Any Vasectomy Recommendations in Sydney?

Hey Guys > Looking for some guidance and recommendations as its a big decision.

Any recommendations for a good place or specific doctor to get my vasectomy done would be much appreciated. Been looking online and there are so many options and doctors but of course looking for one that we can trust to do a good job.

Thanks in advance! :)


  • +22

    You can do it by yourself and save a nut

  • +27

    Dr Nicholas Riviera

    • +8

      uh oh spaghettio

    • +6

      Just don’t forget Mr. McGreg who had a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg.

    • +6

      Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, too?

      • studied at the upstairs uniperversity of Camford-Oxbridge

    • +2

      Call 1-800-DOCTORB

    • Not too far from reality - check out dr snip!

  • +5

    Have you even gone and spoken to your GP? Ask for a referral to a Urologist. It's done in the chair (usually) and takes about 30 mins.

    • +1

      So he’s looking for someone good. Not just whoever his GP knows

      • +1

        Because a single GP knows every specialist personally.

        It's literally a directory. And the patient is free to shop around and ask for a specific referral.

        But it's better done by a Urologist than a GP. Unless you like a basic MB cutting at your bits? 🤷‍♀️

        • Didn’t even know a GP doing it is an option

      • +1

        It is a vasectomy, not a heart-lung transplant

        • -1

          Still, you don’t want to have to do it twice which happens a lot

      • Did you know that a vasectomy is a really easy so there will be a lot of specialists out there that can do a "good" job.

  • +10

    A hammer. A sharp blade. A bottle of whisky. And a reliable friend. That’s all you need

    • +2

      I'm assuming the whisky is for the patient. You could get a sex change otherwise.

    • You don't need a reliable friend. A friend who is at least 50% will do fine most of the time.

  • +2

    It's a really simple surgery, I wouldn't be too fussed about it.

    • thanks - trying to get over the physiological side > and why if we wish to find a 'trusted' doctor to do it

  • +43

    as its a big decision.

    Lucky you. A very small decision for me.

    • +8

      It's so they can go at it like animals. Ironically animals are sterilised because they go at it like animals.

    • Said who? Punk…

    • Right, so when did you get yours done?

    • -3

      These blokes who get this done clearly didn't have any balls to start with, so to speak.

  • +4

    Can't recommend one in sydney sorry. But just make sure you get tested afterwards! I went to my GP who has done hundreds of vasectomys and he did my first one. Unfortunately didn't end up getting tested but my partner fell pregnant.

    Went back to see him again and he was shocked as I was his first failure. He performed the snip again and made sure to take out as much tubing as possible and performed a closed vasectomy.

    Sure enough went and got tested again and was still positive for live semen. Then got a referral for a eurologist and paid for it out of pocket. The eurologist could not explain how or why the first two didn't work as both vas were still intact.

    During the first snip I sat up and watched him perform it and saw the tubes cut and cauterized. So just really unlucky.

    After that experience I would recommend going to see a doctor that does it day in day out, not that I can fault my doctor or that he did anything wrong, but someone like dr snip on the sunshine coast for example

    Happy to answer any questions you may have. Good luck

    • +87

      Sorry to hear about your partner cheating on you.

    • +9

      When I got mine done it was the last step to get done before doctor would sign off on operation completed. Until then the advice was to still treat weapon as dangerous 🤙

      • +5

        All guns should be treated as loaded.

        • +8

          And you should never look down the barrel

        • +4

          And shout "Fire in the hole" three times. I learnt that watching Mythbusters.

      • +1

        Yeah well…… it was one time! To be fair though the other two babies were one shot as well :(

    • Thanks mate - wow what an experience. Would you recommend doing it at a urologist or a Doctor?

      • If you're just getting a traditional snip I would probably see a doctor who does them day in day out, doesn't necessarily need to be a urologist.

        My GP who did my first two was great, he gave great drugs too and I have a good report with him as he was cracking jokes about my little weiner during the procedure :/.

        I don't believe the outcome for me would have been any different if I had a traditional vasectomy done by a eurologist. The fees were a lot higher with the eurologist as it wss a day hospital, anaesthetist, surgeon etc. Through a GP should be $200 to $300 or so out of pocket.

        My third snip however I was knocked out and my sack cut open, testes removed, removed all the tubing and testes tucked back in. There was a lot more trauma involed with this procedure.

        The healing for the first two was easily and painless. My GP still gave me a week off work but could have worked if I didn't have sick leave. Only minor swelling and discomfort and never needed to use ice to reduce swelling. I did save the good drugs to go to sleep at night however.

        I would go talk to your GP to see what they recommend. Hope that helps

        My one bit of advice though after the snip make sure you wear underwear briefs for the next week and not boxer shorts.

        • +3

          My GP who did my first two was great

          Well great except for the fact that it didn't work!

          • @JayEmmGee: He can't help it if I'm a good healer. I sat and watched him cauterize the ends of the tubes, just freaky that the tubes reattached.

        • +1

          The fees were a lot higher with the eurologist

          Japologists have a better reputation for reliability.

      • +3

        Would you recommend doing it at a urologist or a Doctor?

        Most urologists would be surprised to find out they’re not doctors.

    • +1

      It was somewhat comforting when my urologist was demonstrating the individual characteristics of my sack to their students as compared to the half dozen they had already done that morning.

    • +1

      "During the first snip I sat up and watched him perform it and saw the tubes cut and cauterized"
      Man your tougher than I am, I can't even watch them take blood without feeling faint. My advice for post vasectomy is have lots of ice ready to reduce swelling if needed, The doctor's recovery timeline was very optimistic in my case and I was very fit at the time and usually a fast healer.

      • +2

        youre the only one to respond to this. i almost spt out my coffee. this is absolutely insane to watch your own balls being cut open.

        • I don’t even understand how this was possible lol, when I had mine done I was told to lay down on the operating table and not move - feel like it would have obstructed the doctors job if I sat up and watched.

          • @janezzy: Do you get any build up or pressure that just doesnt release? This is what people tell me happens

    • Wow.. at that point they should have just gone ahead and "emptied the coin purse".

  • +4
  • +5


    • -5

      From every man I've heard of who's had this done, it's overwhelmingly because of the wife pressuring them into doing it. Apparently the "my body, my choice" mantra isn't an option for married men but then they've typically become eunuchs long before ever having a vasectomy done.

      I also don't understand the practice of mutilating perfectly normally-functioning parts of your body because of convenience's sake, I mean ffs, most married couples aren't even having sex regularly enough after 5 years together to really warrant it in the first place. I think a condom a few times a year will suffice just fine if they're paranoid about having any unplanned accidents.

      It's one of those bizarrely normalised practices like male circumcision that's quite clearly insane when you think about it for more than a minute.

      • +5

        Your comment is dripping with misogyny.

        A vasectomy is a quick and simple procedure. A tubal ligation is neither.

        Hormonal contraceptives carry risks & side effects.

        Most people would rather prevent a pregnancy than deal with an abortion and a vasectomy is the most practical solution for many couples.

        If however you are one of these men who love to (profanity) women but don't actually love women, I can see how you'd whinge and moan about a vasectomy instead of caring about the heath and wellbeing of your partner.

        • -2

          Your comment is dripping with misogyny.

          How original. The muh soy genie hand-waving dismissal because anything that isn't gushing praise for women being stunning/brave must be sexism? You do realise terrible people come in both genders, right?

          I'm going out on a limb here to say you've never been in danger of being married at any point in your life.

          Hormonal contraceptives carry risks & side effects.

          So does vasectomy, they're just not well-reported, discussed or researched so men have even less help available if they do encounter problems after a vasectomy. Men can experience chronic pain issues that last for years/indefinitely after a vasectomy as well reduced hormonal function.

          Most people would rather prevent a pregnancy than deal with an abortion and a vasectomy is the most practical solution for many couples.

          Massive generalisation based on absolutely nothing.

          If however you are one of these men who love to (profanity) women but don't actually love women, I can see how you'd whinge and moan about a vasectomy instead of caring about the heath and wellbeing of your partner.

          Massive generalisation based on absolutely nothing. I see I touched a (blue-haired) nerve there.

          Most rational, sane men don't willingly want to perform surgical procedures on their perfectly normally-functioning genitals. It's an innate evolutionary instinct. Most married men are pressured into it and if you truly care about the health and wellbeing of your partner, you don't want them to undergo unnecessary surgical procedures that carry the risk of lifelong complications simply because of convenience's sake.

        • From every man I've heard of who's had this done, it's overwhelmingly because of the wife pressuring them into doing it.

          My husband didn't want a vasectomy. After two kids he said "why should I do it"?

          Now he works two jobs to help pay for them.

          most married couples aren't even having sex regularly enough after 5 years together to really warrant it in the first place.

          You just made that up.

          think a condom a few times a year will suffice just fine if they're paranoid about having any unplanned accidents.

          Yeah, that worked well.

          you truly care about the health and wellbeing of your partner, you don't want them to undergo unnecessary surgical procedures that carry the risk of lifelong complications simply because of convenience's sake.

          I had 5 c-sections

      • +1

        From every man I've heard of who's had this done

        Seems perfectly scientific.

        I mean ffs, most married couples aren't even having sex regularly enough after 5 years together to really warrant it in the first place

        Speak for yourself.

  • +1

    Any Vasectomy Recommendations in Sydney?

    Hopefully you're not going to post a year from now… Any Reverse Vasectomy Recommendations in Sydney?

    • Unlikely. He's an adult. I'm sure he's thought things through.

  • +2

    This guy makes a healthy living travelling the country, looking at hundreds of balls a month :)

    • +1

      +1. 15min procedure and he lets your wife watch 🤣

    • thanks mate! - does anyone have an experiences with these guys?

      • +1

        Hubby saw Dr cashion in Enmore based off research I did for him in local FB mums group. Great experience all-round. The mums were spot on with the recommendation 😂
        Simple, relatively painless procedure. The after care invoiced some icing for the subsequent pain, mainly.

        • +2

          I had Dr Cashion as well - really nice guy, super fast. zero complaints.

      • +2

        He did mine, no complaints. I would recommend.

      • +2

        Saw Geoff last week to have mine done. Pretty much painless, aside from a bit of a sting from the first local anaesthetic injection. Very little swelling afterwards, no ice required and I'm nearly back to normal a week later. Honestly I reckon it took 10 minutes for both sides. He's super efficient!

      • Remember to take photos and viddeobrecorders

  • +6

    My ex-wife, she did mine for free

  • Put a firecracker in a soda can and count to 10 on your fingers.

  • I'm not gonna put it up to 8, Moss! It'll blow my cock off.

  • Most livestock farmers can help you out…
    Probably only charge you a slab of beer.

  • -1

    I recommend my colleague, Doctor Snip-It.

  • +1

    Lorena Bobbitt

  • +4

    Just pull out dude.

    • +6

      Some guys can't pull out of a driveway

  • +1

    My specialist was excellent. I opted to go under a general for the procedure. I'm not in Sydney but essentially you need a referral from your GP. They will be able to recommend a specialist. Best to then query them online for any issues on the AHPRA web site. Good luck and enjoy the ride.

  • +1

    I had it done at Marie Stopes Westmead. Was about 10 years ago now but about $700 then IIRC. I'm normally not good with needles etc but got it done under local and was a piece of cake only about 20 mins.

  • +1

    Talk to your GP. They'll refer you onto a local. Be ready to be probed on how many kids you already have.

    If you don't have a steady partner, don't forget that it doesn't stop sti's

  • -1

    I'll ask the guys on my Facebook sperm donor group. Oh wait…

  • +15

    did you hear the one about the urologist who botched a vasectomy, he got the sack.

  • “A big decision”. Don’t worry, they don’t charge by the inch!😜

  • +1

    I had mine done by Family Planning NSW under local. They were very good.

    • +2

      Second this. Family planning NSW in Newington made the process really easy. The doctor was great, giving feedback about pain perception and anaesthetic administration throughout the procedure (i.e. you were in control of the dose in a way). Also, all up it was about $400, not like the $3.5k i was quoted from my local urologists.

      • I think we may have lucked into the same doctor, hahaha.

        My sister used to work for Family Planning NSW, she said that one doctor was very gentle and would always check in regarding pain and making adjustments, and the other was also good but was very much a "you'll be right" doctor who would push through if you were starting to flinch a bit.

  • Had it done years ago greedy doctor wanted $800 in his private hospital, threw his pen down and sighed when I said no, went home and rang community health clinic, they did it in 15minutes for $50.

  • Can you suggest the big VC to JV? The world would be better if he never reproduces

  • I used MSI many years ago and had no issues at all.
    Maybe not the cheapest but it was quick and professional.

    • +4

      Didn't know MSI do non-computer stuff.

      • they do non-human stuff as well…

  • +2

    Don't do it. Life can change in a instant. And you may want kids again with new partner.

    • +2

      It is reversible and they can also nab the jibbers out with a needle via IVF if needed with diff partner.

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