• out of stock

Bluetooth LED Pixel Display $10 (Was $39) + Delivery ($0 C&C/ OnePass/ $65 Order) @ Kmart


Bought this the other day for $29, don’t know if they’ll refund the difference but for $10, it’s really a cool piece for your home. Lot of stock around local stores. Be quick.

Credits to OP

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closed Comments

  • Got it, thanks op

  • Thanks OP, got 2

  • +2

    Without HA support I’m struggling to see any uses for this?

    • +6

      what's HA?

      • +3

        Home Assistant

    • Confirmed?
      Sometimes the obscure things are hard to find

      • yes, Home Assistant

    • +3

      i came here to also check if it had ha support. that would make it most amazing

      • Yeah, when I first saw it I was like, that'd be cool if I could incorporate it into home assistant - but I'd struggle to find a use for it without.

        It's basically just decoration for a kids room.

    • +2

      How does HA make this any better?

      • +10

        I am assuming that with Home Assistant control, you could automate it to display a variety of information or scenes, rather than just a small selection of pre-defined static images.

        • +4

          you'd be better off making a 32x8 with WS2812's and installing AWTRIX on it!

          a pre-made product would be the Ulanzi TC-001, but you can DIY for like $20 if you have the skillz

          • +7


            you can DIY for like $20 if you have the skillz

            This product is $10. May need re-braining, which could bring it up to the $20 you mention, but would require a lot less work…

          • @bleugh: I'm already buying the Ulanzi but would also like an option like this K-Mart one which is a different form factor and could display bigger square images. Are there any pre-made options that are this sort of shape? I could probably do a DIY but I'm worried about starting another project, I already have so many unfinished projects like that haha.

        • +2

          The app for this one does animations, waveforms, rhythms, clocks and scores too.

        • +1

          @klaw81 Absolutely. For me too, HA compatibility would make this pure gold for me and I'd instantly buy one for every room.

          I don't understand why there's an argument in the comments below, when the comparison is between manually choosing from a limited set of static images, and potentially being able to show fully customisable images based on Home Assistant triggers.

        • DIY with a 5m ws2812b 300-LED strip, awesome, but at $100 in parts, a few hours and a 3D printer :-)

          See video: BUILD LED MATRIX 16x16 EFFECTS by WS2812B NEOPIXEL ESP32

          • @bargaino: That can only do cool colours and stuff hey? I wanna show the weather and write messages to my wife. Was gonna get Ulanzi last week, it was $50, seems to have doubled in price this week.

            • @bleeder: No, you cut 8 x 32-led-strips and lay them parallel to get an 8x32 display like the Pixel clock.
              They are individually adressable.

        • +2

          $10 for a home assistant ready LED pixel display. I think that's the Aussie dream like owning a home in 2025

    • +6

      Anything else you would like this to do for $10? Perhaps a foot message?

      • +31

        Anything else you would like this to do for $10?

        Cheap price means nothing if you have no use for what it can do, all you're doing is creating e-waste.

        If you have a use for a static image on an LCD, buy one. I don't, so I won't.

        • -8

          So the whole decorations industry should cease?

          • +11

            @freelife: Did you not read this part?

            If you have a use for a static image on an LCD, buy one

            • +7

              @PainToad: I don't know why they are all having a go at you, even if it's cheap, it's nice to know what it does and doesn't do to help you make a decision. And I also hate buying stuff that will just take room but is also useless.

              • +20


                I don't know why they are all having a go at you

                I think a lot of people here have a buying additcation. I don't mean that as a joke, I am serious. They get a high out of buy shit they don't need. Little bit of money wasted here and there constantly adds up. Plus yes, you end up living like a horder with heaps of shit you never use.

                • @PainToad: I agree, I used to be like that but with shit on AliExpress, so I pulled back and removed the app from my home screen and only buy things that I actually need and will use. I have done a full clean up and threw away so much crap, exactly like you described it, absolute e-waste.

                  • @itsmoe: Yep, and it's pandemic. Consumerism. Big Pharma will catch up and have a medication soon, don't worry!

                • +5

                  @PainToad: Reading this thread and seeing that there's no way to sorta link it up with HA and then your comment made me NOT purchase. Sometimes it's good to not purchase now, think later.

                • @PainToad: Couldn't agree more. OzB is quite dangerous like this.

              • @itsmoe: No one is having a go.

                But to say, "I don't know why anyone would want this outside of my specific use-case", is just silly and narrow-minded.

                • +6

                  @magic8ballgag: Except I didn't say that.

                  I said

                  Without HA support I’m struggling to see any uses for this?

                  See that question mark at the end? That implies I don't know any uses for this, but am open to hearing others plans for usage.

                  • -5

                    @PainToad: I don't believe that you honestly struggle to think of a single reason why someone would want to buy this.

                    • +5

                      @magic8ballgag: You're welcome to believe what ever you want to believe.

                      • -6

                        @PainToad: And you're free to just say what you want, you don't have to hide how you really feel.

                        If you have a use for a static image on an LCD, buy one

                        I guess you weren't really struggling to think of a use for it.

                        • +4


                          I guess you weren't really struggling to think of a use for it.

                          You really need to read.

                          "If you have a use for a static image on an LCD".

                          Displaying an image is what the product does, correct. But see where I say "If you have a use" for doing that.

                          • -4


                            Displaying an image is what the product does

                            Wow, it actually has a use!

                            • +2


                              But see where I say "If you have a use" for doing that.

                              • @PainToad: So let me get this straight, you're saying that if someone doesn't have a use for it, it's useless, but if they do, it's not?

                                • +3

                                  @magic8ballgag: A rock can sit on your desk. Without a purpose, it's just a rock that serves no use.

                                  If it's keeping papers from blowing away, it then becomes a paper weight and has a use.


                                  If a product shows a static image on an LCD without a purpose, it serves no use. If that image is being used for a reason then it has a use.

                                  Thought it was pretty obvious…hope you finally understand now.

                                  • -7

                                    @PainToad: Gotcha, so things need a purpose for them to be useful to people.

                                    Profound stuff.

                                  • @PainToad:

                                    If a product shows a static image on an LCD without a purpose

                                    That is its purpose.

                                  • @PainToad: How dare you think a product doesn't fit your needs. Some people really leave me speechless.

                                    Seems there is HA kinda working now

            • +1


              static image

              It does animations too.

            • @PainToad: And if you don't. Don't….

          • @Darkness666: Woah, I want that PvZ animation!

            • +2

              @wisdomtooth: "Without HA support I’m struggling to see any uses for this?"

              It works with HA. So the entire argument from the start is pointless. Can get it working with HA and its not static pics only.

              Don't want it. Don't buy one, simple logic. Want one, then get one. No need to rave on.

              • @Darkness666: It's this repetitive "landfill, landfill" fake virtue signalling woke purchase policing that has infested OzB in the last few years, unfortunately.

      • +5

        What sort of message would you send to your foot?

        • +2

          found @jv's other account

          • +2

            @87percent: I only use metric units.

        • +1

          A pixelated cat.

        • If you like feet, I'm sure a clever hacker could work out how to send messages to this device which have it display a pixelated foot or two. Maybe even automate it via HA.

          • @toasty:

            Product dimensions: 20cm (H) x 20cm (W) x 2.4cm (D)

            Can't even fit one foot, let alone two. Best you could do is ~15/16ths of a foot, on the diagonal.

            Cable: 150cm (L)

            Cable is ~5 feet but!

    • surely an ESP32 could be used as a proxy?

      • Yes, but as a proxy for what? Seems the device is intended to be controlled via an app. You'd need to reverse engineer the app.

        Alternatively, as I suspect some people are thinking here, you could replace the devices firmware or the entire controller.

        If replacing the controller, the issue will be if it's all integrated on one PCB. If the controller is on a separate board, then should be relatively easy to swap out for an ESP or similar.

    • +4
    • it's a dumb little piece that you play with once or twice, it sits on your shelf for a few months, before you inevitably knock it off and break it. your $10 pixel light doesn't need bloody alexa built in to it

  • +1

    so are there 10-20 options to choose from, or can you customise it to show whatever you want?

  • +7

    Obviously top quality, complete with a one month warranty!

    • +2

      365 days change of mind return with OnePass.

        • +7

          Says who?? Are you unfamiliar with Kmart?

        • Or just buy again and return new one with old receipt.

  • Can you control multiple units individually?

    • +2

      Yes I think you mean can you control multiple units together ?

      • Not original question askerer, but can you control multiple together?

        • Not out of the box I believe might need some electronic upgrades

      • Could also be asking if you can pair multiple displays with a single device (phone) but control them individually…

  • I just bought one of these 12 days ago for $29. :(
    I might return it and buy 3! :D

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