Any Vasectomy Recommendations in Sydney?

Hey Guys > Looking for some guidance and recommendations as its a big decision.

Any recommendations for a good place or specific doctor to get my vasectomy done would be much appreciated. Been looking online and there are so many options and doctors but of course looking for one that we can trust to do a good job.

Thanks in advance! :)


      • +3

        The longer you leave it the lower chance of a reversal being successful

      • -2

        IVF is both extremely expensive and morally reprehensible.

    • The return policy is horrible though

    • That's one reason but I'd say the other more serious one is the fact that many men report lingering chronic scrotal pain even years after a vasectomy that can be quite severe. There's even a term for it: post-vasectomy pain syndrome, because the incidence of it is clinically significant and well-known now and it can happen spontaneously years after the procedure even if there has been no prior history of pain. It can also cause related issues like chronic epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis).

  • -3

    dont do it!! get her to take the arm rod thing

    • +1

      Yeah, why undergo a quick & easy procedure when you can shift the potential for problems to the woman. 😤

  • Just google vasectomy in a 40min radius and read reviews.

  • +2

    Dr. Tess Tickles

  • +1

    As cheesy as they are, the guys that do this and only this (Dr Snip, etc) are best placed for it. They do it many times a day

    A urologist can also do it, but don't do as many reps.

    I did it over lunch, went back to work. Easy

    • +1

      Dr Snip was great. Before I knew it, it was over.

      • +1

        thats what she said

        • She couldn't find it at first…

  • +2

    Tattoos and vasectomy's.. both are too permanent for my liking.

    • +1

      Kids seem pretty permanent … too permanent for my liking!

  • Dr Marie Support Centre, Sydney, Macquarie St. Affordable, quick and efficient.

  • +2

    who else went straight to the comment section?

    • +3

      In a discussion thread? I’m going to guess everyone.

  • When i read the heading i had a list of names.
    Then i read the rest and realised it wasnt about people who really shouldnt pass genes on…..

  • +1

    I do wonder, if you snap off the tube, where the produced sperm gonna go?

  • -1

    Can recommend - - he's done around 5 people I know (plus yours truely).

    No referrals required, they rotate through a few locations around Sydney.

    Procedure is quick and relatively painless, you get a few hundred back from medicare as well.

    Main difference with these guys is no needle they use a spray type device to get the anaesthetic into you

    • Just a heads up - Dr. Parajuli has been deregistered for misconduct in the past.…

      • Thanks for sharing, I didn’t know.

        For me the misconduct case doesn’t seem to have any relevance to the procedure in question, and of course doesn’t provide all the details, so don’t think it would have changed my decision at the time. Everyone makes mistakes, were all human.

        People can make their own decision with the information available.

        • +2

          The reason I’m aware of it is because I discovered it after I booked my appointment with Dr. Parajuli and it did affect my decision. I cancelled and booked with someone else.

          As for your point re: people make mistakes, doesn’t provide all of the details etc.
          I’m pretty comfortable that a doctor wouldn’t be deregistered without adequate and substantial evidence.
          This procedure while not particularly complex is still sensitive enough that I didn’t want it completed by someone who has taken advantage his duty of care, shown himself to have poor ethics and poor decision making around how to conduct himself.

          If it doesn’t bother you / wouldn’t have that’s totally fine - but I thought it was worth mentioning to anyone else before giving him a recommendation

          • +1

            @cubeh: Absolutely worth mentioning and agree good to see it published for people to make up their own mind.

  • +1

    My mate has a sheep farm and does this all the time. Can refer you if you like. BYO anesthetic.

    • +1

      Jokes on him, you can't actually make a sheep pregnant!

  • +1

    Any other males squeeze their legs together when reading about the procedure.

  • Dr. Justin Vass in St Leonards did mine.
    Very happy with the process. Just remember you need 3 months of protected xxx after as you might still be fertile.

  • +1

    I don't have the balls to do it

    • +1

      Sounds like you don’t need it then.

  • +1

    Why are all you men all getting castrated?

  • -1

    There’s a few places online:

    Then afterwards there’s the dating websites:
    A snake with no venom is not a snake, just a creepy legless

    Note: I don’t know if any of these are real sites.

  • +1

    Check out (
    It shows cost for vasectomy may be covered by your private health insurance if going through them. Can make a difference on cost

  • See if you can get yourself an 'open ended' vasectomy -…

  • DIY

  • The selection criteria is all in the handshake with your doctor.

    Soft, warm hands.

  • If you have private health then getting it done in a 'day hospital' will prove much cheaper than getting it done in your doctor's surgery due to the way hospital vs procedural claims work.

    I was keen on keeping the costs down and use private health insurance, so chose to go with the private hospital with a urologist and local anethetic administered by him. He does lots of this procedure and wheels his patients in and out of the operating theater on the days he's operating, he an the anethetist there to sedate the patients for a quick, effecient production line. So they wheeled me in and the anthetist was all ready to knock me out and I said, 'no, I don't need you, this is just a local'. His response 'well I'm here anyway, how about I just sedate you for the medcare fee and we call it even'.

    So yes, deal done on the operating table. Sedated there and then, appently I talked to them through the whole procedure, but I have absolutely no recollection until I woke up in recovery.

    Maybe I trash talked while I was out of it, because the recovery period was bloody painful and swollen. Best likened to the results of a full pace cricket ball from Brett Lee to my nether regions with zero protection. Still worth it though.

  • I'd suggest making sure it's somewhere near to where you live so that the jog home afterwards isn't too far.

  • Probably start with this place and go from there

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