Kids Biking in The Middle of The Road Incident

Was on my way home about to turn into my driveway when a couple of kids ages 12-15?,were biking dangerously on a busy road and I honked at them as I passed.

As It happened close to my property the kids then followed into my yard to argue with me and insults were exchanged and I ended apologizing and tell them to be safer next time.

They must live locally as they told me they were going home and I've seen them before on the same road being dangerous.

Worried about the likelihood of them coming back and vandalising my property and vehicles since they know where I live. The fact that they were sporting rattail haircuts doesn't inspire any confidence either.


    • +5

      Quite possibly white kids with rat tails or a mullet. The other likely ethnicity you can't mention without getting accused of being racist.

      • There's accusations and there's evidence.
        The way you happily threw in the typical stereotyping (profiling) is like a laser on you.

    • why tf does it matter what ethnicity they were? there are good and bad in every group.

  • +3

    Honking rarely has a positive outcome.

    • im the same, no honking from me unless its an emergancy as a horn should only be used for. i dont honk as i leave a house, i dont honk at lights i just find it makes things worse.

      • Surely I tiny little beep at the lights is okay after waiting 5sec-10sec on the green?

        • i find someone else will already have done it

    • +1

      I only honk my wife

  • If you cant fight outside the vehicle then don't act like you can when you are inside the vehicle.

  • +1

    OP is either digging a bunker, or putting the place up for sale. The kids have enlisted their 36 mates to patrol his street around the clock.He won't be sleeping.

  • In the good old days, you would give them a backhander the second they entered your yard. Then you would ask them where they live, drag them home by their ears and deliver to their parent. Then the parents would take over and give them another slap and tell them to apologise to you.

    • -2

      In the good old days parents parented ,period.
      But then in the good old days the planet wasn't bursting at the seams with humans,wallowing in social media effluent worshipping influencers and outsourcing all responsibility to the village (interweb)
      All in all a well earned end game awaits in the wings.

    • -1

      You can only have that happen in a homogeneous society

  • if it was me, i wouldnt have honked my horn, i find honking anything makes things worse. i just wave and make a fist but no middle finger or yelling out the window and just keep going.

  • +1

    House is going to get firebombed for sure.

    Oh wait, they probably got on tiktok later and have been brainwashed for the night, and you've been forgotten.

  • Who knows, You could have changed fate. Now you wont hear screeching tires and screaming kids.

  • Don't apologise next time geez, you weren't in the wrong.

  • Your first mistake was drawing attention to yourself so close to home which then allowed them to follow you to your house. Hopefully nothing happens, but I'd be sleeping with one eye open for a few days incase they try to damage your house or car.

  • Install security cameras and motion flood lights pointing to your front yard and cars.

  • 'The fact that they were sporting rattail haircuts doesn't inspire any confidence either'

    my prejudice suggests a lack of confidence in their future lives - and that you won't need to add to that $#itstorm

    but I Googled and found it may be cultural -

    'The style found its niche in the gritty underground of the punk subculture in the mid to late 1980s. As the mullet began to oversaturate the mainstream, the rat tail offered a more unusual alternative. It wasn’t just a hairstyle; it was a bold political statement, declaring a decree of defiance and individuality' -…

    may be last year's fashion revival -…

    'someone who has a rats tail or mullet is more likely to be a bogan or member of the lower class economically than someone who doesn't have those things … rat tails have always screamed housing commission bogan.' -…

    'The rat tail says to the world, I’m totally rad and I take no guff from any authority figure. It says, watch out! This BMX bike is gonna run circles around you and do a sweet jump with both wheels well off the air.' -…

    so … were they on BMX bikes ?

  • -1

    You should not have tooted them when you passed them.

    The horn is used to show others your position. So any tooting should be way before you get close to them and if they haven’t seen you. Two little toots. And give them a wave as you pass. And even say ‘Thanks fellas’ if they make any effort to get out of your way,

    As for the rest of your story. No comment.

  • -2

    OK Boomer

  • -1

    Here is Gemini's response and AI is always right:

    This sign indicates the parking restrictions in a specific zone in NSW. Here's the breakdown:
    10P: You can park for a maximum of 10 hours.
    90° ANGLE: Vehicles must be parked at a 90-degree angle to the curb (i.e., perpendicular parking).
    8AM - 6PM MON - FRI: The 10-hour time limit and angle restriction apply only from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Friday. Outside these hours, different rules may apply, or parking might be unrestricted.

  • It's school holidays. Next time they're bored they will probably return to your property to retaliate in some way.

    Kids are stupid. Even ones without rats tails get up to mischief when they get bored.

    It's sad that we must fear retaliation if we challenge undesirable behaviour but maybe next time, just keep your head down, you do you and let them do them. Let somebody else be the hero. There is no glory for your heroism if you, your family or your property attract undesirable attention.

    On the bright side, at least they're out riding their bikes and not cooped up inside attached to a screen.

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