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[Switch] Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour $2.99 @ Nintendo eShop AU


This description was provided by the publisher:

Frag like it’s 1996 – this time with even more asses to kick! Join the world’s greatest action hero in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour as he saves Earth once again, saving babes across the globe. Blast your way through hordes of ugly aliens in four classic Duke Nukem 3D episodes. An all-new fifth episode from the game’s original episode designers includes a new weapon, new music from the game’s original composer, and all-new lines from the original voice of Duke.

Sale ends on 10/01/2025.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Damn… That's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride!

    • +1

      A game that couldn't be made these days, as it would offend too many.

      "Come get some"

      • +13

        It must be tiring going through life getting upset at imagined injustices.

      • It could absolutely be made today. It might just sit in a rating classification that makes it harder to access.

      • +3

        I've been replaying Duke a little more than usual lately as the missus got me an Evercade and the two Duke Nukem packs for it at Christmas.

        You could absolutely make these games today.

        Another fun fact for you is Scott Miller, one of Duke's original creators, and Jon St. John, the very voice of Duke, are both massively left leaning and, if you didn't already know gasp Duke is parody. He's not meant to be taken seriously, Duke 3D is a pastiche of every over the top macho man stupid alpha male type trope there is. It takes a very small amount of media literacy to understand the people behind Duke don't actually share the puported values of the character.

        Having said that, the average amount of media literacy out there today is seemingly substantially lower than a couple decades ago, so maybe, who knows, people would take Duke Nukem seriously and try to have him cancelled. In any case, hail to the king, baby.

    • +3

      It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum… and I'm all outta gum.

    • +3

      Didn’t neg u

      But bad graphics is kind of the draw

      It’s supposed to be like 1996 again… but in UHD

      • +1

        Yeah to be expected but no doubt slightly enhanced. I happily play the NES and Sega roms (with the online sub), nostalgic fun.
        Added bonus you can rewind live as well to save starting over all the time!

        ps, Got Doom3BFG on steam which i've never played. Easier using the switch for casual gaming.

        Edit: Prob won't bother buying online games- only a few physical. Guessing you
        may lose e-shop games if you cancel the online sub?

        • +1

          If you bought them they stay, if they were part of the sub then yeah

        • +1

          I can't see the original comment, but for what it's worth, compared to the original original original original release of Duke 3D, this version is visually a massive stepup. It retains the style of the original, but with brand new lighting, shadows, and actual 3D rendering, it's a much prettier game than the original version. It still looks like 90s ass, but it looks like peak 90s ass, rather than the 2D scrolling buildings to simulate pseudo 3D actual 90s ass it original shipped looking like.

          There's a million mods out there for Duke 3D to make the game look actually nice, but for all the shit the 20th anniversary version gets, for my money, it's actually a pretty faithful remaster. Little things like the commentary tracks they added, and the brand new episode of levels (even if they aren't particularly memorable, they have the original designer and composer behind them which is nifty), not to mention being able to rewind when you die instead of starting the whole level all over again (without weapons, unless you saved), it's a MUCH more modern way to play a classic.

          Fire up the original in DOSBox sometime if you're bored, it's a step above Doom but it's leagues behind even the original Quake in both controls and visuals.

            • +2

              @G-rig: Paid full price day one, and them bought it again on sales for Xbox, Switch, and Steam.

              So yup.

              Only game I ever preferred keyboard and mouse personally was Quake 3. Duke 3D was good with a keyboard but I'm so used to the 360 version at this point, probably logged the most hours there

    • +5

      Bad graphics? No. Great graphics.
      Its Duke3D.

      • It's fine haha

    • +8

      On the contrary, Duke Nukem 3D pioneered truly 3D level designs at a time where many similar games were comparatively flat with far less inspiring map design. I personally definitely completed the whole game on PC when it came out aeons ago :-)

        • +1

          I briefly negged your comment but removed it because I'm not that petty. You can have a wrong opinion, that's fine 😁👍

          • -2


            because I'm not that petty.

            Implies the other folks are petty…hmmm

            You can have a wrong opinion

            Opinions are subjective.
            Just as is yours is in this context.

  • +16

    Duke Nukem 3D was quite a technological achievement when it came out. It was developed with a tiny budget of US$300k.

    There were many firsts:

    • First 3D FPS with rooms above rooms
    • First 3D FPS with destructible environments
    • First 3D FPS with interactive environments (pool tables, light switches, security cameras, etc)
    • First 3D FPS with interactive weapons (trip mines, and pipe bombs)
    • First 3D FPS with reflective mirrors (way before raytracing).

    Unfortunately they lightning didn’t strike twice, and the developer was way too ambitious with the sequel Duke Nukem Forever.

      • I love me a boomer shooter. This 20th anniversary release, and the recent Dark Forces Remaster are great for making the games actually play how they always felt.

        Going back to the original Dark Forces, where you can hold to look up or down slightly, was wild after clocking the remaster a few times. I played it on the Deck, and even with mapping look up and look down to the right stick, it just handles so comparatively clunkily.

        I love Doom, and definitely a bit because of the generous lock on it provides, but Duke added so much to the formula, and then Quake added so much more, it's amazing how much evolution you can see in the (just under) 5 years between Doom 1, to Duke, to Quake, and then GoldenEye in '97.

    • +2

      May or may not also be the first FPS to let you tip a stripper.

      Duke supports women in the workplace.

  • +9

    Ah memories… all night LAN parties playing this one, having to carry a tower PC and a CRT monitor

  • If I recall they decided to remove some of the expansions like Caribbean Life's a Beach. I still have the big box of it.

    • The 20th anniversary edition (this one) has a lot of cool features like the new lighting engine, true 3D visuals, developer commentary, etc. but the previous re-release, the Megaton Edition (for PS3/Vita and PC) still featured the death rewind (the best added feature, fight me), as well as Carribean, Duke it out in DC, and the Duke Xmas addon. Unfortunately when they released this version, they delisted that one. If you can find a code for it for cheap, I'd recommend that. I still have it on PS3 and Vita fortunately, didn't touch anything PC at the time.

      • Yep I have a copy of the Megaton edition. This new one just isn't the same even with all the new features. Specifically the sound is off.

  • +5

    Get for PC, then grab EDuke32, and the High Resolution Pack… enjoy!

  • +2

    Ya face ya ass… whats the difference

  • Hail to the king, baby! 💸

  • Will always upvote the Duke.

    I hope the Duke 1+2 Evercade remaster comes to console/PC soon, been playing it lately and it's a lot nicer than the old school DOS originals. Mind you, the iPhone version of Duke 2 about 10 years ago wasn't half bad either, even digitally added sunglassed to ol' mate.

  • Duke 3D was one of the first games I bought, box was huge with only the CD-ROM in the jewel case inside.

  • First experience of Duke 3D was on a 486 SX/33 - you can imagine the frame rate was not great, had to wait nearly 3 years….. when most had moved on to a P3…… while I was lucky to get a P2 pc. Once I was able to play it, I loved it. I’ve collected many variations that have been released over the years including (you guessed it) the same game on multiple platforms.

    I'd be on this like a flash and say "purchased" but I got the Switch version ages ago. Still fantastic and I'd play a
    new Duke Nukem game today if they could nail the formula.

    • I remember I had a 486DX4-100… a poor man’s Pentium. I remember I could run it at fairly stable 30 FPS, with some drops in some areas..

      Still fantastic and I'd play a
      new Duke Nukem game today if they could nail the formula.

      I think the misogyny and toilet humour are too problematic. The franchise is very likely dead, I’m afraid.

  • +1

    Im duke nukem and im comin to get the rest of you alien bastards!!!

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