With the recent weather, been finding myself in need of a decent air circulator that I can take around the house and not have to worry about plugging it in.
Been using this small Xiaomi one which although small, works surprisingly well but now I need something bigger.
Done some research, was tempted by the Shark FlexBreeze but didn't end up going with it cause its a bit of an eyesore, and an expensive one at that.
Anyways, I've been trying to track down one of those Xiaomi Pedestal fans that seem to be really popular like 3-4 years ago but doesn't seem to be available anywhere anymore.
Anyone privy to why no one seem to be selling them anymore? Seems like it was a pretty popular product.
Xiaomi never made those standing fans, they partnered with the fan manufacturer (co-branding) to market them but these partnerships are usually short-term and temporary. Those fans might still be around on the market but they are no longer marketed as Xiaomi.
viomi for e.g looks to have completely stopped making fans and air purifiers, they are now making vacuum cleaners.