Goodbye for Now, OzBargain

I'm off to the US as my wife and I have found opportunities for work there. We've sold and stored all of our stuff over the past months, and although it was an initially emotional process, I found myself eventually desensitised. But saying goodbye to family, friends and communities is next level uprooting. So this is my heartfelt farewell to the OzBargain community that has basically helped me become who I am, whatever that is.

I'll just list down the things I'm thankful for:

  • Thank you for allowing me to stay on the site even after being caught for sockpuppeting (not proud of it).
  • Thank you everyone for helping me land a job once upon a time. You guys participated in a consumer survey which I used to analyse and present insights to my interviewer, which they loved.
  • Thank you for inviting me and my wife to your birthday parties for the past 3 years. I met so many smart and nice people including Scotty, and every single time after a party I would feel so proud and grateful that you are my people.
  • Thank you to the person that gave me 2 lounge passes for free, even when I was offering to pay. I made the most out of the free food and drinks, OzBargain style.
  • Thank you for the countless freebies and sharing amazing deals. You guys have saved me thousands, especially from the credit card, mortgage, and refinancing deals.
  • Thank you for being a constant in my day-to-day. I would literally go on OzBargain whenever I have time. I will miss this a lot.

Hope this wasn't too cheesy, but I'm not sure when I will be back to Australia and had to get it off my chest. Thank you again!


  • +35

    Good luck to you and your wife's future endeavours in the US!

    • +3

      Thank you!

      • +3

        Enjoy your new life in the land of the free.

  • +49

    Is this website only accessible to people who live in Australia?

    "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"

    • +1

      Disability sucks.

    • +7

      Not the same accessing from another country. The birthday parties were something we looked forward to each year

    • Couldn't post deals if IP isn't local.

      • I am not sure that is correct.

        I have posted deals, and I am not in Australia. I also don't remember needing to use a VPN to do so.

    • No but I couldn't log in from the US. I needed to provide an emailed code but I similarly couldn't log in to my email either.

  • +1


    • Cheers!

  • How is this a goodbye to ozbargain??….. its a website.

  • +16

    Um, thanks?

    Gotta say, got bigger balls than I have going to the USA in this political climate as a foreign worker… kudos to you for having a crack.

    • +2

      America will be great again…..

      • +32

        In 3 years and 11 months

        • +5

          the damage from trump and elon is not going to magically "stop" then, you know that right? The damage is being done that can't ever be undone. the US is going to collapse over the next decades.

          • -5

            @coffeeinmyveins: lol cutting frivolous spending = destroying America,

            • +1

              @Gervais fanboy: lol “I gave Tesla a $400 million contract but its value because I say so. Also I will manage my own conflicts of interest because I’m above the law. Kthxbai!”
              - Elon muskrat

              • -2

                @WhyAmICommenting: So you negged me for this?

                Btw you just bloody LIED

                The document was titled "Department of State Procurement Forecast Year 2025 (Revised 12/23/2024)." The Tesla line item had last been revised on December 13.

                So bad man eLoN went back in time to do that?
                This contract suggestion happened during the Biden regime. There were no progressions or adjustments made to it by Trump or since he took over, if anything they might go against Biden and not approve this at all, given that they have actually removed Tesla’s mention from it.

                • @Gervais fanboy: For starters, I didn’t neg you. Be careful with assumptions. Anyway, I don’t really care about America but Elon is cancer.

                    • +3

                      @Gervais fanboy: So how do you know who negs you? From what I can see it is anonymous? Do you just make unfounded accusations or are we dealing with a breach of privacy on this site? Mostly I don’t bother negging you anymore because you dig yourself into deep enough holes.

                        • @Gervais fanboy: My god is “you be you” your Tourette’s comment at the moment? Speaking of which you didn’t actually answer my question. You complain about people changing the topic and you are the prime instigator. Your credibility is in the toilet with Trump.

                          • -4

                            @try2bhelpful: Well, coz it clearly bothers you so much, so why would I not say it? You lie like you do, in exchange I say ‘you be you’ sometimes. Seems like a fair trade.

                            The person you are mentioning hasn’t proven that they didn’t neg me, if they do, I’ll apologise.
                            On the other hand, I have clearly proven that they lied about something but you don’t care about that coz you are an activist who just wants people to join in with you and talk sh*t about America/Trump etc even if they are clearly lying.

                            • @Gervais fanboy: So you are admitting you accused someone with no proof and you want them to prove it wasn’t them?. That is so typically like your group. You keep repeating “you be you” and then don’tlet “me be me; not really surprised by that given your past history.

                              Then you call me an activist because I disagree with Trump. Have a look at the papers I am clearly not lying about how bad he is. Honestly mate if you can’t back up your assertions it is you who is talking shit. My suggestion is people go do some Googling right now. Frankly it is even more frightening that o lay it out to be.

                              No valid assertions and now proof to back it up. Then accuse someone of being something they aren’t. Rinse and repeat. Seen this before.

                              • -3

                                @try2bhelpful: I got negged a second after he +1 you, that’s some circumstantial evidence and the type of people that just make up BS about government contracts just so they can dunk on someone they like, that’s exactly the person that sneakily negs others. Something that you and I have called you out on in the past,

                                Then you call me an activist

                                You are though, your mate clearly lied and you don’t even care coz you are a partisan activist,
                                It’s the very reason why more than half of your comments are bringing up America/Trump/Musk etc and also, it’s the exact reason why you think that the Labour Party is right wing.
                                You being you.

                                given your past history.

                                Clearly with evidence elaborate on that. What’s my past history?

                                You don’t have much going on tonight huh, probably why you are soo mad lol
                                See ya.

                                • +2

                                  @Gervais fanboy: So you just accuse people without proof. As I said absolutely typical. Honestly mate you are making a huge amount of assumption but then you usually do. Whatever fits your narrative. All people need to do is look at your history.

                                  I am not an activist, that is a complete joke. I am asking people to go Google what is happening in America as highlighted by the media; it is truly frightening what is going on. You may think bypassing proper governance and democracy is OK but I certainly don’t. Using executive orders? Really? You would be going mental if it was the Democrats. It is truly sad if asking people check what is going on is activism. Trump is undermining givernment and the rule of law. I want people to be aware of that.

                      • +2


                        So how do you know who negs you?

                        Because people like me will open admit we did. 100% deserved. Happily admit I negged all their comments based on it being nothing but a troll.

                        And it always amuses me that of all these MAGAts that think they are "OwNiNg tHe LiBs" and then having their funding and food stamps pulled and crying about "How could Trump do this to me??" are nothing but laughing fodder for the r/LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit. All these Trump supporters are now getting F'd in the A, and I LOVE it. I could watch MAGAts getting F's over all day by Trump, I dont give a shit about Trumpers. Imagine being so stupid you fell for his shit. Typical MAGAt behaviour.

                        Cutting "frivolous spending"… Dumbest shit I have ever heard.

                        InB4 all the "OrAnGe mAn BaD", WoKiEz!!1" and "NPC" gas-lighting rhetoric gets turned up to 11 and all the MAGAts come out to neg my comments.

                        *sips on large mug of Trump supporter tears*

                        • +1

                          @pegaxs: Yeah but he is accusing other people without them actually admitting it. So either there is a privacy breach or he is lying.

                        • -2

                          @pegaxs: TLDR - Frivolously call me a troll rather than going after the person who lied just because….

                          OwNiNg tHe LiBs" OrAnGe mAn BaD", WoKiEz!!1" and "NPC

                          Tbh it’s mostly you and people of your persuasion that regurgitate this stuff,

                • @Gervais fanboy:

                  help help help it's lies and "sneaky negs" and LIES and N E G S

                  I'd say "promise me you'll never change" but change is clearly not possible at this stage anyway

          • @coffeeinmyveins: Was a joke dude

          • @coffeeinmyveins: And what exactly will they do to collapse the USA?

        • Sounds like there's a lot of Trump haters out there. That's my 2 cents peace out yo!!

          • -2

            @nobro25: Have a look at the papers, the guy is causing chaos that will take a lot of work to fix. There are figures in history you are allowed to hate for good reasons. The bigger question is why would anyone support them?

            • @try2bhelpful: "There are figures" can you specify them and what implications it'll have to America or even the rest of the world. Or are those just "feelings".

              • -1

                @nobro25: Frankly this is looking increasingly like 1930s Germany. He is laying claims to “traditional” lands like Panama. He is invoking culture wars to attack certain minority groups. He is currently using executive powers in an illegal manner to bypass the proper rule of government and law. As I said read the papers to see how his erratic behaviour is being viewed by the world. However, I suspect most if it is a smokescreen to dismantle what America has in place for fair and just elections. History will take a dim view of this section of history and those that enabled this situation.

    • +4

      Fingers crossed that we make it through

      • +10

        I think you'll be OK.
        We made it thru kev, Julia, kev, tony, malcolm, scomo.

        • +13

          Also made it though jv

    • +2

      Op will be be deported to Mexico

  • +4

    You know they have the internet in the US right?

    • +17

      It's not just a website, it's a community

      • +12

        It's the vibe of it. It's the Constitution. It's Mabo. It's justice. It's law. It's the vibe and ah, no that's it.

      • You can still participate in the forums and keep an eye on Aussie deals to let the rest of us know about them!

  • +1

    all the best mate

    • Thanks!

  • +2

    Firstly, i don't recall interacting with you, but if we did it was positive.
    Thank you for saying goodbye, but you can always look at the forums. I wish you and your family all the best, and its a wise mood. Stay safe.
    As for sockpuppeting, i was banned a few times, as i worked for hn, however i was posting what i believed were genuine deals. I have no allegiance to hn, never did. I knew about a $700 off iphone deal 3 years ago, but didn't post , for fear of a ban (again). Sorry to those that missed out as a result. Don't feel ashamed.

    • +1

      For sure I'll stay subscribed to the daily emails

      • Not to mention the wit of @jv

        • +5

          Jv is the worst part about this site

  • All the best with your adventure heading to the US (in this interesting time I must say 😉)

    Glad to hear you have met genuinely nice people from OzB; and hope you also get to find a similarly nice community over there!

    • +2

      According to the OzB forums, Slickdeals is the closest thing. We'll see!

      • Do you have an AR15 in your sights? Lol

        • +1

          Maybe only pepper spray to begin with lol

      • Slickdeals is great, just no referrals allowed.

        Since the US is such a massive market, there so many slick deals very frequently.

        I've picked up clearance laptops for $200 USD new, Weber BBQs from home depot for less than half price, and heaps of clearance deals from Walmart.

  • +2

    Its a shame jv is not reading this, but they are probably watching a Collingwood Afl re-run of a semi-final. ;)

  • +3

    One less broden to compete with. Good stuff.

    • You're welcome

    • There is only one Broden. And he’s still around.,.

  • +2

    Best of luck with your journey. A return to sanity is only a plane ride away.

    • +1

      Haha sure is

  • +1

    Who are you?
    Cya later alligator

    • Apparently an alligator

    • In a while, crocodile.

  • All the best OP

    • Thanks!

  • +1

    You won't visit the forums still?

    • +1

      I'll probably still lurk around

  • +4

    All the best. Donald and Elon is waiting on your arrival 🤣😉

    • +1

      If he has used social media the US Government will know all about him.

      • -2

        How is that even…

        You be you

        • You think the Tech Bros aren’t passing on everyone’s personal details to the Government over there? How naive are you? I will be me, which is why I’m happy I have almost no footprint on American or Chinese social media.

          • @try2bhelpful: I didn’t agree or disagree with you, just didn’t understand the relevance of your comment.

            You be you

            • +1

              @Gervais fanboy: Just the heads up to the OP to watch what he says in the land of “free speech”. Not sure why you thought you needed to comment on what I said at all? You say you are happy for me to be me but felt you needed to insert yourself in the situation.

              • @try2bhelpful: Heavier speech restrictions apply here, you think our government doesn’t fish through the Internet?
                Again, didn’t understand the relevance of what you were saying other your very typical - America bad.

                • +3

                  @Gervais fanboy: Honestly mate look at what is happening in America at the moment. It is very, very bad. I also don’t see why you feel the need to insert yourself in this conversation. You said “you be you” but are continuing to comment. Maybe “you be you” and leave the rest of us to do what we do.

                  • -2

                    @try2bhelpful: You are changing the topic as you always do.
                    You made a point about the American government spying on its people and their data. When it’s almost as bad or worse here. So your point makes no sense,
                    Constant digressing, Zero accountability as usual,

                    You be you.

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