• expired

12-Month PS Plus Subscription: Deluxe $128.01 (35% off), Extra $127.46 (25% off) @ PlayStation (New, Lapsed, Upgrade Subs Only)


PlayStation Plus Deluxe

Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits, hundreds of games in the Game Catalogue, as well as exclusive benefits like game trials and the Classics Catalogue.

12 Month Subscription
35% off the first 12 months. Then $196.95 every 12 months. Offer ends 24/02/2025.
$196.95 $128.01

PlayStation Plus Extra

Get all the great benefits included in the PlayStation Plus Essential plan, as well as access to the Game Catalogue, featuring hundreds of games from genre-defining blockbusters to innovative indies, with new titles added regularly.

12 Month Subscription
25% off the first 12 months. Then $169.95 every 12 months. Offer ends 24/02/2025.
$169.95 $127.46

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  • +13

    The deluxe is the obvious winner then.

    • I bought deluxe during the black friday sales and they charged me the discounted price of Deluxe but gave me Extra.

      I can't figure out how to get them to adjust it.

      • try going into settings, > account > subscriptions, once you confirm your level in there, it should reflect back on the menus (this is completely broken and bugs out all the time for me)

        • I updated my PS5 and had to resign into PS Plus a couple of days ago and it's Deluxe now.

          Yeah it was bugged out.

  • +2

    What’s the cheapest way to get ps+? Any geohack options like with Xbox game pass?

    • -1

      Not anymore could be wrong

    • -1

      Nope, even xbox isnt possible anymore. Companies tightening up on geoblocks, same with NBA gamepass too now that I think about it

      • +4

        I was able to do Gamepass Ultimate conversion from core 2:1 using an India VPN last week so Xbox definitely still can be done. Ended up a little less than $8 per month.

        Did it by starting without ultimate (if you already have ultimate it will convert 3:1), buying an Indian core subscription (off CDKEY etc) and redeeming with a VPN active, then buying a month of ultimate in Australia (vpn inactive) to convert it all to ultimate at 2:1.

    • Not anymore unfortunately, I believe the cheapest one was from Turkey, I bought 5 years back in 2023 for around $100 USD then 2-3 weeks later the price jumped to $100 usd per year

    • Discounted gift cards for JB or EB then buy PSN cards.

  • +2

    Can’t you stack anymore? It only gives me the option of upgrading my remaining term

    • +4

      Yeah thats $hit. I was hoping to add an extra year on my existing which only has 80 days to go.

    • +16

      You can't stack anymore but certain sales allow you to extend (Black Friday did, but that's rare). This one doesn't. This new/expired/update only model is their standard way of letting those of us already in the top tier (their highest-paying customers) know that they totally hate our guts and don't appreciate our loyalty.

      • -2

        If they provide discounts to those that are already paying full price, they lose money on existing customers with no benefit to themselves. Discounts are to increase their market share in the hopes that it creates reliance, and new full price paying customers. Financially from the companies perspective it makes more sense for you to first end your subscription, as now their is an opportunity cost for them to entice you back.

        • +5

          Sure, that's logical, but for a deluxe subscriber it still makes you feel like they totally hate our guts and don't appreciate our loyalty

          • -1

            @367: I cancelled and refunded my deluxe.

            A week or two later there was that weekend long outage.

            It's probably barely worth it discounted, but the fact they charge full price for renewal is so disgusting, why would anyone support it.

            It's the opposite of loyalty to customers

        • +1

          Buy the basic teir for online play, then buy the games you want to play. If someone is working, maybe has kids, like myself, then it's pretty hard to justify. There just no time play all those games.

          I guess for kids with cashed up parents and live at home, its a good cash cow, but it wont last with global inflation and general stagnation.

          Something else will be born, post subscription era. A phoenix 🐦 🔥

  • I currently have monthly subscription. Can I cancel it and would it give me the 35% yearly discount?

    • You have the discount anyway, no need to cancel

      • +1

        paying yearly instead of monthly will be cheaper long run.

        @ussenterprize I believe if you cancel and wait a day or two, you will then have the option as if it's lapsed, to go for yearly. I dont know what you see going from currently monthly directly to yearly.

  • +8

    Mmh, I'm currently with an Extra subscription expiring on 06/03/2025. It is offering me to upgrade to deluxe for $0.95 (instead of the full price of $1.47) for the remaining 20 days. Then $196.95 every 12 months.

    • Is the Extra subscription monthly or yearly?

      • yearly

        • +1

          Would getting the yearly essential subscription today and then upgrading to deluxe with a 35% discount work? That would be a good bargain. Unsure if that will work though.

  • I dont see yearly option for me for extras and deluxe. Is it because my last subscription was monthly?

    • only for expired, upgrading or new customers from what I understand

      • +1

        So it's for everyone, who stays out?

  • +2

    Ok, this is weird. It's giving me the 'discounted' option for Deluxe only - no discount to upgrade to Extra.

    Also, the discount seems sus… going from $89.93 to $58.45 (35% discount) for my remaining 324 days. However this totals $58.45 + $95.95 (Essentials cost) = $154.40 (for Deluxe) - this is not the $128.01 as claimed by OP. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I'd bite for $128.01 total for Deluxe.

    • +2

      Looks like you’re upgrading. Not subscribing a new/expired account. My PS+ expired a couple weeks ago so this deal shows up for me to resubscribe at the prices per the post.

      • +2

        Yeah ok, so it's basically taking 35% off whatever is remaining to upgrade to the new plan (if upgrading).

        Still interesting that it is not allowing me to upgrade to Extra with a discount. Sony clearly being laser focused on their customers again… laser focused on extracting as much money as possible, I mean.

        • +2

          It's actually amazing to me, Sony is the least Japanese Japanese company I've ever seen.

          They seem to actively hate their customers. Try and start a refund process it's not even possible without going through 2 automated systems.

  • If I have monthly subscription for essential and go for yearly subscription today with $95. Can I then upgrade to Deluxe and would it give me the 35% discount?

  • +5

    Can’t stand that it doesn’t apply to renewals.

    I just cancelled my deluxe and will come back when I can get the deal. Expires in June.

    • Did you lose all your library cancelling?

      • +2

        I believe you lose access temporarily and get it back again when your same level of PS+ becomes active.

        Would check how long that lasts though probably only 12 months or so.

      • +2

        No I’ve cancelled normal PSN before for a while and got it back

  • +1

    So glad that the best game available (Path of Exile 2) doesn't require this stupid scam for online play to work.

  • I got excited for a bit…. but I can only upgrade my remaining 14 days, then pay full amount after. I wonder if it is worth it if I just cancel my sub and then sign up again for the discounted amount?

    • Yea. That's what I was thinking. Cancel it. Get the yearly essential subscription and then upgrade to deluxe. But I am not sure if it will work though.

      • +2

        Let me know if it works, got 22 days left on essential.

  • Got a PS5 Pro for xmas and bought the 12m Extra sub immediately. Devo that I can't do anything with this deal :(

  • 7% off gift cards if you have Bupa reward store

    • Interesting. Are there any other options if not a Bupa member?

      • +12

        Bupa is garbage anyway.

        Buy this https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/893183

        Redeem for playstation store, enjoy 10% off.

        Deal starts next week, but this deal is for 10 days.

      • +2

        If you have a Macquarie bank account can get EB games 7% discount and buy PS $ through EB.

        • Why is this so hard to understand…

          A 10% discount is bigger than 7%.

          If a bank had a discount at Coles and you bought the gift cards I linked above, it would be cheaper, oh wait there is, the Commbank Yello deal posted on OzBargain.

          • +1

            @GTR12: Settle down champ if you look at the time stamp we posted about the same time.

            • +1

              @maxo84: Oops sorry, my mistake.

  • Oh hell yeah, my sub just expired earlier this week. Great timing, cheers OP!

  • +1

    It's also available for PSN Turkey as well for those who still have access to it

    Deluxe: 1,781.00 TL (approx $78) for 12 months

    • But this would require you to only be able to use the services via a Turkish PSN account?
      So if I added this to my console my main account cannot get any of the benefits nor any online multiplayer games?

      • That's correct, you'll only be access the game library from any account however all the other online perks are from the Turkey account.

    • @RX7 Do you know a way of being able to pay using an Australian credit/debit card? I have a Turkish psn but unable to find a payment method that works.

      • +1

        Nah they only allow Turkey issued ones. I use Ininal, a bit of stuffing around to get it working but handy

  • Is PS+ similar to Xbox Gold where you can download full games and keep them even after your subscription expires? Like what Games with Gold was?

    • Games are only accessible as long as you maintain an active PS+ subscription. Once your subscription expires, you lose access to the downloaded games.

      • Even the old ones saved in the library

    • No - You'll need an active sub (any tier) for the free monthly games. The Extra/Deluxe tier games you will need that sub level to play them.

  • +8

    fwiw I'm 11days into my recently automatically renewed PS+ subsciption (deluxe) and after waited 3ppl in front of me in online chat, they helped me cancel my current subsciption and refunded. I then got this offer. Hope it helps

    • The hero we need!

    • Did they refunded you fully? What reason did you give them? Because i purchased ps extra 12 days ago. But now delux is so cheap, so i want to move to that

      • yes they refunded me in full, no reason needed other than I was upset that I can't take advantage of the 35% off here, a few explainations from them saying this deal being for new comers etc but they cancelled mine for gesture of goodwill. YMMV

        • Cheers mate. Can you send me their contact us page link. Its confusing for me

  • ohhh you sun of a gun i just updated it for a year 1 week ago! damn you ozbargain for showing me this deal. i might be able to buy an extra year ontop…???

  • thanks OP. perfect timing as I was looking to renew. cheers

  • Does Extra and Deluxe come with movie credits as well? Can’t seem to find the reference to them anymore.

  • I'm on essential and I only have the 35% discount on Deluxe upgrade, nothing on Extra.

    • +5

      Mate why even care for extra when you are getting Delux just for $0.50 more

  • I can upgrade the 187 remaining on my account - $33.63 for Deluxe and $37.91 for Extra. Explain that?

    • +1

      I guess I only get the discount if on Deluxe because I've never subscribed at that tier before. The Delux tier has no discount for me.

      It's appaling that Sony make in next to impossible to find out what you actually get for your money, dispite several pages of 'editors choice' and such mostly just listing the same 10 or so games. It's all pretty dismal pickings TBH. On the sony website there are 34 pages (extra and delux all mixed in together, more anti-consumer FUD. Barely anything there I don't own on one platform or another, or already played on gamepass or a previous subscription or monthly game. Do I really want to pick up my 2nd playthrough of The Surge 2, or replay Infamous First Light for the third time? The only game I wish I had finished on my last subscription is 13 Sentinels which is not included anymore. There are playstation 1 games I could actually play on one of my PS2s if I could be bothered.

      The games which were mentioned in the State of Play as coming day one to Extra all look extremely mediochre and that's being generous. I'm guessing this sale is part apolgy for the outage, and partly because they want as many people subscribed for those straight-to-extra releases. I'm sure they will be worth every penny of the money people aren't playing to play them.

      Not even worth 33 bucks.

      • +1

        Thanks for explaining yourself!

    • Nothing, they just love you more. Happy Valentine's Day

  • Thanks OP. Good deal, my subscription finished a few months ago. Its a no brainer to get Deluxe for $128.01 instead of Extra for $127.46.

  • +2

    As a 60 y.o who just bought a ps5 (last one was a ps1) and loved playing doom quake gran turismo etc is there any value in this for me? Not interested in multiplayer games as I'm scared of being groomed………..

    • If you like games like doom, and get it at discount rate, should be. Personally, it’s a waste of money, games are garbage

      • Cheers. Yep I've bought all the classics on sale

    • Yes, download days gone, ghost of tsushima, the last of us, unchartered, god of war.

    • +1

      Not interested in multiplayer games as I'm scared of being groomed………..

      Hey feisty, how's your bargain hunting going? Do you like discounts on beach umbrellas?

      • Does it come with boiled lollies??

  • Phew bought a ps5 yesterday around this time and was going to pull the trigger this afternoon. Thankfully saw this post about an hour before purchasing!

  • Wow it's actually on sale, I heard rumors about this deal coming up on the 14th (as the Asian regions had an exclusive PS+ sale recently).

    I normally just go a month here and there on essential when I need it, but this seems like a pretty decent deal for Deluxe. Especially when combined with the AMEX Special Gift card deal.

  • +4

    These deals are a joke for existing customers.

    I was on essential and tried to upgrade to a yearly plan with extra at a discount. Instead it just gave me the discount for the remainder of the month.

    When I attempted to upgrade my extra from monthly to yearly, it didn't offer the discount anymore.. but said if j

    I went up to delux I'd get a discount, but again only offering a monthly plan.

    I attempted to contact Sony and I can honestly say don't bother. They don't care. When when he told me to try again to upgrade from extra to delux he said it "should" work… When I told him it's not giving me yearly options and giving me only monthly options he seemed surprised and then said "well that's all you can do".

    The trick I think if your on a lower tier plan is upgrade that lower tier plan to yearly from monthly first, THEN upgrade at the discounted rate. But I'm not sure and Sony support when I asked them had NFI either.

    • Unfortunately this doesn't work cause the yearly subscription only starts after your month ends. Just tried myself and it only gives me the option to upgrade a month still.

      I don't know what to do cause there are no chat agents available too at this time.

      • Sony really screw with their existing customers. Thanks for confirming

  • Cheers. Upgraded to deluxe for 50ish dollars. 322 days remaining

  • I wish Xbox would offer deals like this.

    • They do (well with a Indian/Turkish VPN). Last time I got 3 years of gamepass for like $40

  • Thanks. Mine just lapse few days ago.

  • I have deluxe to November 2026. If I cancel my renewal and then change my existing plan to the “extra” can I then get this deal to add another 12 months of deluxe at the discounted price ?

  • Just curious, for those who have stacked Essential subs for more than a year will the discount extend to the remainder of your essential sub?

  • FYI for anyone stuck on a Monthly Sub. Mine had recently renewed 6 days ago so I contacted support to cancel and refund. Didn't take too long.
    Then, I repurchased a yearly deluxe sub in it's place.
    Refund hasn't processed yet, but apparently takes up to 5 days.

    Pretty crap of Sony.
    There is no other way around if you're on a monthly as the only option is to upgrade per month, requiring you to change ur current sub at FULL PRICE to yearly, THEN upgrade…

  • hmmm id say il just stick with essential…. but what deals are there for a regular sub ?

  • Might help somebody out ..

    Had a monthly essentials sub, contacted chat and got it cancelled. Used 10% off coles cards to then buy deluxe for $128 (saving $10 from giftcards)

    Worked out to be $20 on top of a yearly essentials for the deluxe. Worth it for me.

  • Anyone else get hit with an international transaction fee? It came up as PlayStation London.

    EDIT: apparently that’s normal. Never noticed it before.

  • Man I wish multiplayer becomes free one day it's so stupid you buy your console and are forced to spend money to use multiplayer in paid games.

    $96 just for multiplayer is outrageous.

    • It used to be free back on PS3 and Vita, I don't think it's likely to return

      • Maybeeeee onedayyy though surelyy

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