How Evil Are The Banks?

About a month ago a friend told me one of his bank accounts had just disappeared from online. He it didn't do much with it so no big deal but wondered why.

Lo and behold, yesterday three have disappeared off my account, just guessing here, but the banks' business is now "clipping the ticket", taking a % of mainly credit card transactions, so if your account runs low balances and pay/receives mainly B2B transfers, you are in their sights. No fees, no interest and no Credit Card "Clip".

When I logged on yesterday to pay a Visa account, I tried using Bpay, but they informed me they could delay payment for 48 hours in the interests of my safety and security? On a bank to bank transaction (please don't correct me on this).

This account has a credit card attached to it, and they don't see any revenue/profit in Accounts that don't.
If you have a biggish balance, that they can conduct their historical business on, that is earning interest on deposits, you should be OK

Until the politicians stand for the voters and not the donors, we are in trouble.
There is no doubt the banks are colluding but where is ACCC?


  • +10

    Banks are (mostly) publicly owned and listed companies. If you believe they are ripping people off, just buy shares in it & you can participate in the rip-offs.

    • +1

      Yep, if you can’t beat them, join them.

      • +9

        Can't - OP has a low balance

    • Well given nearly all super funds have bank shares, you already participate in the rip-offs.

  • +12

    username checks out

  • +3

    Banks are as safe as houses - you know, the great Australian (ponzi) dream/scheme. SIC Yes, banks close dormant accounts (if not used for a long period of time and small amounts are forwarded to the government which you can claim back). But it's easier if you close your accounts if you no longer use them - easier than ranting on OZB.

  • +21

    I asked copilot to convert this post into something readable and include a tl;dr.

    This was the reply…

    I am here to help but I have no idea what the writer is banging on about.

    • +2

      I got the finger in the ears emoji and lalalalalalala text

      • +1

        I infer that the central theme of the post pertains to the closure of accounts regarded as non-performing or unprofitable for the bank to retain.

        In reality, this should not present any substantial burden to the banks, given that the cost of keeping an account active is minimal, particularly as nearly every bank now encourages the use of online statements. NAB, in particular, persistently pushes to impose online statements, even when one has expressly opted out in the past. (Try opt in for paper statements via the online portal, and you will find, a few months later, a letter in your mailbox informing you that your next statement will, in fact, be paperless…)

        Cue Protractor's remarks, insinuating that I am merely a product of artificial intelligence. It seems he is unable to distinguish between someone raised in a cultured environment and a mere machine.

        The following paragraph is primarily directed towards @Protractor.

        I have extensive experience working with disadvantaged communities, particularly through my involvement with the Rotary Club. You may find this following statement offensive, but it is a fact that many in the community lack an extensive vocabulary or the ability to spell proficiently. This, however, is quite common among the typical working class Australian. They nonetheless deserve to be represented and have their voices heard, notwithstanding the criticisms from others who have issues comprehending the original post.

        In comparison to my social circles, it appears that people online have become increasingly insensitive in recent times. The media often portrays the elites as evil and out of touch, yet the reality is quite different; it is, in fact, the average Australian who tends to be disconnected from those just beneath them on the social ladder.

        Think for a moment: What is your perspective on that?

        I know Protractor's posts are quite touchy. I recognise that I am treading a fine line, as on platforms like Whirlpool, such remarks might be construed as a personal attack and deserving of a ban, but I believe it is crucial for the average Australian to reflect upon their own actions and recognise how fortunate they are to possess the ability to read and write proficiently. Hopefully Protractor can tone down the rhetoric in their posts.

        I gave careful consideration to which post I should respond to and concluded that it would be more appropriate to address Protractor directly, with the hope that the others might also take note of it.

        • +1

          I know you are real because AI would be smart enough to quote the acronym correctly.

        • -1

          Thanks for the patronising third floor comeuppance your honour.;)

          Perhaps you could equally adjust your rhetoric to educate the authors of the relentless tidal wave of questions asked ( which can be resolved quite easily) by advicing advising said authors of the remote possibly of direct contact with the source of their issue.
          Do your seriously think the fact you do good work with Rotary in battler communities has any relevance to anything the OP said, I said or the issue raised?

          The community world has lost the ability to resolve issues the natural way , or talk to neighbours,banks,fellow drivers,everyone they need to (except for strangers on the net) because strangers on the net, keep enabling that behaviour.
          Phone/visit,message the bank?. Check the spam folder?. It's not that hard.

          EDIT Also Floury, I love that you registered using a new alt username to troll me using AI.

          • @Protractor:

            good work with Rotary

            Reminds me of a great gag….

            Son: mum, how do lions make love?
            Mum: I'm not sure, your father's a rotarian.

            • @MS Paint: LOL
              Accurate on a few levels
              It helps me to picture Foggy (note his initials FFS, FFS!) having a voice like Stephen Fry
              wink wink

    • Copilot basically said - 'what an inane post.'

  • +6

    Did you or your friend contact your bank(s) to ask directly what has happened to your 'missing' accounts? Seems to me you're piling conjecture onto speculation.

    • +2

      The answer is…..Just guessing here

    • +1

      Of course not. Otherwise we wouldn't have a post.

  • Username acquires epitome of status.

  • +2

    Banks are running a business - not a charity

    • +1

      Apparently you can use a username like clickbait, drop a random rage about evil banks, without even bothering to find out WTF is going on (contact the source) and expect a ringing community endorsement? Would not be surprised if OP has had dozens of notifications from the bank, and they have either been ignored (and or deleted) or in their spam folder.
      This thread (much like every days chaff is almost cut and paste on non news from the MSM rags, where every second word is 'fury', outrage or some other over the top hyperbole.

      • +3

        Probably doesn't read their emails like the other dude who's now $6k poorer.

    • I know plenty of charities that are run for pr and owner self interest

  • -4

    On a par with the victorian labor party inc evil dan

  • Selectively presenting anecdotes as facts are the epitome of confirmation bias and misguided thinking.

    • Barnaby's stock & trade.

  • You're going to be hearing a lot more of this; for your "safety & security".

  • Evil? The bank gives me a relationship manager for free so I get a convenient point of contact, processes home loan applications within 24 hours, lends me hundreds of thousands of dollars at a rate no one else can come close to matching, and doesn't charge a fee for a basic transaction account. OP must be living in (profanity) la la land.

  • -1

    These are not run by the Government; they are for profit companies. They probably have little interest in small deposits because they don’t make much money off them. You want banks run for the benefit of the people get the Commonwealth Bank back in Government hands. Just watch people scream “socialists”.

    Frankly I want the delays between banks reinstated for security reasons. Right now money can be transferred too easily and people don’t get time to stop transactions that are dodgy. My bank sends me a message when money is transferred out of my account. If it is dodgy I would like time to contact them and get it shut down. I also think a lot less people would be scammed if they time to go “wait a minute” after the scammer phone call has ended and they could stop an overnight transfer to another account.

    I would be surprised if they are trimming dormant accounts without sending a letter in the post. Just wondering if contact details are up to date for the accounts that are closed down? Contact the banking Ombudsman if you think accounts have been shutdown unfairly.

    The Banks have a number of things that annoy me but it is their house, their rules.

    • I think we have brought this instant shit onto ourselves by demanding instant gratification in everything,inc banking.

      For me It would be good if consumers could set an automatic bank notification if money above a certain level is seen to be active in your account . (To be honest it should be a regulated requirement) Customers could set the amount , say $5K and have that notification sent. The funds don't get to move without account owner providing a pre-set code,password ,secret answer etc.
      Or you could freeze transaction at the point of notification (if dodgy)
      Of course this all supposes somebody has not stolen your ID and relevant details, but if you and bank HQ are the only ones with a copy of the secret answer, maybe it could work somehow??

      Banks seem to have endless funds and rather than lose a bit of time for more security, they'd rather payback lost funds. In reality though, it's more than lost funds to the customer. There's flow on side effects from anguish through to needing to redo accounts etc post theft.

  • IMO having a solid as a rock banking industry is a good thing. Downside is they make massive profits from it as a result.

    There is no doubt the banks are colluding

    They're not, there is no need to. They really compete very heavily to win over a mostly uncaring public who don't really know the difference between one bank and the next.

    Not happy with your bank? Switch to another one, it's dead easy.

  • The banks have been very generous to me over the years. ING and Macquarie used to give 50c just for getting cashout. I've also gotten thousands in value for signing up for credit cards, not to mention an easy few thousand just for refinancing a mortgage. Hardly evil at all.

    • The sign of a distinguished gentleman who clearly checks his emails.

      • And ozbargain account.

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