's not made up though…

                      Are you an atheist too?

                      • +1

                        @jv: I know I'm going to regret this but ok..

                        What supports your claim more pedophiles are atheists than Catholics?

                        • -4

                          @Crow K: What supports your claim more pedophiles are Catholics than atheists?

                          • +2

                            @jv: You made a claim, which I am challenging.

                            Prove your claim.

                            • -5

                              @Crow K: I see… a deflection…

                              • +1

                                @jv: I'm holding you account to the thing that you said?

                                Is this moronic trolling or do you have a source to support your claim?

                                • -3

                                  @Crow K:

                                  I'm holding you account to the thing that you said?
                                  Is this moronic trolling or do you have a source to support your claim?

                                  You are the one trolling…

                                  Less than 20% of Australians are Catholic.
                                  Almost 40% of Australians are Atheist.
                                  Pedophilia is a complex psychiatric disorder that can affect individuals of any background, there is no link to religion.

                                  • +1

                                    @jv: No, where's the actual proof.

                                    • -4

                                      @Crow K: John 9:39-41

                                      • +7


                                        someone religious offering the Bible as a form of proof

                                        I literally said no moronic trolling

                                        • -4

                                          @Crow K: John 9:39-41

                                          • -1

                                            @jv: Leviticus 25:45

                                            • -3

                                              @Crow K: Are you that nurse dude from Bankstown Hospital ???

                                              • @jv: I don't get reference..?

                                                Did he also shame religious hypocrites by quoting the Bible verses endorsing and authorizing child trafficking?

                                            • +5

                                              @Crow K: Pro rata RC priests are WAY over represented in paedophilia.Obfuscation by the defenders can't change that.

                                              And as it turns out the issue in the RC church was like an iceberg, with most of the offences and offenders beneath the surface. Logic says there are many more crimes yet to be detected, as victims often fail to come fwd for obvious reasons, as experienced during the Royal Commission, The flock is still making excuse to this day and many (way too many) went on to actually blame the victims and WORSE made them out to be liars. Too many victims were unsupported and treated like trouble makers and money grubbers.Many were pushed to suicide, many to drugs. Too many were outcast. So the damage goes on. As does the chorus of apologists. You would expect a sleep deficit in the RC community, but not one I have noticed.
                                              If only the church worked as hard on helping victims as it did offenders for all those decades.

                                              • +1


                                                If only the church worked as hard on helping victims as it did offenders for all those decades

                                                Sure, but to be Devil's Advocate here, the church did forgive the sinful children for leading their priests astray

                                                • -3

                                                  @Crow K:

                                                  Devil's Advocate here

                                                  Do atheists believe in the Devil ???

                                                  • +3

                                                    @jv: As opposed to advocating for one, like religion??

                                                    • @Protractor: Where have I advocated?

                                                      • +1

                                                        @jv: If you are aligning with christian religion, you're all over advocating for a devil. Especially RC church.It runs on fear.

                                        • +5

                                          @Crow K: Mate, you are asking the forum troll not to troll. What are you thinking?

                          • +2

                            @jv: Look… lwts be fait: most paedophile abusers were PROLIFIC abusers.

                            I mean… a dodgy relative that molests a young relative destroyed fewer lives than a paedophile priest who molested dozens, or hundreds… and theres more than a few priests in that later category… like Pell's good mate Ridsdale.

                            • -1

                              @ArjaytheGuy: But the number of offenders that were known to the families is hundreds of times more than the number of priest offenders. Coaches, school teachers etc also outnumber the number of priest offenders.

                  • @jv: I did a paper in university about this, and I actually found that the Salvo's were the worst of them all, not the Catholics.

                    Yes, the Catholics were quite bad, and I say this as someone who used to be Catholic (as well as someone who will continue life now firmly not). But, they're not the ones who still refuse to admit there was rampant abuse.

                • -2

                  @Crow K: You make it sound like the RC captured every ordained Catholic Priest when in reality ALL those captured under the Catholicism umbrella (including priests) was a total of 32%

                  For those who are following along at home, that means that 68% of the offenders who were identified had nothing to do with Catholicism far less be Catholic Priests.

              • +2


                Most pedophiles are not priests…

                Most pedophiles do not live in Australia either. So nothing to worry about here.

              • @jv: Don't forget to include Australian diplomats begging to be allocated to some post in South East Asia …

            • +1

              @Crow K: It would be interesting to know what % of Catholics are athiests. I've heard of multiple priests that don't believe.
              I doubt many would for long in that system.

          • @jv: Most of the passive enablers of Catholic pedos are/were Roman Catholic too. It takes a village.

            • -2

              @Protractor: lol

              I'm definitely not Catholic.

          • +3


            You realise that most pedophiles are atheists…

            I just looked this up.
            So ~6.9 billion religious people in the world.
            8 billion total people.
            atheists = 8billion - 6.9 billion = 1.1 billion.


            2.4 billion Christianity.
            1.9 billion Islam
            1.2 billion Hinduism
            1.1 billion Athiesm

            So statistically, most pedos are Christian, then Islam, then Hindu, and then Atheist.

            Edit: I posted this to deepseek and it pointed out that

            Misrepresentation of Atheism
            The "1.1B atheists" figure likely conflates atheists with the broader non-religious (agnostics, secular, etc.). Atheism isn't a centralized group, making direct comparison to organized religions misleading.

            However if anything, that just means there are even less Athiests.

            It also pointed out:

            No Data on Pedophilia Prevalence

            Which is true, I'm making the assumption that it's some kind of neurological defect and would be fairly evenly distributed across the total population.


            Without per capita rate data by group, your assertion is mathematically incomplete. It's like claiming "most murders are committed by people with brown hair" solely because brown-haired people are more common – even if blondes commit murders at twice the rate.

            Well yeah, this is a stupid thread to begin with lol

            • +2

              @idonotknowwhy: Yeah, I didn't want to get in the weeds of arguing jv's ridiculous argument because all that is is a escape hatch for them to move their blatantly false shitty take forwards because it's being engaged with.

              If I'd come back and said "given the population is 50% male 50% female, that would imply pedophiles are split the same way and they aren't predominantly male" they'd be talking about "well what is a male" and so on.

              I'm not in a hurry to tease out the finer points of a bad faith argument with someone who just likes the smell of their own posts.

    • Obviously not every church or every member, but you’re not wrong, definitely high risk unfortunately. Also unfortunately this isn’t just church’s but sports clubs and coaches, tutors, teachers etc.

    • You sound like your wife has a boyfriend.

    • +1

      This's a wildest thing I've seen on Ozbargain. Bro assume people are pedo before even an accusation happens. I hope him isnt judge in Victoria

    • -1

      Teachers are much more likely to be sexual predators than priests. Yet homeschooling is frequently disparaging and discouraged.

      • be a bit weird if your mum or dad starts fiddling with you

        • I’m a bit confused by your comment.

  • +1

    Can I be 100 percent sure nothing bad will happen to him if I send him there?

    All workers and volunteers are required by law to have working with children checks. Whilst this won't give 100% assurance it is as close as any system can do. The checks look at more than just criminal history.

    Neither more or less safe than any other extra curriculars for children.

    • +9

      WWCC are all but worthless. They dont go around checking and vetting people, it's like a softer police check. Anyone can get one and about the only thing that would stop you is if you had a conviction for child or sexual or violence related offences on your record. For some kiddy fiddlers, if they have not been on the radar of law enforcement and the courts, there is nothing that one of these checks would put up with a potential first time offender…

      It's a bandaid to placate people that they are actively doing something, even if that something is basically worthless…

      A classic example is that of Ashley Paul Griffiths who abused kids in his care for close to 20 years working in the child care industry. He would have been require to have a "blue card" in Qld to work with kids. If the system is supposed to stop predators like him, how did it fail for close to 2 decades.

      While I agree that we have to have some sort of system to keep track, this whole WWCC system seems to be a gate after the horse has already bolted kind of arrangement. What there needs to be is more supervision of people in these rolls. I work at a school on a casual basis and I basically cant scratch myself unless I have one of the staff standing there watching what I am doing.

      • +12

        I agree, but it isn't totally worthless. If you are concealing a conviction or are trying to pass a check with fake details that is an offence, so it does at least work towards stopping repeat offenders.

        In the past offenders could just move and start again.

        • +9

          In the past offenders could just move and start again

          Often moved by the institution to start again.

        • +4

          Oh yeah, 100% agree… it isn’t “totally” worthless, but as someone who has had their WWCC for the last 15 or so years… I can see how it could easily be bypassed or rendered useless if the offender has had no prior record to draw from. It only keeps out the already established people with a history or these types of acts, not the silent ones that no one knows about…

          There has to be “a” system in place, and I guess this is a good start to at least keep a track on those who have already offended and keep them from just moving schools/areas and starting up again.

          • @pegaxs: They would do better to accredit the controls the organisation has in place, rather than individuals.

            Several places I have worked now have robust processes in place and mandatory training so noone has an excuse to not follow the processes.

      • +4

        this whole WWCC system seems to be a gate after the horse has already bolted kind of arrangement

        While I don't disagree, WWCC is to filter out those that have had issues in the past from re-entering back into kid friendly environments.

        It is better than 'nothing'.

  • +18

    Just keep your kid wrapped in cotton wool in the back room.

    • +7

      That’s the first place a Paedo would look and the grooming would start by them unwrapping the kid from said cotton wool

    • Fatten them up, make them unf-able (like Billy B says)

  • +11

    No more or less safe than any extracurricular activity. If you're fixated on the fear of paedos, don't enrol them in swim lessons, the church, or even school itself. In fact, home-school them, then send them away to be raised by Mongolian nomads.

    • +4

      If you're fixated on the fear of paedos, don't enrol them in […] school […]. In fact, home-school them

      This may not work as well as you think, in some cases…

    • +1

      When my daughter went to school, my wife was involved with the school (reading with students, working at tuck shop etc), and went on school camps.

      Not based on fear, just safety… minimise windows of opportunity for something bad to happen without overreacting.

      If my kid was going to scouts, I think I'd sign up as a volunteer.

  • +23

    I was curious to know how safe Scouts( is for my 5 year old son?

    Sign up yourself and be there for those camping trips.

    • +11

      Seems like the sensible course of action and makes the organisation better, helps with your family relationship and gives you some extra fun/skills/experiences.

    • My family is involved in Scouts - my wife has been a leader for 25 years and now my son is as well
      THis is the correct answer - parents get involved!

      At 5 years old, you son is only just about Joeys age which starts at 6 years - can usually attend a little before that if he is mature
      At that age you should definitely go with him the first few times
      I mean 6 year olds start school - you don't dump them at the gate first day
      Go in and make sure he and you are comfortable etc.

      Typically at that age group (6 or 7) the leader or one of them will be female (which I know doesn't guarantee safety from abuse but c'mon)
      Go in and observe the leaders, the other kids and the programs they run - I bet you are impressed
      Also at that age any overnight camp trip will be compulsory that a parent attends and the kid sleeps with the parent
      Only at Cubs age (8 or above) do kids go unaccompanied (although parent helpers encouraged)

      Give it a go - get to know the leaders and develop some trust
      Accompany your son and set a good example of being engaged in activities
      You will both love it!

  • -1

    JHC is it the week of (1)
    catastrophising or something?
    (2) creative writing /fiction
    (3) psyche student homework phishing (again)

    When I was a kid thousands of victims of the Catholic churches industrial scale child abuse/rape/molestation was rife, and still was an adolescent and still as an adult. The Vatican down, covered up,denied,enabled and protected. I am yet to see the flock abandon that institution. The car park is full to overflowing every week, just as they were at the peak of those atrocities.
    You have a choice. Be a parent and make adult decisions, like a normal person and without calling on tribal confirmation, or consign your child to the mistrust basket you've created, for the rest of their sheltered little life.
    Your kid has as much chance being sexually abused in any number of other scenarios. Get professional advice on what to do.
    Hand wringing will not be on the list,I can guarantee it.

  • +16

    Teaching your child how to properly address any inappropriate advances and reporting them if they ever happen is the best thing you can do

    • Just don't use that program that renowned kiddy fiddler Rolf Harris was involved with.

  • +5

    Can I be 100 percent sure nothing bad will happen to him if I send him there?

    Yes, parents can volunteer

    • +16

      Dont be silly… these types of out of school activities are supposed to be de-facto child minding services because people dont want to raise their kids any more. No one volunteers. You're supposed to just drop them off and pick them up 1 hour later. Then you are supposed to stand around talking about how badly run it is while not offering to lift a finger to make it better.

      • +5

        Important to turn up once a year with a list of things the org is doing wrong so those child minders lift their game.

    • And parent volunteers also need WWCC

      • They'd already have these if their kid was recently in kinder.

  • +7

    When I was a teenager my brother and I joined a model aeroplane club…….
    The abuse was occurring mainly during overnight stays.

    Overnight stays at a model aerplane club? Well there's a big red flag!

    • +3

      Overnight stays at a model aerplane club?

      long haul flights?

      • +5

        Mile high.

  • +3

    I wouldn't hesitate to send my kids there but nothing is 100% guaranteed.

    But I wouldn't let them go on overnight camps or sleepovers (unless it's with the school).

    Though the chances are extremely slip, sadly many kids are abused during sleepovers at friend's houses.

  • Is Scouts South Australia Safe for Kids

    Why specifically South Australia? Scouts is Aus Wide.

    • +2

      Guessing that is the OP location.

      • OP's user profile says 'Vic'.

        • +1

          Guessing they 'forgot' to update it.

          • +3

            @JimmyF: Or the kid will have a long walk home

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