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[NSW] Biscuits, Chocolates $1 @ Harris Farm Market, Randwick


Everything in the photo $1
Just started today
Come if you're around the area

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Harris Farm Markets
Harris Farm Markets

closed Comments

  • +3

    First time i've ever seen a decent clearance at Harris Farm. Usually they never do more than 50% off and everything is so overpriced to begin with. Their dumpsters are always chock full of perfectly good food and people are always raiding them.

    • -1

      I used to live next to a big supermarket loading dock, they had some industrial sized bins there too.
      Quite often I would see literal millionaires in their Beamers and Audis come rummage through the recently dumped stuff.

      • +1

        It's not for themselves, they were probably making gift hampers with the items to give to family & friends.

        • +5

          Na, it was mostly stuff like bread, muffins, donuts etc
          But yeah I don’t mind them taking away stuff that’s gonna go in the landfill anyways, if anything there should be laws against food wastage imo.
          I have worked at servos, convenience stores, supermarkets etc when I was younger and the amount of food that gets dumped everyday, it was literally depressing.”

          • +1

            @Gervais fanboy: Yep no excuse for it. My local Woolworths now does 90% off everyday at a set time to avoid food waste. I get some great scores.

            • +1

              @nubzy: That’s crazy, weirdly my local store never goes that big with its markdowns.

              Also, markdown policies vary so much within products, for example for some reason most bread companies don’t allow retailers to mark down their products but are instead happy to pay retailers refund
              credits for every unit that gets dumped.
              I am sure doing this makes some kind of business sense for them but this is one of the rare cases where I would actually invite otherwise inept government to intervene and make pass some practical law.

            • @nubzy: What time out of curiosity? And all woolworths?

      • How do you know the people driving bmws and audis are millionaires?

        • +1

          I checked their bank statements,

  • -6

    As in 'Everything for $1'… bit misleading, anyone going to argue and see if they can score it all for $1? Then resell for $1/each

    • +2

      I wrote everything in this section 1 dollar but the title for edited. There are many more than biscuit and chocolates. The are 50-100 different things

      • +1

        I think he is referring to the advertising in-store and not what you posted here.

      • Sorry, I did mean the photo itself, the store stated 'Everything $1'. Thanks for the post - great deal even if it's $1 each item!

        The lady on the left has some cool-looking gingerbread biscuits…

      • -1

        Why you took pictures of the people instead of the actual products? that's intrusive.

  • That's some great value!

  • Hey, Got any grapes niece
    Waddle Waddle

    • +1

      I understood the duck reference. Keen to understand the niece reference.

      • Previous comment on another thread. People neg'd the comment because they are biscuit haters.
        Tagged the wrong person.

  • +3

    I like jv's sandals in that photo.

    • Funnily, those only cost a dollar too.

    • Look at the shins of the lady on the left…

  • I'll buy that for a dollar!

    • LOL sounds rude until zoomed in amazing comment

  • +1

    I love biscuits and chocolate 🥹

  • Very nice. Grocery prices in the background are on par or worse than colesworth atm :S

    • +1

      That's true, though most of the fruit and vegetables taste better and also last longer than from the local Colesworth. Some things are a crazy rip off (before Christmas some of the Pannetone were $50+) but like shopping anywhere, you need to know what's a good price.

  • Check the expiry dates before buying them.

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