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Intel Core i3-12100F $71 / Intel Core i5-12400F $127 / AMD Ryzen 5 5500 CPU $91 Delivered ($0 C&C) + Surcharge @ Centre Com


Code works on all CPUs but these are the cheapest ones so they get the largest discounts proportionally

Intel 12th Gen Core i3-12100F $71 https://www.centrecom.com.au/intel-12th-gen-core-i3-12100f-l…

Intel 12th Gen Core i5-12400F $127 https://www.centrecom.com.au/intel-12th-gen-core-i5-12400f-l…

AMD Ryzen 5 5500 $91 https://www.centrecom.com.au/amd-ryzen-5-5500-6c12t-420ghz-a…

Surcharges: 0% for bank deposit, Afterpay & Zip Money. 1.2% for VISA / MasterCard & PayPal. 2.2% for AmEx.

Free shipping excludes WA, NT & remote areas.

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  • +2

    Now need a el cheapo mobo to go with it.

    • -1

      Also needs a GPU. There is a cheap MSI GT 710 for $41.

      • +7

        How is that card still in production after 11+ years??

        • It's not. It was so bad so they still keep trying to sell the old stock.

          • @Ozzster: i remember buying this card back in the day thinking anything has to be better than my built in hd 5500 graphics… nope… this card should NEVER have existed, it's beyond worthless.

        • +1

          at least is silent.

        • +1

          Usually for office builds with multiple monitors

    • -3

      what is a good value motherboard to get?

      • +3

        That's kind of part of my comment.

  • What would a cheap build with 16GB ram and 1TB SSD cost?

    • +7

      Generally, unless you need the newer CPUs for reasons, you may be better off with a used optiplex micro with a 8/9th gen Intel? Comes with everything, less power use etc. Depending on your use case.

      Unless you want a budget gaming PC which is a different story.

      • I got a Dell SFF that is bottlenecked with an aged intel HD4600.
        What would you recommend for a used pc with decent integrated gpu?

        • Are you trying to run a game or something?

        • +1

          that must comes with a 4th gen cpu iirc, try get a 8th gen sff for ~150 or 10th gen for ~250 on FB, some of them even comes with a nvidia studio GPU
          or you can look for a GTX1050 or entry level intel arc GPU

        • +4

          Right so you need an integrated gpu. Neither of the CPUs in the above deal have one so scratch those off.

          What are you using it for though? Like why is it bottlenecked..? Are you encoding? Playing retro 90s early 2000s games or emulation or…?

          A optiplex 7070 9500T would be a decent upgrade. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/862776 has quicksync etc.

          Else, consider looking out for the Ryzen based mini PC's like https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/875658 - brand new and quite a big jump over the Dell unit too I linked above.

          Budget pending, of course.

          • +1

            @ReaperX22: 4600 is barely enough even for HD YouTube, and not enough for any 4k videos except the earliest codecs. Same for browsing heavy websites. I would say anything above i5 8th gen or any GPU starting from 10*0 series would be much better in everything. And there is a way to connect an external VGA via M2-PCIE even to SFF optiplex.

          • @ReaperX22: Game emulation and some 2d gaming. Mainly metroidvanias and some adventure gaming.

            • +1

              @bashar20: Ya I'd definitely look out for those Beelink ryzen units then when on sale. The integrated 780M is leagues ahead of your current integrated graphics. Equiv to almost a gtx 1050 Ti in some instances. Should sort you out for a long time if you're still using Haswell 4000 series Intel currently!

              • @ReaperX22: Do the Beelink units throttle under load similar to laptops taking into consideration that they are quite small?

          • @ReaperX22: Does the optiplex 7070 9500T throttle under load similar to laptops taking into consideration that they are micro units?

            If space is not an issue the equivalent SFF Optiplex?

            • @bashar20: The equiv SFF Optiplex would also be fine to use if you don't care for space savings. And usually have the full 8500/9500 CPUs in them instead of the T lower power versions.

              I can't say for sure if they thermal throttle as my use case is a Proxmox server and it's not really something I load them up for.

              In regards to the Beelink units, same deal as above, best to check reviews/maybe even previous deals for comments about this.

        • +2

          Optiplex SFF's are tough to price/feature match, as the 11th/12th gen can be found refurb around $500, enough for a $300 GPU like the A380 for 1080p or equivalent,

          older RTX 3060 and 69xx XT or 7x00 Radeon are interesting, it depends on the budget.
          A limited SFF PSU also limits the power draw for the GPU's PCI power, and so does the low-profile single / dual slot requirements for these SFFs. The 11th/12th gen Intel SFF + low-profile GPU can handle Medium 1440p or ultrawide gaming, not great, but okay. You may need to pull out some of the plastic guards to make things fit, or use some creative cable management.

          Ryzen laptop based MiniPC's, based on the 7800G / 8600G or the 7900 HX laptop variant SFF/MiniPC CPUs, and the Lenovo Legion Go when it's under $800 is a good deal, hard to beat for 1080p gaming specs. The MSI Claw, can also run docked as a windows MiniPC, but it's not the ideal.

          There are some SFF micro-systems like the minisforum mainboard + 3060 type setups, but it's over budget.

  • +3

    Code brings a 14600KF down to $331.
    Anyone know if that is around the best price?

    • +2

      It’s only $20 cheaper than the current price on amazon, which has remained steady at ~$350 for the past few months.


    • +1

      You are risking to have the CPU fail issue that affected 13th and 14ths gens.

        • +4

          That's what Intel claimed. However, from the description of the cause outlined in the last microcode update, it should have affected all 13/14th gen 125W+ desktop cpus, which does include the 14600kf.
          From my understanding, the degradation happened when the cpu sometimes requested too low voltage for its power draw, and given P = IV, current shot up to compensate, burning everything in its path. So the last microcode update that fixed the issue set a minimum voltage level to ensure current would not shoot up to destructive levels.

            • +2

              @Freestyle: These i5s use the same chip as the i7/i9 so technically it should be affected, but extremely unlikely since they don't clock that high. But at this time it should be a non issue since newer BIOSes seem to have stopped them from failing.

            • +7

              @Freestyle: Did you read the Intel microcode update summary?
              I followed this issue closely because my i7 14700k was affected (got it refunded and bought a 12700k instead).
              I chose to get a 12700k over a 13/14600k, given the contents of the microcode update summary implied that it could happen to all 13/14th gen cpus requesting a certain level of power - exact power level not defined by Intel. However, the 13600k/14600k/13700k/14700k are all 125W base power units, so should identically be affected.

              • -5

                @jkim: did you see any reports or have any of your i5s failing? I know people with them, they were all ok

                The issues reported was on i7s and i9s not others

                • +5

                  @Freestyle: I never owned 13600k/14600k so I don't have any that failed on me.
                  As for you knowing people… lol.
                  That just goes to show you don't understand the issue.
                  My 14700k was rock solid for 8 months.
                  Then I got 2 system instabilities over 3 or so weeks - once each after unzipping 300Gb zip files.
                  It's not like you will notice that it's affected until you do certain activities.

                  • -4

                    @jkim: I understand the issue very well, it only effected CPUs that exceed a certain amount of voltage

                    spreading fear and trying to sound smart isnt going to magically make your claims a reality

                    You literally got no proof other than 'trust me bro' which is lol

                    • +8

                      @Freestyle: It goes to show you have no idea of the issue.
                      1. It affects CPUs that request a certain level of POWER, NOT VOLTAGE.
                      2. It is caused by the CPU requesting a LOWER VOLTAGE than is right for the level of power draw, NOT HIGHER VOLTAGE.
                      3. 13/14 600k/700k CPUs are IDENTICAL in their POWER DRAW specifications (PL1 125W /
                      PL2 253W).

                      It is more unlikely for i7 13700/14700 (non-K) to be affected than i5 13600k/14600k, as the non-k parts are power capped to 65W/219W instead of 125W/253W, so the voltage drop won't cause current to shoot as high as it would for the K parts.

                      Since you trust Intel so much, go read the description of the fix released by Intel and then come back.

                      • -4

                        @jkim: I dont trust Intel so much I trust the reporting that was done over the fear mongering people like you from reddit has done

                        Why dont you go find some proof about people's i5s also being effected first and then come back? Or are real world examples too hard for you to provide?

                        • +3

                          @Freestyle: Then go look at the reporting.
                          When exactly did the reporting stop?
                          After the min-voltage (increase in minimum voltage requested by the CPU) microcode fix was put in place.
                          And explain exactly how this would not affect the i5 k chips with identical power profile?

                          Intel initially claimed it only affected i7 and i9, but they had no idea what the issue was when they made that statement. In the final microcode fix, they didn't mention which CPUs were affected… but if you understand what they were saying, it implies that ALL 13/14th gen CPUs drawing high amounts of power (all K skus) are affected.

                          • -2

                            @jkim: Give me proof it effects i5s, where's a real world example?

                            You just sitting here pretending to be a engineer

                            • +1


                              1. I've already provided sufficient proof. The microcode summary and the chip's power profile on Intel Ark says it all. You try to prove that given fn(A, B) = C for the i7, fn(A, B) != C for the i5.
                              2. Why would you assume I'm not? Not that you even need a uni degree to understand P = IV (high school level physics), and what happens to I when P and V are pinned.
                              • -2

                                @jkim: sufficient proof for you, with no real world results it means jack shit

                                • +1

                                  @Freestyle: Keep sticking your head in the sand.
                                  Whether there are "real world results" is an unknown.
                                  We don't know Intel's RMA statistics.
                                  We only know what Intel have made public + the implications thereof.

                                  Your entire premise is that Intel's initial public announcement of it only affecting i7/i9s is true, but that statement holds 0 weight, given they themselves didn't know the root cause at the time.

                                  The implications of the final microcode fix is that ALL K SKUs are/were affected.

                            • +8

                              @Freestyle: here's a post directly from intel stating it affected 13th and 14th gen i5 K SKUs:


                              here's a list from Dell including all affected CPUs:


                              Here's a verge article with intel spokesperson Thomas Hannaford confirming all 65W and above intel 13th and 14th gen CPUS are affected including the non K i3/i5s:


                              Here is a forums thread from intel spokesperson Thomas Hannaford confirming ALL intel 13th and 14th gen CPUs will need the fix:


                              Here's a chart from Digital Extremes, one of the first major reports, displaying which CPUs caused issues, the HUGE majority were the i7 and i9 SKUs but those tiny slivers at the top account for 13600K(F) and 14600K(F):


                              is that enough proof?

                              • -5

                                @Toastywf: This literally says i5 non K and all mobile processors are unaffected meanwhile you people are fear mongering that it effects literally everything while you yourself post the proof that it doesnt

                                nice job

                                • +5

                                  @Freestyle: Remind me what cpu we were debating?


                                  It's a frigging k sku.

                                  You claimed it was fear mongering because it was i5.

                                  You've been proven wrong both theoretically and empirically. Now what are you arguing about? Some cpu other than the subject matter?

                                • +2

                                  @Freestyle: Dude it affects all i5 K or kf variants from 13th and 14th gen.
                                  I have a 13600kf it was boiling all the time I still own it but I saved it thanks to hwinfo. And undervolted it very early in the piece as it kept thermal throttling.
                                  It's been a disaster. Problem was I bought it early in Jan 2023 so no one would provide support and had to troubleshoot on my own
                                  Then the Intel debacle happened in 2024. But at that stage the undervolting protected my chipset and have subsequently update all bios drivers.

                                • @Freestyle: chief this whole thing started with a 14600KF, you might want to reconsider your stance here, if I were you I'd just leave out of embarrassment at this point

                                  • @Toastywf: Chief my whole issue has been people keep on parroting the nonsense that it effects literally every single thing when it doesnt

                                    the K thing is my bad but thats not the point

                                    • @Freestyle: Refer to my original comment with a statement from intel themselves confirming it affects every 13th and 14th gen CPU that is 65W or higher

                            • @Freestyle: I do some HW repairs and know shops flooded with 13-14gens both i5 and i7 both mobile and desktops. They reported the issue way way before this all hype. But you don't know them in person so there's no proof for you.

                    • @Freestyle: Intel Core 13th and 14th Generation desktop processors with 65W or higher base power – including K/KF/KS and 65W non-K variants – could be affected by the elevated voltages issue. However, this does not mean that all processors listed are (or will be) impacted by the elevated voltages issue. - Intel spokesperson Thomas Hannaford

                      • +1

                        @bogak: That was an earlier report that hypothesized that it was caused by elevated voltages.
                        However, that was debunked by Intel themselves.
                        The final microcode update that put the issue to bed addresses UNDER VOLTAGE, not OVER VOLTAGE.
                        Under voltage at certain level of power = Increased current.
                        It was the high current that destroyed the CPU.

                        • +2

                          @jkim: I think people are confusing two separate stability issues affecting Intel 13th and 14th gen CPUs:

                          1. Not enough voltage to the CPU for a given CPU frequency/speed. This is caused by motherboards improperly setting AC and DC loadlines (not equal to motherboard's power delivery impedance). This basically undervolted the CPU, particularly when the CPU was under high load (high current draw).
                            This should have been fixed by much earlier motherboard BIOS updates, or the user can fix this by specifying the correct AC and DC loadlines or by enabling CEP (Current Excursion Protection - this basically adds clock stretching when the CPU detects an undervolt and reduces the amount of work it does, which costs performance).
                            Buildzoid video, 1:41:17

                          2. Too high peak voltage to the CPU (1.55+ volts). This is caused by bad Intel microcode, which caused the CPU to request too much voltage, and slowly degrade/fry itself. The logic for the Intel CPU's voltage request is calculated from the motherboard's stated power delivery impedance (BIOS setting: AC and DC loadlines) and anticipated worst-case current draw. This can lead to the CPU with bad microcode to request voltages beyond 1.55 volts. This is made things worse with some motherboards improperly setting their AC and DC loadline.
                            This should have been fixed by later CPU microcode (0x129 or 0x12B) which is provided through later motherboard BIOS updates. Or the user can apply this fix manually by specifying the CPU voltage request limit (BIOS setting: IA VR Voltage Limit) to 1.55V or lower (I personally have set my i5-13600K to 1.30V).
                            Another video from Buildzoid

                          I don't believe the CPU's power draw plays much role into issue 2 (CPU degradation), because the CPU could request high voltage 1.55+ volts even in low load scenarios, which actually occurs most commonly when the CPU is under a single-threaded load only (less than 50 watts). This is because when under a single-threaded load, the CPU boosts to the highest frequency which demands the highest voltage along its voltage-frequency curve. Many 13/14 gen i9 Minecraft servers which don't experience high power, high current or high temperatures are failing. These servers spend most of their time in single-core boost frequency, which has the CPU mostly running at its maximum voltage.
                          Buildzoid analysis on failing Minecraft servers, 30:47

                          Issue 1 (bad motherboard undervolt) would have affected nearly all 13th and 14th gen K-SKU CPUs (i5, i7, i9), and can be easily fixed with a BIOS update/BIOS setting change.

                          Issue 2 (CPU microcode caused degradation) would have affected only i9's and i7's 13th and 14th gen (mainly K-SKU, but also some non K-SKU). I'm almost certain i5's are not affected by this issue (at least without overclocking, or with really badly set AC/DC loadlines), because the i5's voltage request table doesn't go close to 1.55V. Unfortunately, if you have already experienced degradation, there is no fix apart from getting a replacement. And if you haven't experienced degradation, you need to apply the preventative fix from a BIOS update or limit the CPU voltage request to 1.55V.

                          • @8bitsperbyte: There's a thing that no one other than repairers would tell you, and it definitely will not be said by Intel. They have reached the material limits. CPUs nowadays are too hot in normal work and in soldering so they barely handle it. Barely means they do a couple of times for seconds, but then they degrade irreversibly. Lowering power lowers temperature of compound and it will take longer to melt, but it will melt with the time, causing internal shorts. The issue will be back, just later. The only way to resolve it with this hardware is to keep it cool, so whichever turboboost selfoverclock it has, it will not draw above 100w even in peak seconds. Smoothing voltage/current balance doesn't restore melted compound.

  • no free shipping to WA :(

  • +1

    Guys I own a Ryzen 5500 in my prebuild n to be honest it's a really bad cpu for gaming.

    It's worse than the 5600 by a significant amount and worse than the ryzen 3600!

    id suggest gettin the Intel 12400 as it'll perform a lot better.

    • Really? I’m surprised that a newer cpu is worse than the old 3600, was thinking of returning my 3600 and ‘upgrading to 5500’ but your comment made me pull the other way! Thanks

      • Yeah ! Good to hear it's just because the die is a really crap chip binned from.the higher end stuff that didn't make it.

        It's also severely limited by having 16MB L3 cache.

        If you were to upgrade I'd reckon save up for a 5700X or even better for the best possible upgrade get a 5700X3D if you don't mind slightly lower clocks. I would get that if I didn't already have a 5700X that I brought some years back.

      • If you still want to keep your AM4 rig going i would try and source AMD X3D processor, but we haven't had a deal on AMD Ryzen 7 5700X3D for about a month now. Those were going cheap in December for $212.

        • Yeah i oughta get that and put it in my main rig whilst my current 5700X can go into the prebuild pc w the 5500

    • The 5500 is the official CPU of AliExpress i reckon. A failed 5600g APU. The only reason it was used was cost.

    • I have a 12400 and am very happy with it.

      When research it, it seemed a 12100 would be enough for most needs (including most gaming, it was apparently a much more impressive CPU of the xx100 line than previous generations), though I just went a bit higher since I work on my PC and it involves a lot of number crunching.

    • What is your setup/game? 5500 should only be like 15% slower than a 5600 at most but still slightly ahead of a 3600.

      • 5500 Ryzen w 6700xt.

        The fps on it is so bad at 1440p

  • any reason to upgrade from ryzen 3 3300x (pc built in 2020) to any of these cpu's? been out of the PC knowledge game for a few years now

    • +2

      You would be better off dropping in a 5700X3D into your current motherboard instead.

      The 12400F is great value at $127 (I have one running with a Gigabyte B760M H and 32gb of DDR4-3600) but the 5700X3D is much more powerful for gaming.

      • What about a ryzen 3600, if I’m using a Rtx 3060ti is there any point in upgrading?

        • Absolutely, 75-100% higher frames in esports etc gaming, huge uplift in 1% and 0.1% minimum frames. 5700X3D

        • Not to the 5500! it sucks! Better off saving a few more hundred for 5700x3d

    • 5500 shouldn't be on your buy list. 5600 if cheap or 5700x3d are your only real value proposition for CPU upgrade

  • +2

    These 12100 and 12400 CPU's are rock solid :) only Intel CPU's i would buy.. The high end stuff uses way too much power and trust in their reliability has taking a hit.

  • Would these CPUs support transcoding in a media server? I’m assuming yes as it looks like they have integrated graphics, but then further down it mentions you might need an iGPU which is really throwing me off after a long day.

    Edit: Non-F for something like a Plex server

    • They have a 12100 for 130 I think

    • $99 7100T supports HEVC. Saved you some coin… https://www.untech.com.au/products/acer-veriton-n4640g-deskt…

    • Intel Arc 310 is around $200, able to handle AV1 encoding and a ton of plex 4k 10-bit transcodes / subs.

      Around 5-6 4K HDR transcodes in Plex at the same time, If i remember that youtube reviewer's benchmark. (If i remember, i'll add the link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MmbTrWEofs - Geek Shhh has a series on Plex transcode hardware with the Intel Arc(s), though it's rough around the edges, you have to skip past the commentary to get the results.)

      I think his conclusion was, the 4GB VRAM reduces the number of transcodes before it has to buffer/ pause the streams, where the $250 A380 can add a few extra with the 6GB vs 4GB, as he pulls up the GPU's stats while Plex is transcoding the videos.

      Arc A380, slightly faster as it's clocked higher, has more VRAM for buffering multiple transcodes, similar price, better stock. But, it will probably need a PCIe connector for small SPP/MiniITX builds, where the Sparkle A310 can run from the PCIe power alone. It's just on the narrow cusp of being able to run from the 60-75w of the PCIe alone, so there are some ~A380 models that are Low-Profile, without the PCIe power plug, IIRC.

      In terms of Quality/Price, HEVC / AV1 Hardware Encode is 'efficient', it sometimes has errors / glitches that bandwidth won't improve, it will rush the job. Software/CPU encoders have better quality, so it's a trade.

      Newer GPU/CPU encoders have better quality options, as the hardware improves and has to add more ASIC/process work to accelerate internal tasks to handle HEVC, VVC, AV1, VP9, as well as HDR and 10/12 bit files, etc.

      The QuickSync or QSV on the 11/12/13/14th gen is 'fine',
      the Core Ultra uses the XeSS / Arc Media Encoder, which is a quality and speed improvement.
      The Arc A3xx series is a quality improvement and adds AV1 encoding,
      The Arc Battlemage B580 series is a slight improved quality and speed over the Arc A3xx and A7xx cards.

      but obviously, at $500, you may as well try to find a cheap RTX 4060, it's just a better GPU and handles Transcoding / CUDA jobs with arguably better quality.

  • I'm looking at building myself a NAS for Plex. I have an old i7 6700 including mobo and ram.

    Would I be better building an i3 or i5 like above and using integrated graphics.

    Or staying with 6700 or getting something like this https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/890761

    My i7 used about 70 watts at idle.

    • You want to get a non-F chip for integrated graphics

      • I missed the F. Makes sense why it is so cheap

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