Marked down to $29 at IKEA Perth.
Scans for $99 at the checkout but upon showing them the picture they manually adjusted the price. Plenty of stock at Perth at time of posting
Edit: No I do not carry a red texta around
Marked down to $29 at IKEA Perth.
Scans for $99 at the checkout but upon showing them the picture they manually adjusted the price. Plenty of stock at Perth at time of posting
Edit: No I do not carry a red texta around
It looks like a Live, Laugh, Love sign in picture format
Looks like depression
I have photos of myself on my wall
I think that's a mirror…
Too many people have the same generic mass produced art hung up around their homes. I'm one of them with this stupid rope bridge canvas from IKEA.
I agree, would rather family photos (can be tacky if not done right)) or just something a person drew or painted themselves
I need to get around to getting one of my dog.
Im the photographer that was commissioned by Ikea to take the photos. Thanks for everybodys positive comments about my photography.
This is unexpected to see on OzBargain.
Which one is yours?
I like this style, Michael Kenna is one of my favourite photographers.
Interesting that it says "Roy Mangersnes, Assaf Frank, Matt Roseveare, Peter Adams and Staffan Widstrand."
Mind you one of the photos makes it look like canvas, but the specifications say Material - Poster: 100% polyester, Inside frame: Fibreboard
Do these have tiny imperfections in them that prove they were crafted by the hardworking, indigenous people of… wherever?
Wish it was 9 photo frames for $29.
Kinda ugly imo.