• expired

Starlink Mini (Bonus $300 Service Credit after Activation) $597 + Delivery ($0 to Metro/ C&C/ OnePass/ in-Store) @ Officeworks


The big stores refusing to price match the original deal, but Starlink is now officially offering $300 Service Credit. Full T&Cs here

Same price at Bunnings (out of stock everywhere) and $2 dearer at JB

Requires $80/Month 50GB Roam plan which can be paused, or $195/Month Unlimited Roam

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Good for WFS

    • +1


    • may i know what is WFS?
      Working From School?
      Web Feature Service, as per google?

      • work from skids lol

      • +3

        Work from somewhere

      • Work from sea

  • +2

    Would this be good on a farm? Very hard for a friend of mine to get reception from any telco and no NBN to the property.

    • +19

      Get the Standard if fixed site. And yes it would!

      • +5

        yes, I got the standard one 3 months ago, put it on the balcony, the speed is usually above 300 Mbit

    • +2

      Starlink is a great option for on the farm. However if its fixed, the starlink 3 not the mini might be a better option as the monthly plan for unlimited is lower then this one.

      • +1

        Awesome, thanks everyone, I will let her know.

        • +1

          Its a total game changer. Highly recommend.

    • +3

      Like other comments, very very good for a Farm where there is no NBN or crappy NBN (FW/Sat). I've done a number of installs for Farms and they absolutely love it. Do Point to Point Links and Outdoor WiFi for Machinary sheds and all, have WiFi Coverage in most areas.

      Standard Kit for a fixed location which is discounted also at the moment. If you use a referral code via the deal then your friend could also get 1 month free when ordering.

      • Thanks for sharing. Could you please recommend the point to pont link gears? Thank you.

        • +1

          TP-Link EAP215 is what I usually use. Then use a TP Link Access Point (heaps available) for WiFi inside/around the building.

          • +1

            @geekcohen: Thank you so much for the insightful guidance.

    • +6

      I was watching a YouTube video yesterday of a guy running a huge cattle station in the middle of WA about 200km from basically anywhere, and they are using Starlinks for "everything"… in the vehicles and both aircraft and even for remote assets camera & telemetry monitoring. A very interesting and transformative technology for these applications.

    • A modern farm should be relying on internet so it’s a pretty small cost/risk to give starlink a go.

  • +1

    Oh one more thing as I know she will ask, what’s the service credit?

    • +1

      On top of the hardware cost, there's a monthly service cost. This is a $300 towards that cost. There are different tiers, but as you're looking at a fixed location it'll be the Residential Plan. That's currently $139 per month so you'll get two and a bit months worth of credit.

  • Thanks OP, so if I picked this up at Bunnings while a price match was possible and it was after 4th December, I can get $300 credit with a new service?

    • +1

      I envy you 😜

      • Is that a yes?

        • +1

          Previous comments, Starlink never asked for the invoice

          • @djprima: and it worked for a Mini? They probably didn't need an invoice because they probably track the IDs to which retailer it was sold through.

  • +1

    Im not sure I understand this deal.. Is the $300 off the hardware or a service credit to be used against monthly plan charges? This is my billing from stalink and I do not see any credits?

    Payment History
    5 Jan 2025 $80.00 Complete
    23 Dec 2024 $333.00 Complete

    • +1

      It's service credit. I had to contact them via support to get the credit applied.

      • +1

        Did it work on a Mini on the roaming plan?

        • +1

          yes it did :)

          $300 Service Credit - One-Time "Regional Savings"

          COMMENT FROM Starlink

          We received your eligibility request regarding an active promotion.

          Congratulations, your account is eligible for the hardware discount in your region. A service credit has been issued to your account and will be applied to your next billing cycle. For more information on how service credits work, see support topic here https://support.starlink.com/?topic=63280071-bee3-31b6-28ab-….

          Thank you for being a loyal Starlink customer!

        • Yeap, that's what I'm using it for.

    • +1

      I'm in bypass mode and 20-22W is typical.

    • +3

      and that is an issue how?? My Gen 2 on average was 36w for the last 15 mins.

        • +1

          That powers the Starlink dish as well, it has POE in it. So it is a Router with POE built in.

        • +24

          36W for a 300+ meg satellite link. That is incredible. You people.

        • +2

          So less than the fan that is blowing in my face. Outrageous.

        • +3

          Are you really that silly or just trolling?
          You realize it is not "just a modem" but also a satellite dish to not only receive but to transmit data few hundred kilometers up?

    • -3

      Why do you muppets downvote everything except shit deals?

      • +1

        It is a conundrum, but if you work with people, you know there's always one.

    • We package them up for mobile internet connectivity. You can power them off a decent sized LiIon battery pack for easily more than a working day (12 hours). They're game changers for remote comms. Even more so now the Mini is available.

    • +2

      Considering it’s communicating with a satellite in space is it really a lot of power?

  • +5

    Why would anyone buy this instead of directly from Starlink? Stock issues?

    • +2

      If you are not in a rush, I always suggest people get it from Starlink. Easy when you set it up. When you buy it from store, it can be a pain to activate through Kit IDs and all. Buy it online and don't have to worry about that, just have to pay for delivery.

      There was stock issues. Orders in DEC took until last week for them to be dispatched. I ordered a Residential Kit on the 9th of December, only got it on Monday.

      • +1

        Bought one from OfficeWorks this morning, had it activated about 15 minutes later. If you can read the code off the dish then it's simple.

  • +2

    Pffffft … No availability in SEQ https://www.starlink.com/au/map

    • +1

      Did you fart?

    • +2

      Only for Fixed Residential, I would assume Roaming is not impacted by this.

      • +1

        It's not.

    • My wifes Uncle and Aunt bought one from a store and then went to set it up and were told it was sold out. They were pissed and no one seems to care at starlink or the store they bought it from.

      • +1

        The store probably wouldn't even know and/or care. I doubt anyone would've thought, "maybe lets check your service address first".

        Did they try the "Roaming" plan? I know more per month, but might've got them around the issue.

        • +1

          They can do the roaming plan or go through Telstra but they are both limited or really expensive vs the standard plan.

          • +2

            @jacobb: NEVER go through Telstra. Telstra is 50/10 Starlink Speed.

            Roaming might not be ideal, but it would get them going and then when capacity opens up in the area again, convert to Residential.

            • +1

              @geekcohen: Agreed but unfortunately they need more than 50gb a month and can't really afford the unlimited roaming plan

              • +1

                @jacobb: Business Fixed Site might be an option for them. $176 per month instead of $139 but there's usually no issue with servicing a "no availability" area (from experience in WA, so it may differ in SEQ).

                • +1

                  @banana365: Thanks will have a look into it for them

  • +1

    My thought and understanding is the Regional Savings was only applicable to Fixed Location and Standard Kits. I don't see how Roaming is "Regional" when you could be using it in the City! Also, the T&Cs mention changing their service address. You don't set a service address for Roaming, you set a Home address for roaming.

    Customers who change their service address to an area that is not a designated regional savings area will be billed the amount of the regional savings.

    This is my Residential Starlink and it says "Service Address".
    This is my Roaming Starlink and it says "Home Address".

    There for, I believe this only applies to Standard Kits and not Minis.But, someone do give it a try and prove me wrong.

    Something to also note, I think you need to submit a ticket to get the credit. I do not believe it is automatic. But again, someone prove me wrong.

    • +3

      I have logged a ticket against starlink mini on roaming 50Gb plan… Ill keep OZB posted.

      • +2

        $300 Service Credit - One-Time "Regional Savings"

        COMMENT FROM Starlink

        We received your eligibility request regarding an active promotion.

        Congratulations, your account is eligible for the hardware discount in your region. A service credit has been issued to your account and will be applied to your next billing cycle. For more information on how service credits work, see support topic here https://support.starlink.com/?topic=63280071-bee3-31b6-28ab-….

        Thank you for being a loyal Starlink customer!

        • Well there we go, it does work. Either that or there AI/Auto System isn't checking some thing.

        • @gigs, are you in a regional area or in regions like Perth, Melbourne, and Sydney? From what I see, the regional savings map doesn't show the main cities

    • +1

      Starlink mini is currently $299 from starlink.

      That is $300 off the RRP, which means the service credit is already applied

      • Yes I know. I got mine directly from Starlink.

      • If you pay in full, you can ask for the credit, otherwise you are not eligible for the credit, is it?

    • -1

      According to Starlink's T&C, for the purpose of this deal, the whole Australia is "Regional", that include all major cities.

      • +1

        Wrong. Look at the map image closer. Excludes Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane (I think), Perth.

        • +1

          Mini savings are not regional savings from their website.

          • +2

            @fairdinkummate: That's correct. The Mini is designed for portability rather than permanent installation, unlike the Standard Kit, which may be restricted in certain locations due to capacity limitations.

            One alternative is to use Roaming, but some people prefer not to pay $195 compared to $139.

            The Mini isn't really designed for Permanent Installation.

  • can we use this one on the cruise ship?

  • -8

    Would rather not give any money to the world's biggest a*hole

    • +7

      Yes, people might not be Fans of Elon. But what he has been able to do with SpaceX and Starlink is amazing. Starlink is a game changer worldwide and the ability to get more stuff in Space quicker and cheaper is a big plus.

      Starlink was not profitable for a number of months and only last year was it breaking even and starting to become profitable.

    • -6

      If I hate anything more than Elon, it is the ideologues like this gentleman/woman/it they them/blah blah blah. Infact I do not hate Elon at all.

    • +1

      Yep, I know he has his hand in all the pots, so we're always indirectly giving him money, but I'd never directly give him a cent.
      So, no Tesla, no Starlink and DEFINITELY no Xwitter blue tick!

      • +3

        And that is completely fine!
        You live in a democracy and you have a choice. Funny you came to the deal then, but that is OK too, you can freely say what you think.
        I personally love the product, have 3 Starlinks and can't imagine traveling around Australia without it.

    • -7

      Ok boomer

    • +4

      If Starlink was your only option for internet, you 100% would you poser.

      • Maybe some people have ethical principles even if you think they don't

        • Maybe if it made sense. Are you able to give me 3 specific reasons Elon is such an evil man all of a sudden or is this where you would stop replying?

          • @zubzub: Lies all the time, never apologises. Is a huge hipocrite with no moral principles

            Spends no effort to learn about a topic before chiming in and spreading lies. Thinks he is a genius on ever topic when he clearly does know much about it

            Is a terrible father, has 10+ kids with 5 or more women, says one of his children is dead to him

            Takes credit for other people's work

            Commits stock market and crypot currency manipulation

            Knowingly Lies about his products (e.g. telsa full self driving is 6 months away for the last 10 years).

            That's probably just a few main ones

            • +1

              @qvinto: His attempts at influence in the UK and Europe in recent weeks put most of those issues in the shade. The crap he's been attempting has the real possibility of having a massive negative effect on the lives of millions, not just those in his family or who interact with his products.

            • -2

              @qvinto: Basically everything you said is an opinion. He’s not lying when he misses the marks on previous estimations of say self driving, he was just wrong and most of those estimations are just him guessing. He has stated many times how much more difficult regulations and manufacturing of cars is than he thought it would be. If he manipulated stock or cryptocurrency he would be in jail, he loves to troll and people are responsible for their own financial investments.

              You’re either misinformed or disingenuous about his kid that is ‘dead’ to him. He wasn’t disowning his kid, simply stating the child he fathered is no longer there.

              As for taking credit for other people’s work, I have never heard him do that, can you give some examples?

              • -1

                @zubzub: You are either one of his cultish fans or completely oblivious to reality if you think any of this is an option. . Maybe spend a bit of time to read up about him. You could start with just the lies and bullshit he has been spreading the last few days about the UK.

                • -1

                  @qvinto: I did. I’m not sure how I feel about his delivery, but they were absolutely not lies. Look up the sexual crime statistics the Uk finally released after hiding for so many years. Maybe you need to do some research. And yes I am a fan of Elon, why wouldn’t I be a fan of a guy who has achieved and continues to achieve so much. I can see past his weirdness because he’s obviously on the spectrum. I am genuinely curious as to some examples of him taking credit for others work, do you have any or are you withdrawing on that one?

                  • +1

                    @zubzub: He called the woman who championed inquires into the gangs a witch, he also said Keir Starmer was comlicit even though he was one of the prosecutors involved in investigating the issue. They have had several inquiries into the matter and the previous government did nothing to act on the recommendations from the inquiries even though they were the ones in power for over decade. Now they are trying to deflect by blaming labour for not wanting another inquiry. Read some f***ing reliable news man and not just bullshit brain farts from clueless Elon and his sycophants. Maybe also ask yourself why are you so keen to defend the richest man on earth?

                    • @qvinto: Why did she reject a public enquiry? Why were the statistics of sexual assault by minorities hidden until recently which also happened to prove what everyone suspected being the majority of sexual crimes in the UK are being committed by immigrants - facts by the way, not my opinion. Why is it you mention Elon being rich? His wealth is what makes you hate him. Is the truth coming out. I’ll just assume you withdrew your baseless accusations of him taking credit for anything. Kind of funny because I’m sure you read that in some Elon hit piece while you try to tell me I should be reading reliable news. I can understand why maybe people like Elon, you can’t like everyone on this planet. But at least have some valid reasons and not because his wealthy or because you think he hurt someone’s feelings. I could almost guess you’re against free speech too.

                      • @zubzub: Believe whatever bullshit you want man, I'm not joining your cult.

                        • -1

                          @qvinto: Great way to lose an argument and admit defeat - sling insults. I was ok with us disagreeing, I always learn something from a friendly argument. If calling me a cultist is all you got then I guess we’ve both wasted our time.

                          • +1

                            @zubzub: This is not an argument. This is you asking me to spend substational time explaining to you in detail a range of information which you are wilfully oblivious too, and which will not penetrate anyway, while you make some "anti-woke" talking point assumptions about me (hates free speech and rich people). Why would I waste anymore time on this? You seem to uncritically like the man and will excuse and rationalise any of his behaviour

                            • -1

                              @qvinto: Maybe if you countered some of my points I would take you a bit more seriously. You mentioned his wealth, not me. I said I assumed you hated free speech and you certainly didn't deny it. I asked you why Jess Phillips rejected an independant public inquiry into the abuse instead of running her local one. She was at the very least incompetent and it led to tremendous damage, but you seem to somehow take those facts(and they are facts) as some sort of excuse to claim I am an Elon cultist, instead of providing a counter arguement. You couldn't even give examples of your other false claims like Elon claiming other peoples work and then have the nerve to tell me to read some reliable news. If it wasn't sad it would be funny. I am oblivious to nothing. I have countered your false claims, you just don't have an answer. Have a great night, champ.

                      • +1


                        Why did she reject a public enquiry?

                        Because the results of a public enquiry on this very subject were published just a few years ago and a new one so soon after is not going to come up with any significant new findings. Why do you ask questions that you think point out someone's bad actions when the mundane and accurate answer is trivially easy to find? Is it because it doesn't suit your hero worshipping agenda?

                        • -4

                          @banana365: The inquiry was horseshit, hence why Musk is calling for another proper one. Authorities were scared to ask because they felt they would be labeled racist instead of worrying about the horrific abuse going on. Yeah my agenda is to stop kids being abused and scum being held accountable. I’m sorry you don’t feel the same because Elon hurt your feelings. ‘Cultist’, ‘hero worshipper’ because I am against the failures of a government over horrific crimes. You need to take a look at yourself. Your username checks out.

                          • +2

                            @zubzub: So this is the person you think is hiding something and is scared of another enquiry? (apologies for the Facebook link, it's all that came up) https://www.facebook.com/reel/939762144453680?mibextid=rS40a…

                            Look wider than your bias confirming sources and look for how people really act.

                            Edit: Musk hasn't "hurt my feelings". Grow up and stop hurling childish insults.

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