[TAS] Free Coffee if you Dance for 5 Seconds @ Island Espresso (Hobart)


Island Espresso (Hobart) free coffee for a 5 second dance

171 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tas 7000

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Island Espresso
Island Espresso

closed Comments

  • +30


  • +6

    If you do a strip dance do you also get a free ride?

    • +23

      Yeah to the local police station :P

  • +1

    Great! I'm heading to Hobart next weekend, I'll seek them out.

    Address is 171 Elizabeth St, just across the road from the Red Cross donation centre.

  • +12

    Nah, I'll pay.

    • +43

      Stop hiding those hips bro.

      • +1

        Hips don’t lie.

    • +2

      Throughout OZB I alone am the paying one

  • +7
    • +2

      I just lost an hour of my life going down a rabbit hole

  • +13

    As a true OZBargainer, I will only dance 4.5s to save 10% of energy.
    I am sure the cashier wouldn't notice.

    • +10

      True Ozb would just a make a International Roast Instant Coffee at work 😋

      • +2


    • +30

      It degrades the person by asking to dance

      Only if the stick up their arse is big enough

    • +22

      Adults can choose to dance or not, it's not degrading.

      It's a bargain - free vs $4.50.

      Nice to see a fun Tassie post, good work guys!

      • +24

        Adults can choose to dance or not, it's not degrading.

        Right, as adults we can dance if we want to. We can leave the above user's friends behind. Cause their friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well they're no friends of mine.

        • Are you big in ya pants?
          Big in ya pants?

    • +17

      The amount of shit i have seen ozbargainers put themselves through for very low value free stuff and you think a 5 second dance for a free coffee is just too much?
      Get a grip mate.

    • +3

      they are using Ozbargain as a medium to advertise for free.

      They’re not using OzBargain to advertise. OP must’ve walked past the ad stand and took a snapshot. It’s already advertised for the public and they’re not forcing you to dance

    • +9

      You've been a member since 2008 but don't know how to distinguish a user post from a store associated post.

    • +3

      If I am the admin, I would remove this post for two reasons

      Well, good thing that you're not the admin because you don't have an ounce of sense.

  • +8

    I just knew as an old white Gen X'er my moment was just around the corner. And here it is. That and flashbacks to my many uncle's dancing at family events in the 1970s. Finally I've become them.

  • +5

    dance for 10 seconds to get a double shot espresso??

    • Nope, that'll be two dances thank you!

  • +2

    Not much of a dancer, more of a prancer. That said I will use Steve Balmer as inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLPAUHdyjRI&ab_channel=DRACU…

    • +1

      No one tell her (because she'll sue), but I'm guessing there will be plenty of Raygun impersonations.

    • Let's hope so. They're wise words. Don't cough in people's faces please.

  • +1

    Does a ‘helicopter’ count?

    • +4

      "that'll never get off the ground"

      • +1


        I don’t think it’s meant to…some 2 commanders weighing it down too.

    • Coffee and “hamburger”

  • +13

    [me, on the floor]: Oh no
    [barista]: what have you lost?
    [me]: my dignity

  • Great cafe, a Hobart institution, and the family has coffee in their veins :)

  • Expired already? They should have made it a 30s dance.

  • -3

    @Clear, please upload your dance

    • I went to this and I am professionally trained in dancing 😉 I'll upload it later

  • +3

    Definitely the trump dance would be me my go-to here

    • +2

      Elaine Benes surely the go to

    • +2

      Given the general Tassie political leanings, it'll be a favourite to the locals.

      • -3

        Tassie overall votes Liberal, sadly Hobart city is overwhelmingly left wing

        • So it turns out that when Labor (and Labor-Green governments 😳) have major corruption scandals they choose to go elsewhere. Who do they elect? Moderate faction Liberals who are absolutely hated by the federal Liberals with passion and not that bad.

          Unfortunately the current premier is bad. His predecessor Gutwein was fantastic.

          • -1

            @Clear: Agreed, Libs in Tas have not been great however I shudder to think what it would be like under Labor / Greens
            I prefer Libertarians and One Nation, at least they believe in freedom and the will of the people

            • -1

              @srven3: I bet all the neggers aren't even Tasmanian. They really have no idea. How do you feel about Lambie?

              • -1

                @Clear: You're probably right mate : ), I don't care about fake internet points,
                I think Lambie is ok, would likely put her party over the majors
                Thanks for the nice chat, hope you have a lovely night

  • Two step

  • +1

    Looks like it’s time to turn on the ol sprinkler!

  • Geez I thought at least 30 seconds should be it.

    • 30 seconds and I'm twerking ngl

  • -1

    Years ago they had good nachos at this cafe. They should offer free nachos if you can do the Mexican Hat Dance.

    • Nachos are so popular, it's the one item they ran out of today.

      • +1

        Back to the future

      • -3

        What? You went to the cafe today and ordered nachos, but they ran out? Sure mate, sounds completely believable.

        • +2

          Never said I ordered them.

          • -1

            @competitions: So you ordered coffee and they said "btw we ran out of nachos"?

            • +1

              @cerealJay: No, like all good service operators, they came to the table with menus and chilled water and informed us they had ran out of nachos prior to us ordering and being disappointed if we had wanted them.

              Do you have a nacho fixation/belief issues? If it's that big an issue, phone them to verify.

              • @competitions: In my defence I didn't notice you were the OP, I thought you were random commenter chiming in with fake nachos news.

  • +3

    Which Raygun move are we doing

    • +2

      Embarrassing a whole nation at the taxpayer's expense while denying the opportunity to someone who is talented is not dancing.

      • +5

        I'm doing the kangaroo hop to knee slide

        • +2

          Careful, it's trademarked and she might sue you for making a $4.50 profit from it

  • +1

    This sounds like a psychology grad student needs to write a research paper.

  • If I dance for about 30 mins, my whole year's coffee is sorted?

  • -1

    So, no free coffee for Rachel "Raygun".

  • Any livestream of this ?

  • +1

    Trump dance

    • With the microphone?

    • You should get two cups if you intend to embarrass yourself that much.

  • +2

    Wonder if Starbucks will price beat this. Get it down to 4 seconds.

  • Four friends with four horses. Do a quadrille.

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