US$50 Refund or US$100 off Pixel Phone (from Google Store) for Owners of Eligible Google Pixel 4a Devices @ Google


Pixel 4a Battery Performance Program

January 6, 2025

Summary of program
Google has determined that certain Pixel 4a phones require a software update to improve the stability of their battery’s performance. An automatic update to Android 13 will roll out to all Pixel 4a devices starting January 8, 2025. For some devices (“Impacted Devices”), the software update reduces available battery capacity and impacts charging performance. We want our customers to have the best possible experience with their products, so users of these Impacted Devices are eligible for an appeasement from Google. Not all Pixel 4a devices are impacted by the reduction in battery capacity and charging performance, therefore if your device is not impacted the battery will perform the same as before, and you will not be eligible for an appeasement. You can find out if your device is eligible here.

Free battery replacement and other options for individual end-user owners of Impacted Devices
If your Pixel 4a is an Impacted Device, you may be eligible for a free battery replacement. You can visit our registration page to find a battery replacement option near you.

Battery replacement is available at walk-in repair centers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, and India. Mail-in repair is also available for customers in the United States. Battery replacement is only available in eligible locations and while battery supplies last. For more details about eligibility, review criteria here.

If battery replacement is not convenient or you would like to explore other options, you can also visit our registration page to claim one of the other appeasement options:

  • $50 USD (or local equivalent) payment.
  • $100 USD (or local equivalent) Google hardware discount code applicable towards the purchase of another Pixel phone on the Google Store (as available).

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  • +2

    Got this email the other day. Got the 50usd offer. Not bad for a phone I just use to upload unlimited storage saver pics to Google photos.

    • Nice, I haven't tried putting mine through the form yet.

      Is there no option at all for a battery replacement or store credit?

      • +2

        Not that I was offered. I'd say it's country specific.

    • How do they send the 50usd to you? Through your CC or do you need a bank account that can accept USD?

      • Australian bank account via Payoneer. Sent as A$81.

    • I had thought storage saver pics do count towards your 15GB quota now? interested in the $50USD if quota counts now. it's just sitting there doing nothing right now.

      • +4

        They're still free for anyone who still has a Pixel 3a-5

        Photos and videos backed up in Storage saver from Pixel 3a-5 are unlimited and at no charge. Photos and videos backed up in Original quality count toward your Google Account storage.

        • +1

          Thanks for this, I've been using my Pixel 2 for this thinking it wouldn't work on the 4A. Maybe the 2 can now retire to the cupboard

  • Was hoping it would work on my 4a 5G, but no luck.

    • Why not ?

      • It's a different phone, 4a 5G has Android 14 and it was released 6 months later, when the Pixel 5 came out.

  • +1

    Have an old 4A with terrible battery life - no luck on this one! Thanks for sharing though.

  • love my 4a but the battery life is getting poorer already. So this isn't great news.

    Thanks though OP. But shame Australia isn't one of the countries for battery replacement. I'll take the dosh at least I guess.

    …or not. Mine isn't eligible. bad news upon bad news. Yay. :'(

    EDIT: From reading further, it seems if it's not eligible…then it's not impacted? So I guess the upcoming update won't make my battery life worse. So, yay. I think. Not sure why it would only impact some Pixel 4a and not others though.

    • There has been some speculation on reddit/forums that there was a batch of batteries with quality issues.

      • Glad I dodged that then, lol.

        Just regular degrading battery for me.

  • I just went through support yesterday because my father-in-law's phone battery swelled up. They offered $50USD for the Pixel 4a 5G

  • No love for the Pixel 2XL users :-(

  • Did others get response immediately?
    I got your case I'd has been assigned to an agent to contact you in the next 3 weeks …

    • I did it for a family member and got the same. The phone seems to be affected though as there is now an exclamation mark permanently on the battery icon following the software update, as well as a note recommending that the battery should be replaced under Battery settings.

      To be honest, while the battery life was pretty average, the update seems to have made it even worse! 😞

  • I had my pixel 4 battery inflate and push the back glass of the phone off, and it also damaged the screen. It was the second time I had an issue with this phone, I originally purchased it, 12 months later it died and I got a replacement, and I already had another phone so I didn't use the replacement for about 18 months. How is google's form covering these sorts of things?

  • -2

    So not a bargain then, can we move to forums?

  • I wonder if google will ever refund those with the Pixel 3 EDL bricked phones

    • Or a pixel 2 or OG pixel.

    • I have 2 (LG) Google Nexus 3 phones bricked… Oh, just looked it up pixel 3 also bricked.

  • +1

    It's saying my device already got the appeasement. No email though. Weird.

  • $81 for a phone I barely use anymore, good stuff.

  • Just as a PSA, if anyone is still using the 4a and has not yet installed the firmware update, might I suggest you consider disabling automatic updates to prevent the update from being installed. Personally, the update has significantly reduced battery life on my wife's phone, where it's now losing 40-50% charge after 2 hours and also no longer fast charges, essentially crippling the phone

    It's quite frustrating as while the battery wasn't the greatest, it was still holding enough of a charge before the update for the phone to still be usable.

    There's a bit of discussion on Reddit around this if anyone wants to read:

    • prevent the update from being installed.

      That's not a good idea, as the reason for the update is to prevent overheating and a potential fire.

  • For anyone who has done this & gone the $81 via payoneer route just wondering how long it takes from providing them your bank details till they send the funds?

    • 10-18 days once approved by Payoneer.

  • Why is Google providing this update in the first place? Pixel 4a went end of support over a year ago I believe. It seems odd to push an update out for a device past the end of contracted life, knowing it will cause problems that they need to provide compensation for.

    • +2

      My understanding is that there's a hardware issue with those batteries so instead of then starting to explode, they encourage users to either change phones or batteries and in the backend disable full charge hence the poor battery life post update

  • -1

    I have 1 of the affected phones. It's wrecked my battery performance I can't go without a recharge for more than a few hours and need to plug charger in multiple times to start charging. I applied for the new battery and it told me I've already received appeasement which is total bollocks. It's clearly a scam because the 4a is lasting too long and they want users to upgrade 😡

  • -2

    I'm trying to buy a new international version 4a please help

  • +1

    FYI the ACCC have issued a product recall as of 7 March 2025, however the recall steps are no different to what Google have already issued.…

    The recall page does have a note saying:

    Consumers may exercise their rights to a remedy in accordance with the consumer guarantees, which may entitle them to a refund or replacement.

    I'm wondering whether this going to a formal recall might make it easier to argue for further remedy/compensation in cases where the actual firmware fix has made the phone practically unuseable

    • The hazards to consumers

      An overheating battery could pose a risk of fire and/or burns to a user.

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