Kids Biking in The Middle of The Road Incident

Was on my way home about to turn into my driveway when a couple of kids ages 12-15?,were biking dangerously on a busy road and I honked at them as I passed.

As It happened close to my property the kids then followed into my yard to argue with me and insults were exchanged and I ended apologizing and tell them to be safer next time.

They must live locally as they told me they were going home and I've seen them before on the same road being dangerous.

Worried about the likelihood of them coming back and vandalising my property and vehicles since they know where I live. The fact that they were sporting rattail haircuts doesn't inspire any confidence either.


  • +57

    I'm guessing they have already forgotten you exist.

    • +1

      Well I'd hope so too. Ended up losing my cool at first and apologising to them to get them to leave. One of them was trying to get me to go on the street to fight them.

      • +166

        Lesson learned. Next time just run them over…

        • +47

          Would likely be a net positive for the community.

          • +13

            @ATTS: Yeah, because I was serious…

            Besides, hard to convict without witnesses. A jury may need more than a prosecution supplied MS paint diagram of the "accident".

          • +11

            @ATTS: No jail, this would be a community service. You shall be rewarded for your service!

          • +3

            @ATTS: A noble sacrifice.

        • Darwinism biatch!

        • If I were on the jury I would acquit such an act

      • +2

        in the US, you can shoot them when they trespass unto your property and vandalising it.

        • others can shoot you for self defense too. whats your point?

          • +3

            @AccessMax: That's why you shoot first and ask question later.

          • @AccessMax: you assume they bring guns when vandalising your home, what if they only bring sticks and stones? OP concern was his home being vandalised, not him being shot.

  • +9

    If you 'apologised' there is unlikely to be any payback.

    Kids are dumb, especially in groups and extra especially if theyve just got a bunch of adrenalin coursing through their veins after being frightened by a car horn. Fight or flight and teens will far too often choose fight.

    Once they get home and get hooked on their video games theyll not think about it ever again.

    • +6

      I’m millennial and I can see this happening to me. You know some millennials are their early 40s? And X’s and Boomers are older than us.

      In all honesty it’s not that long since I was a teenager and I genuinely don’t want to kill a teenager. I often deal with kids on electric trail bikes, scooters etc and am just trying to navigate my way home without hurting them. Sometimes they are doing wheelies in peak traffic or cutting between footpaths, bike lanes and the road erratically. I’ve never had an incident but it’s definitely stressful trying to avoid incidents.

    • +3

      If he was a boomer he would have slapped the shit out of them.

    • +3

      Can we see a pic of your rattail?

    • Show me which part of your crusty rats tail you were touched.

  • Did they also quote your username back at you?
    Just remember if they are feral little Sunnyvale types, that 15 of your years is 18 of theirs.
    I'll bet they wanted to fight you after you apologised.
    BTW what was this dangerous behaviour that required berating them?
    If they do vandalise anything on your property you know who they are. If they persist to wedgy territory ,you may need to 'bikie up'.

    • Wedgy or wedgie?

      Personally, I'm for wedgie, and I have a feeling the dictionary agrees with me1.

      1. Based on search results,
        There is a definition on the Oxford dictionary, but it's behind a paywall. 

      • +2

        Congratulations, you could be right. You seem like an edgie kinda guy.
        Actually, I was avoiding making it sound/look like wedge tailed eagle 'wedgie'.
        I'm also for wedgie. But not on the receiving end.

  • Gunna need a MS Paint diagram for this one

  • +17

    The fact that they were sporting rattail haircuts.
    One of them was trying to get me to go on the street to fight them.

    So… The moral of the story is that you should have hit them with your car, or am I missing something here?

      • +4

        You must be fun at parties!

      • Thats why OP should have run their family over later too, rookie mistake

  • +5

    Biking dangerously in what way?

    • +3

      Flame throwers full bore, while riding backwards & blindfolded while chucking a mono.
      Probs just on their way home from choir practise.

      • +6

        I'm going to assume from the fact multiple posters have asked and OP hasn't answered that it was merely the fact they were on the road. Hopefully they report the road rage to the cops.

        • +4

          I'm going to assume lots of left our facts,a few exaggerations a, failing to be situationally aware, and having a deficit to 'read the room' ability,in 2025.
          All rolled into *"what would a bunch of strangers say I wonder**?

          Who would seriously bother with a heated confrontation right on their doorstep if a couple of kids 'were (just) on the road' on bikes? Its not even clear if they were pushbikes, MCycles,e-bikes,unicycles or penny farthings.He probably just blasted the crap out of them for being there, and they retaliated. Now he has the pleasure of the decision and it's (possibly drawn out) aftermath.

          You make a good point about OP being asked multiple times to elaborate, but it's the way it is here. Somebody drops half a 'once upon a time' and disappears .Rude,innit?

    • +1

      OP had his/her phone in his hand sexting and the ratbag kids were riding on the road which OP believes is only for registered vehicles

  • +29

    By apologising you've portrayed yourself as weak. And like some adults, some kids are bullies who enjoy picking on the weak. If there is any payback, it will be because of that. As soon as they followed you home and started behaving like the bullies they clearly are, you should have stood your ground, and made sure they saw you calling the cops. For most kids its the threat of the cops coming round to the house and getting them into trouble with their parents, and knowing that if there's a complaint about anything more happening the cops know exactly where to go, that would straighten them out.

    It is a serious mistake to argue and insult children, like you might an adult. That's accepting that they are equal to you. They have to understand they are a child, and you are an adult, and if they don't like what an adult has done they should go to their parents and have them raise the matter with that adult.

    I speak from experience.

    In the end it got sorted out once and for all by me getting a bikie I'd done a favour for do me a favour in return, and knock on their front door and read the riot act to them.

    • +2

      How about a post on that favour you did?

      • +4

        You'll have to subscribe to his OF for the details on that.

    • +1

      "Never apologise, it's a sign of weaknness" - John Wayne?

    • +4

      What do you mean? most kids nowadays know they can commit small crime (such as vandalising etc") and get away with just a slap on the wrist. Justice system known to be broken. In fact, if they decided to retaliate, you'll be out of pocket fixing it and they will barely get any consequence. I might be wrong, but that is my understanding that's why Juvenile crime is out of hands in Australia!

      • +1

        Much of the Western world, that plus various critical race theory elements with similar lack of consequences. Police forces are struggling to retain numbers (yet don't seem to have issues still handing out traffic fines).

        There's no easy solution if you're in OPs position. As others have said, you need to project strength, and think outside the box ie with a bikie mate as above

    • You realise they can just stab you and get away with it right. They could destroy OP's car right there.

  • +7


  • +1

    Better now than never but…

    1. You should have had a 4K Starvis 2 dash cam recording them in the act and them following you…
    2. You should have had a bunch of Reolink cameras (especially the optical zoom one) to record their faces in 4K zoomed in…. pulling up to your house and causing a ruckus.
    3. Perhaps print out the screenshots of their actions and faces and stick it at the front fence.
    4. Go to the cops first and report them.
    • +1

      The more I think about it (based on the OP caving in) the more I'm leaning to 'Pass Go, go directly to bikies and end the endless anxiety.

      And I'm assuming these were pushbikes?

  • +16

    Find an old Japanese man from Okinawa and get him to teach you his family’s karate. Guaranteed no more bullies.

    • +12

      Tried that and he asked me to wax his old car :(

      • +1

        Should have hung around… would have been part of a successful film and TV series franchise.

        • There's a TV series?
          You wouldn't know it with the upcoming movie being released this year.

    • -1

      probably okinawan if he's old

    • -1

      they rack disciprine.

  • +6

    Should have told them to f off and if you catch them in your yard again they're dead. Best you can do now is play chicken and swerve at them next time you see them while out driving.

    This may seem a bit extreme but there's no other way with these sort of people. You need to come across as a psychopath, sorry.

  • +2

    What is biking dangerously exactly?

    Did you not notice them following you?

    I would have driven away fast enough so they wouldn't follow me…

    • +6

      I would have pulled over in front of someone else's yard so they'd think I'd live elsewhere… ideally the home of a cop/special forces soldier/someone with a very particular set of skills.

      • -1

        beta move

      • +1

        And then the special forces guy comes out and kicks your ass in front of those kids.

  • +13

    Be careful, they are the bikies everyone on here is always talking about.

    • The ones you’ve really gotta watch out for are the bikey bikey boys

      • I enjoyed that.

  • Several years ago we saw a couple of twat motorbike riders doing “tricks” on th Melbourne/Geelong Road.They had a couple of cars blocking all the traffic. I had great satisfaction with a newspaper article saying they had been caught and charged.

    The kids will do squat. Get a dashboard cam and capture the image. At least You can show it to the cops when it comes to the inquest.

  • +2

    Unpopular fact: this is what happens when you're not allowed to spank kids.

    Yes, i believe they will do something to your home and they'll get away with it because unfortunately consequences don't exist in the modern world. Maybe get a fake gun and sit outside pretending to polish it if they come back. Was silly to blow the horn at them so close to home.

    • +3

      Oh yes because polishing a replica gun in broad daylight in the burbs, is the smart thing to do.New to Straya?

      • Only when the kids are looking duh.

        • +2

          I see you've deeply thought about this.
          Replica gun,LOL

    • -8

      So you think punishing children with violence will teach them that violence is wrong?

      • -1

        It's not an opinion…

        • So my kid wouldn't listen to me so I slapped them a little. Now they do as I say. Also, my wife wouldn't listen to me so I slapped her a little. Now she does as I say.


          Just FYI, Have raised 2 decent, law abiding, and respectful children. Have never, ever used corporal punishment.

  • +13

    Nothing worse than running over teens on bikes, they make a horrible noise and often damage the paint…

    • … and the paperwork. A lot of paperwork.

  • +4

    Train surfing used to weed out a lot of these types from society. They should put opening windows on trains again.

    • +6

      So did proper parenting.This is the direct dividend of paying ppl money to breed.

    • +2

      Button batteries weeded out the ultra curious

  • +3

    sadly sounds like these kids going to be (profanity) when they grow up.
    yes kids can be kids but if they are doing stupid shit, this is an early indication they will be (profanity)/bullies when they grow up

    • You can bully your way to become a president. That's the sad state of the current society. Integrity and honour are not cool anymore. You get more 'like' when you post video of you doing wheelies or bashing other people.😓

      • 😩😔😢

  • -4

    and I honked at them as I passed

    Isn't that VERY illegal?

    Love to read the generalized full condemnation of those "kids" based on OP's interpretation of biking dangerously on a busy road.

    Biking is bad.
    Honking is good.

    • They are teens they have the rights to be young and dangerous.

    • +6

      Exactly, you are only meant to use your horn when leaving a friends house at 2am, certainly not to warn kids they might get hit by a car whilst riding dangerously.

    • +1

      True. From Qld gov website on using your horn:

      “You may only use your vehicle horn to warn other road users of your approach or the position of your vehicle.”

      • -4

        QLD is another planet.So irrelevant.

      • +2

        So not illegal in this case, alerting the bike riders to their presence.

    • +2

      Rats tails and riding in the middle.of the road while cars are coming says it all. That they then tried to fight OP confirms the suspicion.

  • +4

    Without describing in more detail what the "dangerous riding" was, we have no way of judging if you were justified in your actions. Please elaborate.

    • -2

      At that age, maybe they should've been on the footpath.

  • +7

    What is “biking dangerously”?
    Is that simply sharing the road with OP while on a bicycle?

    • +3

      In this scenario isn't it the OP driving the car that's dangerous?

  • Post dash cam footage

  • -1

    Call bikies to get them.
    Plot twist: They're the sons of said bikies.

  • +3

    Bikie origin story.

  • +2

    Bike riders are allowed to ride on roads too - even if they’re kids. You have no right to beep at them for that reason. Just let them ride their bikes in peace.

  • Had something similar happen to me. Two electric bike riders doing wheelies and wobbling towards me, going in the opposite direction. I called out “idiots” so they turned and followed me. (I didn’t head home!) I got on a 70kph road and they were catching me! Got on 100kph highway and they gave up. A law unto themselves and parents don’t seem to give a damn

  • You shouldnt try overtaking aomeone if they are riding unpredictably

  • +7

    Hence in Western society is crap when come to situations like this.

    If u man handle them u get into trouble.

    If u don't they feel they are so tough….. And will never learn.. Until next time they get into trouble then becomes tax payers problem.

    Either in jail or on NDIS.

    • Too much rot in NDIS. Should be adult trial for all crimes.

  • +1

    Could you provide us with some more information of the children, such as their ethnicity?

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