About a month ago a friend told me one of his bank accounts had just disappeared from online. He it didn't do much with it so no big deal but wondered why.
Lo and behold, yesterday three have disappeared off my account, just guessing here, but the banks' business is now "clipping the ticket", taking a % of mainly credit card transactions, so if your account runs low balances and pay/receives mainly B2B transfers, you are in their sights. No fees, no interest and no Credit Card "Clip".
When I logged on yesterday to pay a Visa account, I tried using Bpay, but they informed me they could delay payment for 48 hours in the interests of my safety and security? On a bank to bank transaction (please don't correct me on this).
This account has a credit card attached to it, and they don't see any revenue/profit in Accounts that don't.
If you have a biggish balance, that they can conduct their historical business on, that is earning interest on deposits, you should be OK
Until the politicians stand for the voters and not the donors, we are in trouble.
There is no doubt the banks are colluding but where is ACCC?
Banks are (mostly) publicly owned and listed companies. If you believe they are ripping people off, just buy shares in it & you can participate in the rip-offs.