Do I have to move my car every day? Am I dumb or overthinking this?
Not Sure What The Point of This Parking Sign Is

sign on Dickson Ave, Artarmon, NSW
Why does this sign exist? Other than to make the joke sign less funny…
Yeah, dont get how the first one can be a joke sign, but the second example is the real deal unless I missed the /s.
Do people go to the effort of making a metal sign as a joke which basically says all day parking?
I'd be putting 1P between 4:20am and 6:69PM or something similar
Nah it's a real sign, I checked it on the council's interactive map. And there's a few of them along the strip
Op could you please give link to council interactive map?
That is not correct.
Parking beyond 6pm DOES mean the 10P rule no longer applies.
Parking restrictions are in effect only during the times and days specified.
I would happily argue that in court, because anything 6:00:01pm and over is after 6pm.
If that's the case then the sign is pointless as there's no restriction on parking at all.
There's no law against redundancy in government rules.
@Parentheses: Would making such a rule become against itself once all redundant rules have been removed?
@Dsiee: Nope, cause then it would prevent new redundant rules from being made.
The trick is to make another rule nullifying redundant rules, now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only now both laws are nullified as redundant and you can make redundant rules, only that brings both rules back into place and now they are nullified, only…
The way I read this, you aren't obliged to angle park after 6pm (assuming the bays are unmarked)
Perhaps you park at 90 degrees in the hours mentioned, and parallel to kerb outside those hours?
We need a photo of the tarmac. Or MS Paint will do.
Isn’t this the answer? You have to park at 90 degree angle within the times stated.
It's 90 degrees always. The 10P is dealt with in a separate rule.…
OP, whereabouts is that sign located?
I'm curious to have a look at the street on Google Maps and see what the layout is.
From 8am to 6pm, mon through fri, you can only 90 degree angle park. Other times, you can park at any angle?
Yep, but don't be caught at 89 or 91 degrees, massive fines :/
We need to protest against them officers with protractors!!!!!
Acute angle, straight to jail.
Obtuse angle, believe it or not, straight to jail.
Acute angle obtuse angle, straight to jail
why fine if its fine
Nah, angle parking applies irrespective of whether 10P applies:…It's always 90 degree parking.
I think it is intended to stop people parking trailers/boats there full time. Whether it is effective if you appealed a fine, I’m not sure.
Depending on where it is, it might also be to deter people living there out of a caravan.
But they can park there overnight?
It's not terribly clear, but it may give the police a way to move people on
If that's the case, it's a shitty sign. Something like this would be better imo…
This one seems to be targeted at vans, trailers, boats.
I've got one near my place that has spots limited by length and rear to kerb. There are lots of apartments so it's to prevent vehicles blocking visibility when people are exiting driveways.
I think vans would count as motor vehicles.
Wouldn't a motorised boat be classed as a motor vehicle though? Or does it become non-motorised when it's on a trailer.
But if a trailer is hitched to a car, it is (so I have read) classed as a single entity and therefore considered a motor vehicle.Caravans? Most contain some form of motor for power.
The sign seems straightforward enough at first, but it really is quite ambiguous, isn't it.
Caravans? Most contain some form of motor for power.
No they dont. Most will have a battery and solar panels for power. Some will have a generator, but not that many.
it could also be because they want to increase the amount of parking spaces available during the day, but for some reason don't want to paint spaces onto the road
These are common around train stations in Melbourne, my understanding was just you need to move your car each day
I don't think this is correct, around stations the number of hours allowed is shorter than the period it applies to
Usually they have a big spiel about how you need to be a PT user.
If you park there for two days it would be 20 hours of parking, it's to stop people parking there permanently.
If you park there for two days it would be 20 hours of parking
No it wouldn't.
2 x 10 =20
There's a break in between…
Perhaps you could call the council and ask?
It is perplexing. Australian traffic laws are supposed to be clear and understandable.
It reminds me of a hotel I stayed at once which had a “guests only, offenders prosecuted”.
The hotel desk told me it’s a frightener only, they had no power.You have infinite hours parking if you park 90 degrees.
Australian parking signs have somewhat become an international meme honestly. All those instagram posts, "You need high IQ to read this sign"….
The council wants to implement nested IF conditional statements for parking but couldn't figure a better way than stacking multiple signs on top of each other. The top sign has the highest priority if TRUE.
And the on Street parking signs you have to be able to read the small text and interpret as you are driving towards it in traffic to determine if you can park in the space or not. Usually hidden behind a tree.
The sign likely covers a local regulation that limits the length of time a vehicle can remain without being moved. Usually 24 or 48 hours.
In Victoria it’s 2 months for a vehicle to be classified as abandoned.
Why are you using imgur and not just uploading to OzBargain ?
Why not?
Imgur is owned by MediaLab.
Go on…
let imgur take on the file hosting costs, it is ozBargain after all
It's Australia, there has to be a sign for everything even if they are pointless. Gotta spend those tax dollars somewhere.…
Is it ten minutes
Or ten hours?10 hours. The only real 10 minute parking I can think of is a loading zone and those say '10 min'.
On the sign….
10 minutes is P 10, 10 hours is 10 P
Off topic (kindda), are there cameras/persons watching and counting those kind of signs? like who actually puts a timer on your car when you first park and fines you when its 1 minute overdue? or is it mainly trust based system?
old school way of enforcement was a parking inspector would mark your tyre with chalk, if the chalk was still in the same position next time they come around you get a fine
There's two main ways of doing it now:
- a car goes around reading numberplates
- sensors in the road send a notification to inspectors that you've overstayed
in Los Angeles I parked our rental car and ran inside to ask for charge for the parking meter - in the time it took to get that a parking ticket was issued
I was told the road (or meter) sensor detected my Arrival - and a patrolling car would then race to the spot and issue a parking ticket before I could get change
and this was the scam with the privatised profit-seeking parking management company - not caring about you, just wanting the max money
You can only park at that location between 8.00am and 6pm and at no other times.
For a max time of 10 hours but not past 6pm.
So arrive at 8am you can stay until 6.00pm (10hours) however arrive at sat 11am you must depart by 6pm (7hours).
At many 2hour parking spots you also cant be there after a certain time.
It may not look right the 10 hour part but is following the same rules as 2 hour parking spots.
you must depart by 6pm
That's not what this sign (or any green parking sign) means
For a max time of 10 hours but not past 6pm.
You can park longer than 10 hours and past 6pm
Found answer on reddit
“Thank you for your enquiry. You would not receive an expiation notice under this 10P control. This is an old parking control which does not have any enforcement effect, however it does encourage some drivers to proactively move their car and it is expected that these historical controls will be reviewed and updated in the future. I hope this is of assistance.”
Nice find!
Where I live the council put signs like these to discourage boats and other trailers from taking up the street parking.
Seems like it’s a joke sign. The font is wrong and it is mounted to a random pole. The font and mountings should look more like this example (Side note, that is a real sign on Dickson Ave, Artarmon, NSW.)
8am till 6pm is 10 hours. From 6pm till 8am is 14 hours of free parking. So you could park there as long as you like.